On behalf of department of CS, the first mentor meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted on 04.09.2020 through online mode at Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II. All mentors in our department met their mentees separately through Google meet and Google class rooms. They discussed the status of Mini Projects and participation details of Webinars and Certifications. Our college has been enrolled under the online learning portal “Coursera” for getting online certifications. Students were advised to gain online certification through Coursera portal. Those students who completed online certifications through various portals such as Udemy, Coursera were appreciated. Students shared their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
Motivational Speech on “Travel – An Essential Life Skill”
CDC & SIP Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on “Travel – An Essential Life Skill”. Education is an endless travel. To enhance the ability to adhere Education, we have to travel along with it. To motivate the students about the topic “Travel – An Essential Life Skill”, the session was handled by an eminent external expert, the famous writer Mr.Muthukrishnan from Madurai on 03.09.2020. He expressed that travel improves diversity among the people. Each and every student should have travelled in his lifetime not in a worldwide but at least to a limited travel in their own city. He insisted that travel has no boundaries. When a person wants to become a broad minded, he/she has to travel wide at the same time while travelling the person’s perspective of considering issues will change. Our country is known for exchanging of Culture and its Traditions from one State to another, it is all because of the people who have travelled long ago. Finally, he concluded his speech by motivating the students to travel as much as he / she can. Totally 230 students participated in the session.
The Department of Networking organized a Webinar on Cloud Computing for the II B.Sc Networking students on 02-09-2020 through online. Mr M.Sabarinathan, Technical Manager, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore, spoke about the essential skills that one should posses in Cloud Computing so as to become successful Cloud Engineers. He emphasized that pro-active steps should be initiated right from the present day for those with passion in this field. He focused on concepts of Virtualization and insisted students about the importance of internship to gain a real time industrial requirements. He taught the different services and security of cloud computing.
The purpose of the programme was to motivate the students by sharing the knowledge and experience of the Resource Person, who has long years of experience in the field of Cloud Computing. The overall organization and deliverance of the resource person was beneficial to and enlightening for the students.25 students got benefited by this webinar.
Virtual Presentation on “The Importance of Education”
Education is a process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits. Deeksharambh means initiation. It is an initiation for Education. The IQAC Administrator of SLCS presented a lively virtual presentation on “The Importance of Education” on 02.09.2020. He stated that Education is not teaching but preaching. He insisted that here at SLCS, we preach to the students for their future career enrichment. He also explained about the Importance of acquiring Higher Education. The session was wound up by 11.50 am sharp. Totally 200 students participated in the session.
Board of Studies Meeting
The B.Com (Banking and Insurance) Board of Studies meeting for the academic year 2020-21 Odd Semester was held on 27.08.2020 at 02.30 pm in the Board Room. The first semester syllabus was framed on the basis of Outcome Based Education (OBE) for the 2020-23 batch students. The syllabus was discussed with the experts and finalised. Syllabus updations were also made for the students belonging to the batch of 2019-22.
Webinar on “Awareness about National Education Policy – 2020 and its Impact on HEIs”
The IQAC of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a Webinar on “Awareness about National Education Policy – 2020 and its Impact on HEIs” on 26.08.2020 at 10 am in the College premises, ensuring social distancing.
Dr.M.G.Sethuraman, Professor of Chemistry & Director (R&D), The Gandhigram Rural Institute (Deemed to be University) was the Resource person.
The Principal, Dr.R.Sujathawelcomed the Resource person and the Faculty members. The IQAC Coordinator, Dr.R.Parthiban introduced the Resource Person.
Dr.M.G.Sethuraman, in his enlightening talk, spoke of the challenges plaguing the present education policy and how the New Education Policy – 2020 is going to redress these issues.
Mrs.R.SuganthiHepzibha, IQAC Assistant Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. Totally 52 faculty members attended the webinar.
Webinar on Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a webinar on “Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management” on 14.8.2020 for the 2019-20 batch +2 students. Mr.V.Gangadaran, Asst. Professor, welcomed the gathering. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department introduced the chief guest and resource person, Dr Dhamodharan , President of SICA, Celebrity Chef & Guinness Record Holder, Chennai. Dr.Dhamodharan, in his address, spoke of the advantages of choosing the Hospitality Industry as a Career path. He also explained the College`s Infrastructure, faculty members` qualifications, the Department`s affiliation and the Jobs available in the Hospitality Industry.
A Report on Staff participation in webinars
The faculty members of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in several webinars conducted by various colleges in India during the month of May and June,2020. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD participated in 12 webinars, Mr.V.Gangadharan, Asst.Professor in 12,Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor in 14, Mr.P.Anand, Asst.Professor in 12,Mr.E.Jacob Jebaraj , Asst.Professor in 22, Mr.N.Ramesh, Asst.Professor in 13 and Mr.R.Ganesh Instructor in 5. The details of the webinars attended by the faculty members are available in the Department.
Webinar on Understanding Health Insurance and COVID Coverage
The department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on Acting Theory II on 08.08.2020, as a continuation a webinar conducted on 01.08.2020. A total number of 50 students participated in the event which started at 04.30 pm. Mr. Rajavardhan, Head i/c gave an introduction to the acting theory. Mr. Shan Sudhakar, the expert for the day, provided tips along with co- actor and student Miss Aishwarya Manian on acting and provided career guidance. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor gave his tips on acting. Mr. Sivarajan, proposed the vote of thanks and the function concluded with the National Anthem.