Memorial Day of Lal Bahadhur Shashtri

The department of Commerce (Honours & ACCA) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science celebrated the Memorial Day of Lal Bahadhur Shastri on 11.01.2020. Dr. M. Tharani, Head of the Department organized the celebration. Ms. M. M. Kavya of II Honours welcomed the gathering. Dr. B. Ramamoorty, Principal delivered the felicitation address. Students enthusiastically and energetically performed a skit, “The Tashkent Files”, a political thriller revolving around the mysterious death of former Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri. The celebrations ended with Mr. R. Ramkumar of II Honours delivering the vote of thanks. 80 students got benefited.

Rally for Road safety

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai in association with the NSS Unit of the college organized a rally for creating awareness on Road Safety on 11.01.2020. This was in regard with celebrating Road Safety week. Around 50 students from the college took part in the rally. Pamphlets and notices containing awareness on road safety were distributed to the two wheeler and four wheeler riders.

Career Counselling

  The Department of B.Com (B&I) organized a Career counseling programme for the III B.Com(B&I) students on January 11.2020 Dr.S.Pugalenthi, Head, MBA, RLIMS and Dr.K.Navarathnam – Associate Professor, RLIMS had an interactive session with the students regarding the opportunities available after completing MBA. They also created awareness about CAT, MAT and TANCET Exams, which is a pre-requisite for admission in B schools. All the students of  III B.Com (B&I) participated and were thankful for this beneficial session

Value Added Course on Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

The Departments of Computer Science and of Networking, jointly conducted a Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” for the II Year Computer Science and Networking students from 02.01.2020 to 10.01.2020. Mr.Nanuswamy & Mrs.Naveena Swamy, members of IIT PALS, Chennai and Mr.M.Vignesh, CTO Quantanics, trained the students.

The students were trained in the working principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Python Programming. The hands- on sessions were arranged for the students so that they can create projects and products using various AI & ML Algorithms. The students were divided in to 8 Teams under various names and Logos. Practical tasks were assigned by the trainers on a daily basis. All the teams developed products using AI & ML Concepts.

On 10.01.2020, the Valedictory program was organized , wherein the students demonstrated their developed products and explained their work through presentations.

Alumni Interaction

A prominent Alumna  of Computer Science Department, Ms.R.Shruthi Lakshmi (Batch: 2014 – 2017), Programmer, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Chennai interacted with the   I year CS (SSS) students on 09.01.2020. She explained the Job opportunities available at TCS and the latest technologies implemented in MNCs.

It was an eye opening session for the students. Many upcoming Technologies and its applications were discussed. Ms.R.Shruthi Lakshmi spoke of the importance of Value Added Courses and advised the students to take up Online Courses in UiPath Academy. She also urged them to update their knowledge with Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation (RPA). She highlighted the job opportunities available and the demand for such domain experts in the near future.

Industrial Visit

The Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a one day visit to ‘Ramco Cements’, Virudhunagar. A total of 40 students from II.B.Com (Honours) accompanied by 2 faculty members visited the industry. Senior engineer, Mr. Siva Swamy explained the various steps involved in the manufacture of cement. Students learnt that fly-ash, slag, gypsum, lime stone, iron ore etc are used as raw materials for making of cement. This visit helped the students to understand the manufacture of cement. The visit ended with the faculty and the students thanking the management of Ramco Cements for providing a valuable opportunity

Christmas Eve & New Year Celebration 2020

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management celebrated “Christmas Eve & New Year Celebration -2020” at the Training Restaurant, on 07.01.2020.  This event was celebrated with pomp and grandeur by the students of our Department.  The restaurant was decorated with colorful lamps, toys and flowers. The Principal and all faculty members participated in this event. A cake was cut amidst cheers from the faculty member and students. The celebration culminated with a High Tea.


Totally 212 staff and students participated in this event.

Inauguration of the Culinary Club

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management inaugurated the Culinary Club on 4.1.2020 in our college campus. The day bloomed with the invocation, followed by lighting the candle by the dignitaries. The welcome speech was addressed by our Culinary Club Coordinator, Mr.R.Ganesh, Asst.Professor, Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management. The Club Adviser Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD (MC&HM) described the objectives and activities of the club. In her felicitation address, the Dean, Dr.S.Priya said that the club should create awareness in hygiene, sanitation and |work safety in the kitchen.

Faculty Development Programme

Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a one day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)” in collaboration with International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC) for the Commerce faculty members working in the college on 03.01.2020. Resource Person, Mr. Madesh Kuppusamy, ACCA-UK Certified Faculty & a registered Faculty with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India delivered a talk on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for an effective student centric teaching and learning.  The FDP is designed so as to upgrade the teaching, training, and research skills of commerce faculty members in the field of Accounting.

Guest Lecture

Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a Guest Lecture on Accounting Standards for the I & II year B.Com (Honours) and the I year B.Com (Honours) ACCA students on 03/01/2020 afternoon. Mr. Madesh Kuppusamy, ACCA-UK Certified Faculty, Registered Faculty with Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, addressed the students.  He shared his work experience in the accounting field. He enlightened the students on the applications of accounting standards in real business scenario. He highlighted the important differences between the International Financial and Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the Indian Accounting Standards (IndAS).Totally, 61 students participated and got benefitted through the session.