The Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Alumni cell jointly organized an Alumni interaction on job seeking in food science for the II&III B.Sc Food Science students on 16.07.2021 in F26 room through around 12.30pm. Miss.S.Abinaya  (Batch2018-21) Production Data Analyst, Ruby Food Products Pvt.Ltd, Madurai spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful person in this field. She said that the line of action should be initiated right from today for those with passion in this field. She also mentioned various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that one can attain in this field. Totally 25 students of both the years were participated in this interaction session. The topics of interaction were:

  1. Higher studies
  2. Placement
  3. Current trends in food processing field

Mini Project

The department of B.Sc., Food Science and Processing Management had conducted  mini project training for the students, to give them hands-on practice, at various food industries. All the students of the III Year completed their training , which is a part of their curriculum during the month of July (01-07-2021 to 08.07.2021) with the duration of 60 hours.

The students have  undergone internship at

  • Aavin – The Karaikudi District Cooperative Milk Producer’s Union Limited
  • Naga Limited Consumer Division Unit-1
  • Thirumurugan Company
  • Perrys Biscuit
  • KMS Confectioneries

The students gained practical experience through participative learning on processing various foods like Milk; Cereals & Pulses incorporated Cookies and Confectionery items in the Food Industries.

Guest lecture on “FSSAI Regulation for Fish and Seafood Processing’’

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted an online Guest lecture on “FSSAI Regulation for Fish and Seafood Processing’’ on 12-04-2021 between 10.00 am and 11.30 am.

The virtual programme which was conducted through the link-, was inaugurated by Mrs.M.Venkatasubbulakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept of FSPM. Ms. M. Velammal, Quality Assurance Executive, Rebel Food, Chennai delivered the lecture about the FSSAI regulation for fish and sea food products. Totally 24 students from our department participated. At the end of the session, students clarified their doubts with the expert. Feedback was collected from the students and the analysis showed that most of them were highly satisfied.

Guest lecture on “History and Theme of World Health Day’’

To commemorate “World Health Day – 7th April”, the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an online  guest lecture on “ History and Theme of World Health Day’’ on 07-04-2021 between 10am and 11 am through the link – The programme was inagurated by Mrs.M.Venkatasubbulakshmi, Assistant Professor, Dept of FSPM. 38 students belongs to our department participated in the program. A special lecture about the healthy food for all the people was given by Dr.A.Gowrimeenal, Assistant Professor, Dept. of FSPM. The main aim of this program was to enlighten the students about the spirit of the World Health Day. At the end of the session feedback was collected from the students and the analysis showed that most of them were highly satisfied with this programme.

HEALTH and NUTRITION CLUB-Eat Right Live Strong

Health & Nutrition club of the department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted an event- Poster making entitled “Eat Right Live Strong” for the Second year club students on 30th March between 3.00 pm to 3.50 pm. The main motto of this activity is to create awareness among the adolescents in the right path to choose and eat healthy foods. The club coordinator gave a brief orientation about the activity. Around 20 students enthusiastically participated in the event.

Awareness Programme on “Nutrition enriched product development and Sensory evaluation”

The students of B.Sc Food Science and Processing Management developed nutrient enriched products as a part of their curriculum. Totally 12 students clubbed into 6 groups and they formulated various food products.  They displayed their developed products on 9.3.2021 to all the teaching faculties of our college and explained the role of their standardized products to improve health. Finally the product which secured highest sensory score is preceded for further estimation process.

The products developed are

  • Pumpkin seeds powder incorporated carrot halwa & Muffins
  • Dates seed powder incorporated Murukku & Nutrient ball
  • Pirandai powder incorporated Rotti
  • Green gram (whole) powder incorporated Rusk
  • Maida free foxtail powder incorporated Pasta
  • Horse gram powder incorporated coffee
  • Horse gram leaves powder incorporated coffee.

Awareness Programme on Eating Disorder

The Health & Nutrition Club in association with NSS organized an awareness programme as part of the National Eating Disorder Awareness Week on 01.03.2021in order to disseminate the problems arising due to eating disorders. The main objective of this programme was to categorize the first year students of our college as per their BMI. The programme was inaugurated by the Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha. The special invitee Mr.R.Antony, Health Inspector, gave a memorable speech about the importance of health and Body Mass Index (BMI). After the inauguration, 300 members (I year students and few faculties of SLCS) BMI were determined. Among these 85 participants were underweight, 127 were normal, 67 were overweight and 21 were obese. After the assessment, suggestions were given depending on their BMI.

National Level Seminar on Dairying in India

Food Science and Process Management students and Faculty Members participated in the National Level Seminar on Dairying in India jointly organized by the Dairy Association of India (IDA) and the Department of Food and Dairy Technology at Mannar College, Madurai on 26/02/2021 and 27/02/2021. The Conference started with registration. On first day Session were started with inauguration function and this session was completed by Mr .S. Malarkannan . And day two session started by Mr.K.S.Kannan Vice Chairman of IDA ,and this session ended by Vote of thanks and National anthem.


Health & Nutrition club of the department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted an activity entitled “CONNEXION”, for the First year club students on 24th February between 3.00 pm to 3.50 pm. Around 25 students participated in the game, which started with a prayer song. Ms.Subavarshini Final Year Student of FSPM welcomed the gathering. The Club Coordinator explained the importance and briefed an overview on Connexion. Ms.Yogalakshmi and Ms.Vigneshwari preceded the game and
the participants segregated into groups for the Prelims round. Then for the next round 6 members were selected. They enthusiastically enjoyed and actively participated. The session came to an end by congratulating and announcing the winners and runners of the game. Ms.Hema proposed Vote of Thanks, feedback from the students was highly satisfied. A word of appreciation given by our Dean Academics Dr. S. Priya made us to feel happy and it boosts us to arrange several other activities in future.

Mini Project – Internship Report

The department of B.Sc Food Science and Processing Management had organized internships for the students, to give them hands-on practice, at various food industries and a hospital. All the students completed their internship, which is a part of their curriculum during the months of October and November. The students had undergone internship at

  • Aavin – The Madurai District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Limited -6
  • Tirupathi Flour and Dhal Mill -2
  • VRD Best Foods -2
  • Madurai Pandian Appalam -1
  • Apollo Hospital -1

The students gained practical experience through participative learning on processing various foods like milk, cereals & pulses in the Food Industry and diet chart preparation, diet counseling, case sheet analysis & kitchen supervising in the hospital.