
Library plays a vital role in enhancing the academic mission and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. Besides holding an excellent print collection of over 21354 volumes of books, 12561 titles and 27 magazines,41 national, 03 international journals and 06 International Magazines, Project reports, it  provides access to over 8 lakhs e-books, 6000 E-Journals ect…

Collection Development

Collection building is one of the important functions of the library that supports academic work of the students, faculty, staff and other users. Library collection comprising of books, journals, project reports and other reading material in science, Computer technology, Animation, Viscom, Marine Catering & Hotel Management, Commerce,  and management and is its greatest asset.

1. Number of Books Available – 21354
2. Number of Titles available – 12561
3. E-Journals 6000
4. E-Books 8 lakhs
5. Database Available – 01 (N – LIST)
6. Indian Journals/ Magazines – 68
7. Foreign Journals / Magazines – 09
8. No. of CDs and DVDs – 1145
9. Back Volumes of journals – 384
10. Question bank – 325


Sharing of Resource

The library maintains membership with UGC Info Net – Digital Library Consortium (N-LIST), which facilitates our staff and students to use ILL services for obtaining copies of articles, e journals etc for their academic purpose.

Facilities in the Library

  • Circulation Services
  • OPAC
  • E-Journals
  • E-Books
  • Reference Services
  • Current Awareness Services
  • Library Best User Awards
  • Inter Library Loan
  • Book Bank

Advisory committee

The Library has a Library Advisory Committee consisting of senior members of faculty.The Committee meets once in a Semester and discusses purchase of new books as per the list suggested by the members of faculty handling various subjects, subscription to new journals and magazines.

Library Best User Award

Library selects students from UG and PG stream for the LIBRARY BEST USER AWARD based on the statistical data, accession of books, reading aptitude of the student, utilization of library resources, discipline etc… Every year this Award is conferred on the occasion of Annual Day. The award is issued to the students to motivate and make the best use of Library.


Library Management System with Bar Coding of Books and ID cards enables laser the Issue, Return and Stock Taking.

Separate sections available for books and Periodicals.

Library Services: Circulation & Reference

Circulation service helps users to make full use of library resources and services. It provides necessary assistance to users in locating information or document of their choice. It is open from 08.00 AM to 06.00 PM hrs on all working days.


Library is also equipped with latest editions of books for various competitive examinations.



  • Entry is permitted with ID card only.
  • Personal belongings should be left on the rack provided at the entrance of the library.
  • Strict silence should be maintained in the library.
  • The library will function from 8.00 am – 6.00 pm
  • The library will be closed on Sundays and other government holidays.
  • The library is fully computerized and has the OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) Facility.
  • Except loose sheets and money purse, personal belongings, and library books already issued will not be allowed inside the library.
  • Severe disciplinary action will be taken against the users who are found misusing the library services.
  • Students must return their books at the end of the academic year and obtain a NO DUE certificate from the librarian.
  • Usage of cell phone is prohibited inside the library.