As a part of the nutrition week celebrations, the students of I B.Sc, Food Science and Processing Management, performed short skit presentations on different topics related to health and disease of women and children. Programs were presented in the local language centered on the role of nutrients namely calcium and iron in the diet and the importance of breast feeding. The topics were chosen based on the current scenario of poor calcium and iron status among women and young children and the need to create awareness on the importance of breast feeding in the society. The presentations were lively and informative emphasizing on the role of nutrients, their requirements and deficiency disorders. The third skit highlighted the importance of feeding colostrum to new born infants and the benefits of mother’s milk over bottle feed.


Nutrition week is being celebrated globally and in India since the year 1982 in order to alleviate malnutrition and deficiency disorders among the citizens through generating awareness. In this regard, during the first week of September (1 to 7) the Department of Food Science and Processing Management developed and displayed a poster with the caption of ‘Pick Right, Feel Bright’ to create an awareness among the students regarding the importance of diet choices. The students of the department also wore a tag stating the theme of the week. This was done with the dual aim of generating the spirit of the week as well as to enlighten their peer group regarding the cause and theme of the occasion.

The department of food Science and Processing Management developed a nutrition awareness poster showing easy tips for including all essential nutrients in the daily diet and regarding good and bad forms of fat and the need to choose wisely between the different forms of fat. The students offered the pamphlet to honorable President of the college. The pamphlets along with nutritious gifts, were distributed to all the faculty members of the various departments of the college.

“Go Further with Nutrition’ ” – Guest Lecture

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a guest lecture on 4-9-2018 at 4.00 pm in the seminar hall on the topic of ‘Go Further with Nutrition’ The programme commenced with Prayer followed by Welcome Address delivered by Dr. K. Amrutha Veena – The Head of the Department. Key note was delivered by Dr.K.Aruchunan – Vice  Principal of SLCS. This was followed by guest lecture by Mrs. J. C. Jeyanthi All, Chief Dietitian, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Madurai. The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Ms. D. Subhashree –  Assistant Professor and national anthem. Around 36 Students of the department of Food Science and Processing Management and Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in the lecture.