Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Health and hygienic practises among the Street vendors”

FAGAS, an Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Health and hygiene practices among the Street vendorson 24.04.2022 at Thirumangalam. Thirteen students of I Year FSPM gave a brief explanation about the health and hygienic practices including environmental causes around the stall, personal hygiene, and food storage facilities at the stall, utensil maintenance, and licensing among the street vendors. Finally the students counselled the street vendor’s that street food not only provides convenience for many people but also the livelihood for millions of low income people, making a great contribution to the economy of many developing countries.


         Enlightening the teachers towards the NEP perspective with essential skills has become a mandatory one in all the higher education institution. Having this in mind, the IQAC of SLCS has planned and organized a Professional Development Program for the faculty members on the topic “Role of Teachers in Enhancing Institutional Excellence: Essential Skills for 21st Century Educators” on 23.04.2022.

Dr. A. Jonas Richard, Professor & Head PG & Research Department of Social Work from Kirstu Jayanti College, Bengaluru was invited as the Resource Person. Mrs. V. Padmavathy, HoD of Commerce – Banking & Insurance welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Sujatha, the Principal delivered the Presidential Address. The IQAC Assistant Coordinator Mrs. K. P. Maheswari, Asst. Prof of Computer Science introduced the Chief Guest in the forum.

Dr. A. Jonas Richard discussed on the topic “Essential Skills for 21st Century Educators”. It was a lively session. Many concepts such as knowing each other, making our mindsets as students think, standing on students’ shoes and considering the students as our children. All the above mentioned key points were explained through Ice-Breakers.

The program wound up with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Mrs. N. Anuradha, HoD, Computer Science department. Totally 53 Faculty Members participated actively and enjoyed the program.


Enlightening the teachers towards the NEP perspective with essential skills has become a mandatory one in all the higher education institution. Having this in mind, the IQAC of SLCS has planned and organized a Professional Development Program for the faculty members on the topic “Role of Teachers in Enhancing Institutional Excellence: NEP Perspective” on 23.04.2022.

Dr. J. Aloysius Edward, Dean Professor of MBA Programme from Kirstu Jayanti College, Bengaluru was invited as the Resource Person. Mrs. V. Padmavathy, HoD of  Commerce – Banking & Insurance welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Sujatha, the Principal delivered the Presidential Address. The IQAC Assistant Coordinator Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, Asst. Prof of English introduced the Chief Guest in the forum.

Dr. J. Aloysius Edward discussed on the topic “The Role of Teachers in NEP Implementation”. The Resource Person insisted the Faculty Members to take the fullest efforts in implementing the NEP at the earliest. He also guided the members to take initiatives immediately. He also wished and blessed our college to receive A++ Grade so that the College may become a Degree Awarding College. Many Faculty Members clarified their doubts during the interaction session. The program wound up with the Vote of Thanks delivered by Mrs. N. Anuradha, HoD, Computer Science department. Totally 53 Faculty Members participated actively and enjoyed the program.


The Department of B.Com (B&I) conducted an online   PTA(Parents – Teachers Association) Meeting  for the students of I & II B.Com ( B&I) on 22.04.22, Ms. Nithya Kalyani, Assistant Professor, B&I conducted for II Year  and Ms. G. Karthika, Assistant Professor, B&I conducted for I Year. The faculty members explained  the parents about their wards’ attendance and   internal mark of  II year students and External mark of I year students.

No.of students attended PTA Meeting with their parents:

I B.Com  ( B& I)     –  75

II B.Com( B& I )   –   55


The Department of  Networking organized the Parent Teachers Meet through online mode on 22.04.2022 at 3.30 p.m  to the students  of Second year. The Parents interacted with the Head of the Department and course teachers. The discussions were on class Test, continuous internal assessment marks, student’s attentiveness in online classes and forthcoming end semester examination .The concept of the PTA meeting was on sharing the information with students and parents about performance in the classroom and the initiatives taken by course teachers. The Course teachers requested  the parents to motivate their children by giving ample environment for their study  to score good marks in final examination.


Royal Charter Association of Commerce (Honours) ACCA organized a Farewell Party “NEVER SAY GOODBYE”   on 22.04.2022 in the college seminar hall where students of B.Com. (Honours) ACCA I and II year bid farewell to the outgoing students of B.Com. (Honours) ACCA final year with great enthusiasm and nostalgia. The function began with a warm welcome by Head of the department, Dr. D.Selvaraj, Assistant Professors, Mr. A.Raja and Mr. S.Ravi Shankar. Then Head of the Department, Dr. D.Selvaraj in his speech wished good luck to the students of B.Com. (Honours) ACCA final year for their bright future and appreciated the efforts of B.Com. (Honours) ACCA I and II year. He also expressed his hope that students will achieve great success holding top positions in their career. All the seniors had filled the seminar hall with colorful attires which added beauty to the event. Juniors gave a warm welcome with Red Roses followed by very entertaining group dances, solo dances and solo song performances. Students of final year participated in Ramp Walk which was judged by the Association members. It was an incredible day hosted and organized by juniors. Some exciting games were also arranged for the seniors like connections, cub game and song findings from music competition, etc. All such events were enjoyed by all. A token of love and appreciation was given to the seniors by their juniors. The members of faculty expressed their affection towards the students. The day ended by capturing memories with photo sessions.



The Department of Animation organized a Career Guidance Programme on “Scope & Trends in 3D Architecture Design” through Alumni Interaction on 22.04.2022, Friday between 02.00PM and 04.00PM. The Programme was started by Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Assistant Professor of the department. The Resource person for the event wasMr. Arun Kumar, Managing Director, Fantasy World, Karur. He is a well-known alumnus from the 2013–2016 batch and he is enthusiastic to share the students about “Opportunities in the 3D Architecture Industry”. He inspired the students by discussing the 3D architectural trends and techniques and also the numerous openings and numerous career opportunities in the construction sector. He inspired students through the Discussion forum by sharing his experiences.The event helped the students’ knowledge to grow and prosper. The Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms.Madhubala of II Animation.Totally 54 students (I & II year) were benefitted from this programme.


The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a VALUE ADDED COURSE ON “FINANCIAL OPERATING STATEMENTS” from 11.04.2022 to 21.04.2022 at Hall No. 115, SLCS Annexure Block. The course was resourced by Mr. Nishant katoch, ISDC, BangaloreA lecture was delivered on an operating statement which is used to assess a company’s performance and financial position. He also explained financial statement, balance sheets and cash flow statements. Operating statements summarize a company’s revenues and expenses for a given accounting period. All II Year ACCA students (13 students) participated in this course.

Value Added Course on “Basic Medical Coding ”

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management have organized a Value added course on “Basic Medical Coding ” from 12.04.2022 to 21.04.2022 through this link http://meet.google.com/mav-hnze-fbp  . 14 (III year) students and 13 (II year) students from FS &PM totally 27 students eagerly participated in this program.. This course was presented to the students which included theoretical and hands- on training program with coding aspects. Head trainer Mrs.A.Regina Elizhabeth, was the trainer for this value addition Program and began the activity with an elaborate explanation of anatomy, physiology, medical procedures, and payer rules and policies.  At the end of the day students gathered an appreciable level of and theoretical and practical knowledge about the medical coding with utmost satisfaction.


The students of Commerce (Hons) ACCA Mr. Vishveshwaran B M and Mr. Landa Abishek have successfully cleared the City Union Bank campus drive on 20.04.2022 for the post of Banking Manager.  The City Union Bank campus drive was scheduled in our college premises on 19/04/2022 and 20/04/2022. Around 150 Students from various streams like MBA, BCom (B&I), BBA and B.Com., (Hons) had attended the campus drive. Among our B.Com. (Hons) ACCA students, Mr. Vishveshwaran B M and Mr. Landa Abishek were shortlisted for this post after successfully completing all the four stages of campus drive process i.e., Aptitude Test, Descriptive Test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. Both of them got job offer with the salary of Rs. 3, 90,000 per annum.