The Youth Red Cross of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai conducted an awareness programme on “Preventive Measures against COVID-19”. The Programme was conducted from 19-04-2021 to 30-04-2021 through google class room. The students from various departments are participated and created awareness among people of nearby places. 15 students participated in this programme.
COVID Awareness Programme
Youth Red Cross and red Ribbon Club of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, conducted an awareness programme about COVID-19 on 25-04-2021 for the members of RRC and YRC members. They created an awareness among public through social media. 4 students contributed effectively.
Poshan Pakhwada
The Red Ribbon Club of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of science instructed its volunteers as per the directions of the Ministry of Women and Child Development (MoWCD) to act as “Poshan Monitor” making home visits to spread the message of the first 1,000 days whether the child is affected by Anemia, Diarrhea and importance of Hand Wash & Sanitation and Paushtik Aahar (Wholesome meal with diet diversity). The volunteers have mobilized the communities during the Poshan Pakhwada from 15th to 31st March, 2021. The Red Ribbon Club Volunteers have been utilised instead of National Service Scheme Volunteers. Due to the Pandamic, limited volunteers were assigned the tasks on 31st March 2021. 5 Pregnant women were benefited through this programme.
Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Dance competition on 22.03.2021 and 23.03.2021 in the Seminar Hall of our college. In this competition totally 16 groups participated in the group dance event. Students from various departments participated and registered their names in the event successfully.
Conveners of this event are Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Dance competition.
The Team member of this event ,Mrs.S.Neela, Assistant professor, Department of Hindi represented the Event and Evaluated the dance performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members who awarded the marks based on the song selection, coordination and dress code.
Then all the group dance teams’ started performing one by one, after the successful completion of the events, the convener and members of the competition awarded the marks on the basis of their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the team, the convener and members selected the teams for the first, second and third places.
Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 69 students participated in the competition.
Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Solo Dance competition. It was held on 22.03.2021 in the college campus at the Seminar Hall of our College. In this competition there were seven students participated in the event Participants from various departments registered their names in the Event Successfully.
The convener of this event, Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Dance competition.
Team member of this event, Mr.R.Ganesh, Assistan professor, Department of MCHM also represented the event and Evaluated the dance performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members who awarded the marks based on the song selection, coordination and costume.
Then all the solo dance participants started performing one by one, after the successful completion of the event the convener and members of the competition awarded the marks for their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the participants, the convener and members selected the students for the first, second and third places.
Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 7 students participated in the competition.
Guest Lecture on “Ideal Approach to NAAC A&A Process”
The IQAC of SLCS organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Ideal Approach to NAAC A&A Process” on 20.03.2021 in the College premises. The Principal of SLCS, Dr.R.Sujatha welcomed the Guest and the faculty members. IQAC Coordinator,Dr.R.Parthiban projected the NAAC Status of SLCS to the Guest. IQAC Assistant-Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of English,Mrs.R.SuganthiHepzibha introduced the eminent Chief Guest,Capt.Dr.N.ArunNagendran, IQAC Coordinator cum Associate Professor of Zoology, Thiagarajar College (Autonomous), Madurai, Re-Accredited with A++ Grade by NAAC.
The Resource person shared his experiences about their college’s SSR Preparation and the visit of NAAC Peer team.He also expounded about the nuances in collecting data and evidence. The Heads of the Departments and Criteria In-charges attended the interactive session.Many doubts regarding seven Criteria were raised, which was clearly clarified by the Resource person. He also gave a few suggestions, which will be taken into account in future endeavors.All members were enlightened through the informative session.
IQAC Assistant Coordinator cum Assistant Professor of Computer Science Mrs.K.P.Maheswari proposed the vote of thanks.
Cultural Heritage of India
Cultural Heritage of India was introduced as an extra credit course in the academic year 2020-21 for the 2019-22 batch students. It was resourced by DHAN Foundation, a leading National Professional NGO, who handled the session for 15 hours. It was conducted on 13th February,27th February ,6th,13th & 20th of March 2021.The objective of the course is to make the students explore native aspects of knowledge and not only harmonies their way of life but also bring about Moral and Material development of India. It is also aimed to also infuse interest in the students to understand native literature, religion, philosophy and cultural heritage. A total number of 387 students participated and benefitted with a certificate of completion. An extra credit of one is awarded to students who fulfill the criteria of attendance, assignments and online test at the end of the Programme. The feedback was collected at the end of the programme.
Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Mehandi competition on theme ‘Indian traditional mehandi’. It was held on 17.03.2021 in communication lab of our College. In this competition there were 24 teams consisted of two students per team participated. Participants from various departments registered their names for this Event.
Conveners of this event were Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor ,Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Mehandi competition.
Team members of this event Mrs.S.Neela, Assistant professor , Department of Hindi also represented the Event and Evaluated the Mehandi performance of the Students. Score sheet also was given to the evaluators, the conveners and members .They awarded marks based on the theme, single hand filling, creativeness and clean presentation.
After successful completion of the event the convener and members of the competition awardeed marks for their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the team, the convener and members selected the teams for first, second and third places.
Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 48 students participated in the competition.
Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Jewellery Making competition in Party wears. It was held on 17.03.2021 in communication lab of our College. In this competition, 09 students participated. Students from various departments participated and registered their names in the event successfully.
Conveners of this event are Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Jewellery Making competition.
Mr.R.Brameshwaran, Assistant professor, Department of F&IS represented the Event and Evaluated the performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members who awarded the marks based on the theme, simple and updated designs.
After successful completion of the event the convener and members of the competition awarded the marks based on their performance Based on the marks obtained by the team, the convener and members selected the teams for the first, second and third places.
Finally the competition ended by giving appreciation to the participants. Around 9 students participated in the competition.
Extra Curricular Activities Committee of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, organized a Singing competition on the theme “Idhaya Ragam”. It was held on 16.03.2021 in communication lab of our College. In this competition there were 14 students participated. Participants from various departments registered their names in the event Successfully.
The Convener of this event Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Singing competition.
Mrs.S.Neela, Assistant, professor, Department of Hindi also represented the event and Evaluated the Singing performance of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members who awarded the marks based on the theme, Sruthi, Thal and Pronunciation.
After successful completion of the event the convener and members of the competition awarded the marks based on their performances. Based on the marks obtained by the participants, the convener and members selected the students for first, second and third places.
Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful performance. Around 14 students participated in the competition.