National Mother’s Day Celebration

The Department of Networking celebrated National Mother’s Day on May 13, 2023. Ms. Charshika, II-B.Sc. Networking, delivered the welcome address. The students from the Networking department participated in the session, and Mr. M. Athigopal, HOD/Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, addressed the gathering. In this speech, he explained how to commemorate Mother’s Day in 2023. The day holds a significant place in our hearts because it gives us a chance to express our gratitude, love, and appreciation for our mothers. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honouring family members, such as Father’s Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents’ Day. Finally, Mrs. N.P. Rajeswari,Assistant Professor,Department of Networking, proposed a vote of thanks and thanked the management for their support in organising the event.


Department of Networking organized an Alumni Interaction Session for II year Networking students on 23.11.2022. Our alumni, R.V.Harshini (2019-2022 batch), stressed the importance of preparing better for campus placement and competitive examinations .She encouraged the students towards their higher studies with the help of Aptitude Test & TANCET. She delivered the new thoughts to the students. Totally, 10 students were benefited through this alumni interaction session.

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Workshop on Advanced Router Configuration for Startup Business

Session Details: Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Title of the Session : Workshop on Advanced Router Configuration for Startup Business
Date : 12/11/2022 Duration : 12.00 PM to 1.30 PM
Activity Category : Self Driven Activity Nature of the Session : Online
Theme  : Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.P.Ajithkumar Designation: Technical Trainer
Organisation: Vectra Technosoft Private Limited
Brief about Expert/Speaker: Achievements: ·         Completion of certification in AWS Solution Architect ·         Completion of certification in Redhat Virtualization ·         Certification Completion in VMware VCP-DCV ·         Certification completion in CCNA ·         Completion of certification in CompTIA N+ Networks ·         Certification completed in CompTIA A+ Hardware and Software  Experience: ·        2021 – Present   Advantage Pro, Chennai – Technical Trainer ·        2021 – Present   VMware Instructor with 1+ years in VMware, CompTIA A+ , N+,                             CCNA training experience.
Objectives of the activity: ·      To enable advanced configuration of routers ·      To authorize end-point users to communicate and share resources ·      To connect private network to public network ·      To perform accounting tasks using cloud accounting software
Outcome of the activity: ·        Students were able to advanced architecture of routers ·        Configure setup for routers and other devices ·        Understand cloud account activation ·        Get an exposure in the business environment through cloud accounting
Key Highlights: ·         Mr. P.Ajith Kumar started talking about startup business. ·         He explained the difference between private and public network ·         He explained it with the help of an advanced architecture of routers ·         He also explained in detail about usage of cloud accounting.
Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation: 61
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 04  – Teaching
 YouTube Links: NA
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Seminar on Innovative Career Path in Cyber Security & Cloud Computing

Session Details: Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Title of the Session : Seminar on Innovative Career Path in Cyber Security & Cloud    


Date : 09/03/2023 Duration : 11.00 AM to 1.30 PM
Activity Category : Self Driven Activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme  : Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.A.K. Nishanth Designation: Director Operations
Organisation: Securitaz, Madurai.
Brief about Expert/Speaker:


·         Skilled  in Virtualization

·         Skilled  in Metro Cluster

·         Skilled  in SAN,NAS & CIFS

·         Skilled  in SAAS Services


·        Cloudbyte – Cloud Support Engineer

·        Broadcom – Cloud Computing & Operations Engineer

Objectives of the activity:

·      To illuminate the students as an Enterpriser on Security service.

·      To acquire knowledge in cyber security.

·      To become specialize in robust cloud cyber security.

·      To basically examine the opportunity in protecting data from cyber ​​threats.

Outcome of the activity:

·        Students were able to get an exposure on cloud related to cyber security.

·        Interpret compliance with data privacy regulations.

·        Distinguish data from the cloud and cyber security.

·        Protect the system from malicious attacks.

Key Highlights:

·         Mr. A. K.Nishanth enlightened the students on endpoint security.

·         Job opportunities in cloud & cyber security fields.

·         The emerging technology data centers like Microsoft Azure, AWS etc.

·        The role of a cyber security engineer with real time examples.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation: 47
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 04  – Teaching
 YouTube Links: NA

Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Career Opportunity

Session Details: Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Title of the Session : Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation as

                                                 Career Opportunity

Date : 24/12/2022 Duration : 11.00 AM to 1.00 PM
Activity Category : IIC Calendar Activity Nature of the Session : Online
Theme  : Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.S.Gopalswamy Designation: Cloud Operation Engineer
Organisation: Common Wealth Bank of Australia
Brief about Expert/Speaker:


·         Skilled  in VMWare virtualization,

·         Skilled  in Hyper-V

·         Skilled  in Hyper Converged Infrastructure VMC on AWS

·         Skilled  in Redhat Ansible(DevOps) with Linux

·         Skilled  in Infrastructure implementation and maintenance

·         Worked on Multiple Financial Software Products Like, UPI, RuPAY etc.


·        Wipro Ltd., – Project Engineer

·        National Payments Corporation of India  – Senior Associate,

·        Cloud Engineer – Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Objectives of the activity:

·      To enlighten the students as an Entrepreneur on Cloud Services

·      To learn about cloud accounting

·      To know about DevOps in security services

·      To analyze and identify the opportunity based on cloud services

Outcome of the activity:

·        Students gained knowledge on startup business

·        Understands the working principle of AWS Cloud Developers

·        Discover continuous integration tools

·        Enable DevOps with Secure, reliable and high-performance cloud services

Key Highlights:

·         Mr. S.Gopalswamy started talking about career opportunity in cloud computing.

·         He explained the difference between Pass and Saas cloud services

·         He explicates the usage of cloud accounting with real time examples

·        He emphasis about cloud scenarios across AWS,  DevOps, and other cloud services.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation: 50
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 04  – Teaching
 YouTube Links: NA

Workshop on Prototype / Process and Design Development – Robotic Process Automation

Session Details: Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Title of the Session : Workshop on Prototype / Process and Design Development – Robotic

                                               Process Automation

Date : 24/03/2023 & 25/03/2023 Duration : 11.00 AM to 4.30 PM
Activity Category : IIC Calendar Activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme  : Innovation  and Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan Designation: CEO of RoboRam
Organisation: RoboRAM
Brief about Expert/Speaker:


·        Working as a project coordinator for CVRD, Chennai Fire & Safety Department, COIR Industry in the Industrial Automation Division at Dr. MGR Research Centre, Maduravayol.

·        Over 8500 people have been trained around the world, and more than 50 institutions have

·        Invited me to deliver about industrial knowledge.

·        In 2018, he founded his own automation firm (RoboRAM), then in 2020, he launched another venture called “RoboRAM Education.”

·        In December 2022, we launched our online learning automation based platform.

·        Created a “Board of Studies” Council to construct the course syllabus based on industrial requirements.


·        The Nesans, Technical Associate Engineer & HR – DEC 2017 – MAR 2018

·        Shalwin Power, Project Engineer, APR 2018 – OCT 2018

·        Intech Systems, Automation Engineer (NOV 2018 – MAR 2019)

·        DR MGR Research Institute,Industrial Automation Consultant ,APR 2019 – MAR 2020

·        RoboRAM Education, Automation Trainer ( JAN 2020) – NOW

·        Data Bee, Business Partner (MAR 2020)

Objectives of the activity:

·      To enlighten the students as an Entrepreneur on Robotics

·      To learn about Robotic Automotive Process

·      To know about robotics in security and surveillance

·      To analyze and identify the opportunity based on Robotic Process Automation

Outcome of the activity:

·        Students gained knowledge on startup business

·        Understands the working principles of robotics

·        Discover continuous integration tools and techniques

·        Enable Safe sequence tracking enables flexible solutions for human-robot interaction

Key Highlights:

Mr.Sriram Nagarajan, CEO & Founder, RoboRAM, discussed the Scope and importance of Robotics in daily life.  The expert enlightened the students on the importance of Robotic Applications such as, Spot Welding, Materials Handling, Machine Trending etc. He explained how various real-time Robotics technology generates collision-free motion plans in milliseconds for industrial robots and autonomous vehicles. Its solution empowers robots to function together in unstructured and collaborative workspaces, as well as to react to dynamic obstacles the instant changes are perceived. Its solutions expand the potential of automation.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation: 47
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 04  – Teaching
 YouTube Links: NA


 Department of Networking organized a Workshop on “Robotic Process Automation” on 23.03.2023 and 24.03.2023 for the Ist year students. Mr. M. Athigopal, HOD/Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, introduced the Chief Guest, Mr. M. Sriram Nagarajan, CEO& Co-Founder of RoboRAM, Nagercoil. He shared the importance of Robotic process automation (RPA) which is a software technology that makes it easy to build, deploy, and manage software robots that emulate humans actions interacting with digital systems and software.These robots can mimic not all but many human actions. RPA is used to automate various supply chain processes, including data entry, predictive maintenance and after-sales service support. It provides so many employment opportunities like RPA Developer, RPA Support specialist and RPA pega developer.Totally, 37 students from Networking department benefitted through this session.

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NetKings Association, Department of Networking, organized a Webinar on “Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” on 25.02.2023 for the I & II year students. Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. M. Priyadharsini, Assistant Professor (Sl.G), Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore. The resource person shared the importance of core paper like Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning. She shared the real time applications through webinar session for students. Totally, 47 students from Networking were benefitted through this webinar session.

Extension Activity -SLCS Samaaj Seva “Awareness Program on Network Threats”

Department of Networking along with five students conducted an Extension Activity (SLCS Samaj Seva) on 09/02/2023 (Thursday) for the benefit of the students of  De-Nobile Matric Higher Secondary School at K. Pudhur. Through this activity, the school students gained valuable information on the topics such as Methods of Identifying Weaknesses in computer systems and computer networks to develop counter measures that protect and improve the security of an organization. The students gained knowledge on how hackers use the same tools, tricks, and techniques that malicious attacks use, but with the permission of the authorized person. The school students understood the basic ideas of network threats are unlawful or malicious activities that intend to take advantage of network vulnerabilities. The goal is to breach, harm, or sabotage the information or data valuable to the company and its applications. Totally, 55 students were benefited through this extension activity.

An Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit PSYE College

On behalf of Networking department, Mr. M. Athigopal, Mr. Muthu Ganesan, Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari and Mr. Sivakumar along with the I & II Year Networking students visited Incubation Center of Pandian Saraswathy Yadav Engineering College, Sivagangai on 27.01.2023 from 10.30am to 3.30pm. The objective behind this visit was to make the students understand the concept of incubation centre.  The staff members of the centre provided wonderful explanation on various research centers.  It is such a wonderful opportunity for students to create innovative ideas for their job. Our SLCS team met Mr. Arun Arjunan, Incubation Center Facilitator and discussed the role of Incubation centre in providing the orientation, training and development, mentoring, getting patent rights and commercialization of the product etc., He explained various sources for business startups such as production of transceiver, e-Cycle, 3D Printer, CNC machine, Solar Train Trolley, Tricycle. The students were also given insightful  information and demonstration on the basic accounting and managerial techniques adopted for the businesses that have been recently incubated by the centre and how they are financed. Many students from schools and colleges, in and around Arasanoor, are working at the centre. They shared their ideas and inspired our team. The team had also an opportunity to have one to one communication with their faculties. Totally, 47 students were benefitted through this visit.