Manava Iyyakunar

Dinamalar and Department of Film and Television Production of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science has jointly organized a two day workshop Titled “Manava Iyyakunar” held on 25th and 26th April 2016 exclusively for +2 students. Students from all over Tamil Nadu had participated in the Workshop.

Students were given training of Aesthetics and Technical aspects of short film making. Students got exposure in Script Writing, Screen play writing, Direction, Cinematography and Sound and Editing. The workshop was headed by the Principal Dr. R.L. Ramnath, Mr. Balaji Tharaneedharan, The renowned film Director who directed the Movie “Naduvula Konjam Pakkaththa Kaanum” was the chief guest of the event. He shared his experience of writing Story, Screenplay and Film making. The Head of the department Mr. C. Manikandan, Faculty members Mr.M.Raghu kalidasan, Mr.Rajavardhan, Mr. R.Sankar Seshan and Trainer Mr.Thirumalai have trained the students. At the end of the workshop students produced three short films titled “EMI, Ethu Mukkiam and Pen Drive”.

Achievers Day – 2016

On 10.04.2016 SLCS & RLIMS organized the ACHIEVERS DAY. Our President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided the function and delivered the presidential address. Dr.R.L.Ramnath, Principal, SLCS welcomed the gathering. Mr.S.Sekar, Placement Officer of SLCS & RLIMS delivered the action plan of the placement cell and explained the list of placements in both…


19th Graduation Day

The 19th Graduation Day of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science was held on 12.03.16 in the college auditorium. Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President declared the convocation day open, Dr.R.L.Ramnath, principal SLCS welcomed the gathering. Shri.T.S.Krishnamurthy former chief election commissioner and chairman Repco Home finance graced the occasion and delivered the graduation day address in the function.

During the graduation day address he insisted the significance of voting power of individuals, he reiterated the graduates to actively participate in intellectual work that contribute towards the development of society. He quoted the famous quotes of French revolutionary Mr.Victor Hugo “There is nothing like a dream to create the future”. He insisted that today’s youth have plenty of opportunities nowadays; the thing is that they have to fit into it.

Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, President Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation presided over the function and delivered the presidential address in the function.

During the presidential address he retrieved his past memories at the time of his graduation day; he felicitated the graduates and greeted them to place in reputed concern and brings laurels to the institution. He wanted them to aim high. He has quoted the famous quote of life from George Bernard Shaw “Life isn’t about finding yourself, Life is about creating yourself”

148 graduates from various streams of SLCS obtained their degree from the chief guest. Graduation day was dissolved by Dr.R.Lakshmipathy.

KFC 2016

KFC contest held on 08.03.2016 & 09.03.2016 

First Day (08 03 2016):

The much awaited Knowledge Feast Contest (KFC) became a reality after about two years on 08th March, 2016. Final year graduate students from about eighteen colleges partook with no. of participants crossing the 220 mark.

The preliminary round was conducted as a written one for 78 teams for short-listing them for the final round. The whole gathering assembled in our Air conditioned auditorium later. The event started with prayer song.  The participants had a feast for their ears in the form of speeches on felicitation / introduction to MBA course, facilities in our college for the course etc., presented respectively by the Director, RLIMS Mr.S.Rajasekar and Dr.S.Pugalanthi, Deputy Director, RLIMS.

Twelve teams, each having two members entered the final round of Quiz. After four rounds, the no. of teams was pruned to ten for a rapid fire round of thirty seconds each, within which five questions had to be answered. The Quiz masters were Shri J.S.Vivek Raja and Ms.A.Nithya, both students of I MBA at RLIMS (RL Institute of Management Studies). Every moment was made lively by the participants as well as the presenters.

In the post lunch session, the prize winners were finalized. The First prize went to Mannar Tirumalai Naicker College. The second prize was won by American College, Madurai. Lady Doak College, Madurai took the third prize. The prizes for the first three teams and consolation prizes for the seven teams (out of the ten stated supra) were given away by Dr.G.Balakrishnan, Adviser to M/s Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation, Dr.S.Rajasekar, Director RLIMS and Dr.R.L.Ramnath, Principal, SLCS. Participation certificates were distributed to all the teams from all the colleges.

Ms.M.A.Surya, I MBA student of RLIMS proposed a vote of thanks. The day’s programme came to a close after national anthem. The comperes were M.A.Surya and Ms.Atchaya, students of I MBA, under the guidance and direction of Mr.B.V.Eswaran, Associate Professor, RLIMS.

Second Day (09th March, 2016):

The second day was devoted to Seminar and Short Film contest. The programmes started with prayer song. FTVP student Ms.Subasree gave the welcome address to all, with student participants numbering 87. Principal, SLCS delivered the presidential address. Felicitation speech was by Dr.S.Rajasekar, Director, RLIMS.

Shri K.Manikandan, HoD of Film and Television Production (FTVP) Department introduced the event and the guests, Mr.G.V.Ramesh Kumar, News Editor, Dinamalar and Shri R.Vijayan, News Producer, News 7.

Shri Ramesh Kumar’s brilliant speech gave a lot of insight into the means and methods of presentation of news citing various examples. Shri Vijayan’s  talk was on Tamil language and the importance of production of events. Both these key note addresses were received with rapt attention, signifying that the audience remained captivated. After this, seminar was conducted in one hall and film screening in the other.

After lunch, the students visited the studio of FTVP department. Final screening of films was followed by screening of films produced by our students. The valediction took place thereafter. Mr.R.Vijayan and Mr.Abhimanyu Saravanan, cinematographer reviewed the films. Prize distribution followed. Ms.Shanmugapriya, student, FTVP, proposed a vote of thanks. Singing of national anthem marked the end of the day’s proceedings.

The second day’s compering was done by Ms.M.A Surya, I MBA student, guided and directed by Mr.B.V.Eswaran, Associate Professor, RLIMS guiding her.

NAAC – State Level Seminar

On 29th February as a part of SLCS IQAC’s initiative towards spreading the need for Quality Skill Development and enhancement, the members of SLCS IQAC, the Management members, faculty members and students with the great support of NAAC team organized a One Day State level Seminar on “Quality Skill Enhancement Initiatives in Higher Educational Institution – Role of IQAC in Quality Skill Enhancement and Sustenance”.

The objective of the seminar is to make the stakeholders sensitive to the need for Quality Skill Enhancement Initiatives in various Higher Educational Institutions and also to understand various best practices of institutions towards Quality Skill Enhancement and Sustenance in the present generation for the youth of future India.

In the inauguration of the IQAC seminar Mr.C.Ranjithkumar Head Department of IT & Networking and the Coordinator of this seminar welcomed the gathering. Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Advisor of SLCS and the Executive editor of Sagar Sandesh gave his felicitation address. The Chief Guest was Dr.S.Muthumanickam Registrar In-charge & Head, School of education Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai gave his chief guest address. He insisted that every college should concentrate on best practices and he also added that by quality education Indian’s status will be upgraded. After the inaugural session the scholars from various colleges presented the seminar on their selected themes.

The theme for the first session was ”Impacts of Modern Methods & Techniques of Teaching, Learning & Evaluation in Quality Skill Development, Enhancement & Sustenance”.  Dr.Suresh, Head, Department of Bio-Technology Sree Narayana Guru College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore was the Chairperson. In the chairperson’s address he quoted a line “I hear and I forget. I see and I believe. I do and I Understand.” He also insisted that the class must be interactive. Finally he mentioned that Learning is never an ending Process.

The theme for the second session was “Understanding the Parameters, Benchmarks & Methods to achieve Quality Skill Development, Enhancement & Sustenance.” Dr.Illangovan Ramanujam, former Vice-Principal of Vivekananda College, Thiruvedagam was the Chairperson. In the chairperson’s address he explained about the best practices. In his point of view the best practice means evolving, measuring and root changing by year by year. In his college he introduced team teaching and also interdisciplinary team teaching to avoid single teacher monotony of teaching.

The theme for the second session was “Role of Teachers, Students, Management & IQAC members towards Quality Skill Development, Enhancement & Sustenance.” Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan, former Principal of SLCS, Advisor of SLCS & Executive Editor of Sagar Sandesh was the Chairperson. In the chairperson’s address he asked the presentators to listen presenters when they are presenting. A good man is a good teacher. He also insisted that in the class the students should accept the teacher as a friend.

The theme for the second session was “Need for Quality Skill Development Among the Stake-holders of Higher Educational Institutions.” Mrs.S.Devi, CEO & Managing Director Inform Atomicka Softech Pvt., Ltd., Pondicherry. In the chairperson’s address she explained about quality. Quality is very important in business and in anything. For the growth, Quality is 100% required. World is full of opportunities and we should use it at right time in a right way. Everyone has their own quality which shows us unique. Finally she pointed that the students are lacking in extra ordinary thinking.

In the valedictory of the IQAC seminar Mr.C.Ranjithkumar Head Department of IT & Networking and the Coordinator of this seminar welcomed the gathering. Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan Advisor of SLCS and the Executive editor of Sagar Sandesh gave his felicitation address. The Chief Guest was Prof.G.Subramanian, President, Madurai Productivity Council & Former Director, R.L.Institute of Management Studies (RLIMS) gave his chief guest address. He insisted that every college and every student should concentrate on best productivity practices and he also insisted “The Skill India, The Digital India & The Swash Bharath.” Mr.S.Pandikumar Assistant Professor of Computer Science & the Assistant Coordinator of this seminar gave his pleasing Vote of Thanks. On the whole the seminar concluded in a productivity manner.

22nd Annual Day

The 22nd Annual Day of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science & RL Institute of Management Studies was celebrated on 13th February 2016 at the College Auditorium in a grand manner. The welcome address was given by the Co-ordinator of the Program,  Mrs.N.Anuradha, HOD Computer Science and the introduction of the Chief Guest was done by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Navarathinam. The Chief Guest of the Function was Dr.M.Thirumalai , Former Vice Chancellor,Tamil University, Tanjore. Our College President   Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided over the function and gave an eloquent presidential address about the College Genesis, growth and Autonomy and future plans for the Institute. The President also spoke about the new courses to be introduced in the next year namely, M.Phil in Management, BBA Shipping & Logistics,M.Sc visual communication B.Sc Fire & Safety Management, and  one year diploma in Laundry Management. The president wishes all the students in the campus to be gainfully employed and become responsible citizens of our Nation.

The Chief Guest shared his ideas about education, student welfare and growth of the Society. He wanted the students to pursue in their chosen field and achieve excellence. He appreciated the Management for giving only professional skill based courses in our College. Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to the students for Proficiency in academics, various competitions, best outgoing students for both Subbalakshmi  Lakshmipathy College of Science and RL Institute of Management Studies. The College Management recognized the faculty members and presented gifts for producing 100 percent result in examinations.

    Dr.R.L.Ramanth, Principal SLCS presented the Annual report  of the college for the Academic Year 2015- 16. Dr S.Rajasekar, Director RLIMS presented the annual report of RLIMS for the current year 2015-16. Mrs.K.P.Maheswari ,Asst.Prof of IT & Networking and Assistant Coordinator of the Annual Day delivered the vote of thanks for the wonderful function.

21st Annual Sports Day

21st Annual Sports Meet held at Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science on 30th January 2016. The Chief Guest Mr.P.Ganesan, an Arjuna Awardee Sports Officer TNEB declared to open the Sports Meet. The students performed the March Past and lighted the Olympic Lamp. The field events 400 mts (Men), 4×100 mts relay (Women) and 4×100 mts relay (Men) were conducted on the day. Other events like Yoga, Lezium, karathe and Silambam were performed by our students. Ms.Ramitaa of I Animation welcomed the gathering. Dr.R.L.Ramnath, Principal SLCS gave his encouraging presidential address. Dr.S.Rajasekar, Director RLIMS delivered his motivating felicitation address. Mr.R.Thanga Muthu, Physical Director presented his successful Annual Report. Ms.M.A.Surya of I MBA introduced the Chief Guest by highlighting his achievements. Our Chief Guest Mr.P.Ganesan, shared his secret of success by his Chief Guest address. The Chief Guest and all the dignitaries distributed the prizes to all the winners. The overall championship was won by the Challengers team with 136 points. The sports secretary Mr.P.Saravana Kumar of I MBA thanked the gathering with his vote of thanks.

“Contemporary Television Media” – Seminar

Seminar on “Contemporary Television Media” was organized by the Department of Film and Television Production, at Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science on 18th December 2015. Mr. Ramesh Kumar, News Editor, Dinamalar was invited as Chief Guest. The students of B.Sc. Film and Television production presented the report on recent trends of Indian news television and the strength and uniqueness of leading Journalists who achieved in the field of Journalism. The presentation was reviewed and appreciated by the chief guest. News ethics, interview techniques and various news perspectives were shared by the chief guest. The event was presided by the Principal. Director of RLIMS, Head of the Department, and staff members were participated.

Fashion Photography Seminar

A Seminar cum workshop was on “Fashion Photography” was organized by the department of Film and Television Production on December 15, 2015. The renowned and better photography magazine recognized fashion photographer Sakthidasan had conducted the workshop. The students are given due exposure on Fashion photography, Ad photography and Product Photography.  Selection of Model, gesture, poses, use of property and lighting techniques with the similarity of paintings were shared by the guest.

ISO Training Programme

ISO Training Programme was conducted in Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, on 11th December 2015 at the Board Room. Our respected guest Dr.C.S. Balasubramaniam, Retired Joint General Manager (Technical & Engineering), Madras Fertilizers Limited, Chennai, The Lead Auditor of QMS, EMS, OHSMS, SCSMS & EnMS addresses and gave the training to the ISO coordinators.
The honourable President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, the Principals of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science,  R L Institute of Nautical Sciences and Krishnammal Ramasubbaiyer School, the Head Department and ISO coordinators of Animation, Commerce, Computer Science, Film and Television Production, Information Technology, Networking and Maritime Hospitality Studies were presented in the Training Programme.
Dr.C.S. Balasubramaniam explained the members present about the Quality Management System, Principles of QMS, Benefits of ISO 9001, PDCA cycle – Plan Do Check Act (Operating Principle of all ISO’s Management System Ltd), Benefits of QMS in Organisation, Types of ISO Processes and ISO 9001 clauses. The queries raised by the coordinators were cleared and the ISO Training Programme winded in a gentle manner.