Seminar on Cyber Security

On behalf of the Departments of Networking & Computer Science, a Seminar was organized on 29th, January 2020 for the II B.Sc CS (SSS) & II B.Sc Networking students at the Seminar Hall on the topic “Cyber Security”. A.Aarthi, II B.Sc Networking welcomed the gathering. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS, delivered the special address. Mr.M.Athi Gopal, HoD, Dept. of Networking delivered the felicitation address and introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Sajindas, Operations Manager, G-TECH EDUCATION, Madurai.

The Chief Guest delivered the key note address on Cyber Security. He shared the job opportunities available in cyber security in the IT industry and public sectors. A.Shalini, II .B.Sc CS (SSS) delivered the vote of thanks.

Career Counseling

The Department of B.Com (B&I) organized a Career Counseling programme for the III B.Com(B&I) students  on January 28,2020 Dr.Vaishali Bhambure, Placement officer, National Insurance Academy, Pune, addressed the students regarding the Opportunities and Prospects in the Insurance sector.  Mr. G.Srinivasan. Secretary, Insurance Institute of India, Madurai Branch, informed the career opportunities available in the Insurance field to the students. All the students of III B.Com (B&I) participated and were thankful for this beneficial session.

Industrial Visit

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a one day Industrial visit for first year students to Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai on 28.1.2020. Three faculty members (Mrs. G.S.Subbulakshmi , Mr.Anand and Mr.Ramesh) accompanied the students in this Industrial Visit. It provided the students an opportunity to understand the various functional activities in the Hospital Laundry and House Keeping Department. The visit enabled the students to get to know the new innovations and best practices that can be implemented. Students had an interactive session with the House keeping Manager and the Laundry Manager. The students were very with beneficial exposure Industrial Visit provided.

Best Practices

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an “Eco Friendly” Programme for the first year students at  Alagar Kovil reserve forest on 28.1.2020. Faculty members, Mrs. G.S.Subbulakshmi , Mr.Anand and Mr.Ramesh and students actively participated in the programme.

Important natural resources are utilized to the maximum by humans hence we should take care of our ecology. We destroy nature every day and this tendency must be stopped. There are several steps that have been initiated to rescue nature. The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management develops eco-friendly ideas for other department students as well, so as to engage them in being “green”. The Faculty may also find this information useful and implement ideas such as Use Less Paper and Recycle More, Use Canvas Bags instead of Plastic.  The programme was a great success with the staff and Management appreciating the endeavor.


                        The valedictory function of the Internet Club was organized on 28th January, 2020. The Chief Guest of the valedictory function was Dr.R.Sujatha, Vice Principal, SLCS. The welcome address was given by, Mr. V.Deepan Chakkaravarthy, Instructor, Department of Networking, SLCS. The Function was attended by more than 45 members of the Internet Club. As part of the Club activity a presentation was made by the student Coordinator, Mr.B.Baskaran, II B.Sc Networking. The felicitation address was given by, Dr.S.Priya, Dean-Academics, SLCS. Finally the Internet Club members were oriented with the objectives of club.

Industrial Visit to Dinamalar & Parle-G Factory

The Department of Commerce organized an Industrial Visit to Dinamalar and Parle-G factory on 27.01.2020 for the B.Com (B&I) I Year students. They visited the Dinamalar daily Factory and observed the processes involved in publishing newspapers. They also visited Parle-G factory and saw first-hand the processes involved in manufacturing biscuits. They were accompanied by faculty members Dr.S.Gurupriya, Asst.Prof of Commerce and Ms.Shanmugapriya.B,  Asst.Prof of Commerce.

Extension activity – Distribution of face mask

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, organized an extension activity on 26.01.2020 to celebrate the 71st Republic Day of our country. Students distributed face masks to the traffic police of Madurai city. The traffic police highly appreciated the efforts of the students and the department in taking up this noble initiative in helping them to tackle air pollution.

Open Cake Challenge

The second year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in the Open Cake Challenge, under the student category competition, conducted by Food Consulate, Chennai on 25.1.2019 & 26.1.2020. Twenty Two students actively participated in these competitions. They won the overall Best Performance award in the cake competition.  This motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.


On 24th January 2020, Mr.J.S.Dinesh Kumar, an alumnus of the department, interacted with the first year students and shared his experience in the field of IT and Networking. He advised the students to find places to intern during Summer Training with an objective to learn and experience real life problem solving skills.The alumnus was appreciated for his efforts in finding time to share his experience with the students.           

Industrial Visit

he Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a one day visit to ‘Parle G’ Biscuit Company, Madurai. A total of 34 students from I year B.Com (Honours) and I year B.Com (Honours) ACCA accompanied by 2 faculty members visited the company. Mr.Kather Ushan, coordinated with the students and explained the process of manufacture. This visit helped the students to understand the manufacture of biscuits. The visit ended with the faculty and the students thanking the management of Parle G Biscuit for providing a valuable opportunity.