International Students’ Day Celebration

The International Students’ Day was observed on 17 November, 2021 at 2.00PM-4.20PM in F31.  The Program Started with Prayer song. The welcome address for the day was presented by I Year B&I student Mr.Mahesh. The Principal Dr. Sujatha delivered the Presidential Address. The Vice Principal Dr. Archunan gave his felicitation and encouraged the students with his warm and motivating words. The Dean Dr. Priya explained the rules and regulations of the events to be conducted.

The following Events were conducted for the students by the Staff Coordinators,

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Speech on Students day
  3. Formation of Shapes
  4. Pictures Observation

Ist Year B&I student Ms.Krithika delivered the Vote of thanks, and the Program came to an end with the National Anthem.


“Kalaisaral”, the Association Meet, was conducted by the Techno Fest Association Members on 28.10.2021at Nautical Science Annexure Block. Students from I,II and III B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the event. Ms.Subashree of II B.Sc C.S (SSS) compered the programme. The event started with the welcome address given by Ms.Ramya of III B.Sc CS(SSS). Special address was given by Mr.K.Aruchunan, Vice Pricipal, SLCS. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department gave the felicitation address.

II & III year students conducted several non-technical events in order to welcome the I year Students. They encouraged their juniors to maintain team coordination throughout their college life. Students from II CS (SSS) conducted various non-technical events for III year CS students. II year students organized these events and made the session as a memorable moment for their seniors. Totally 128 (I year = 35, II year = 52, III year = 41) students participated in this program.

Finally II & III year students presented saplings to their juniors as a memento. The session ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms.R.Rajalakshmi of III B.Sc CS (SSS).


The department of Computer Science organised an inaugural function  of the Techie Quest club on 22.10.2021 at F40 Hall.Students from various departments participated in the inauguration. The session started with the welcome address given by Mr.Srinisudhan of III B.Sc CS(SSS). Mrs.V.Gayathri, Event Coordinator, Dept. of CS delivered the felicitation address. She explained about the importance of learning cyber security in order to safe guard the personal information.

She, also, encouraged the students to participate in the club activities and develop their skills in Cyber Security. Mr.Sudharsan Prabu, student coordinator from III B.Sc CS (SSS) explained on the  awareness of personal security while using social media sites and online payment gateway. This programme was an eye-opening session for the students from various domains.

No. of students Participated: 30

Inauguration and Celebration of A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s 90th Birthday

      The Inaugural function of Students Forum and an Observation of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam’s Birthday in the name of “Commemorating Kalam with Kalam” was Celebrated on 15 October, 2021 from  12.00PM- 1.00PM in the Seminar Hall. The Program began invoking the almighty.  The program hosted by II  Year BSc Computer Science  Student Ms. Shahithya  had a voracious response. Welcome address was delivered by II CS Student Ms.Yuvasri.  The college Principal     Dr. R. Sujatha delivered the Presidential address and introduced the Students’ Forum Chairman, Secretary and Joint Secretary. Vice Principal Dr. Archunan in his speech and encouraged the students with his motivating words. The Dean – Academics  Dr. Priya explained  the functioning of the forum and the teamwork and dedication that goes into the working together for the forum.

Second year BSc.Computer Science student Mr. Srivatsav remembered the life History of A.P.J Abdul Kalam and his Contribution on Missile Operation.

As a part of the celebration Quiz and Oath taking tasks were assigned to the faculty members and the students through Google Form. In total 189 students, and 17 faculty members participated and benefitted from the celebration.


The Department of CS (SSS), as a part of its Extension Activity recorded and aired a programme on “Awareness about E-Sewa Kendra” through SLCS’s Community Radio Shyamalavani on 28.09.2021 at 01.00 PM. Four students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) performed a skit “Awareness about E-Sewa Kendra”, about the awareness of E-Sewa Kendra. This play disseminated the importance of E-Sewa Kendra to the rural people. Students explained various facilities available in the E-Sewa Kendra.


In association with alumni cell, a prominent Alumnus of Computer Science Department, Mr.M.Vijaya Kumar (Batch: 2007 – 2010), Team Leader, TCS, Chennai, interacted with the I year CS (SSS) students on 27.09.2021. He shared his industry experience with the students. He insisted the students on developing the communication skills such as Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. He also encouraged the students to work continuously to improve their technical skills. Totally 35 students participated in this alumni interaction session.

Peer Teaching on Cross Site Scripting

Peer Teaching is the one of the best way, to masterize a particular subject. Mr.S.R.Aathithyan (Roll No : 20240) & Ms.A.Yuvasree(Roll No : 20239) from II B.Sc CS (SSS) shared their knowledge about “Cross Site Scripting” on 14/09/2021 from 11.30 am to 12.30pm. They handled the session for the course Cryptography (Course Code : 20CS301).

The cross site scripting was illustrated by them with the help of PortSwigger Web Security Academy to all their classmates. Cross-site scripting is a type of security vulnerability typically found in web applications. XSS attacks enable the attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages viewed by other users. Both the students clearly explained how the attacks are done using XSS and how to avoid these kind of vulnerabilities.

They also shared the purpose of cryptographic algorithms in ensuring security in web application. Totally 51 students from II B.Sc CS(SSS) got benefitted from this peer teaching session.

After the peer teaching session, all the students were instructed to practise the same by using XSS.

Class PTA (Parents Teacher Association) Meeting – I report

The Department of Computer Science(SSS) conducted Class PTA(Parents Teachers Association) Meeting I for the students of II & III B.Sc CS(SSS) on 08/09/21 & 09/09/21 respectively. The parents were explained about their wards attendance and I internal mark details. The progress report of each student was prepared by the class in-charges. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Mrs.J.Varalakshmi and Mrs.V.Gayathri prepared the progress reports of II B.Sc CS(SSS) – A , II B.Sc CS(SSS) – B and III B.Sc CS(SSS) respectively. The progress report was projected to all the parents. Due to pandemic, the classes are conducted through blended mode. Parents were asked to advise their wards to follow the safety measures at college bus and inside the campus. Parents of III B.Sc CS(SSS) asked about the details about internship training. They were informed about the efforts to be taken by their wards for getting  placed.

No.of students attended PTA Meeting with their parents:

II B.Sc CS(SSS)  –  A Section   –  26

II B.Sc CS(SSS)  –  B Section   –  26

III B.Sc CS(SSS)                       –  40


In association with alumni cell, a prominent Alumna of Computer Science Department, Ms.K.Karthiyayini (Batch: 2018 – 2021), Executive, CMA CGM Pvt Ltd, Chennai, interacted with the III year CS (SSS) students on 08.09.2021. She shared her interview experience in CMA CGM Logistics Company. She insisted the students on concentrating more on Project development. She encouraged the students to learn aptitude for clearing interview and complete a few certification courses during the college days. She also advised the students to attend interviews in all the companies without skipping the opportunities. Entirely the programme was an eye opening session for the students.

Peer Teaching on Google colab

Peer Teaching facilitates the students to share their knowledge with their peer mates. Mr.S.R.Aathithyan (Roll No : 20240) & Mr.M.Sakthivel(Roll No : 20225) from II B.Sc CS (SSS) shared their knowledge about “Google colab” on 06/09/2021 from 01.05 pm to 01.30pm. Google Colab is nothing but a web IDE. It allows us to write and execute arbitrary python code through the browser, and it is suitable to machine learning, data analysis and education. It is an excellent tool to implement all kinds of machine learning and deep learning algorithms.

They handled the session for the course Python Programming Lab (Course Code : 20CS306P). The students explained how to do python programming by using colab with some demonstration.  The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which is used for editing, compiling and executing the python code was explained by them in colab. They also elucidated that google colab provides an environment with Graphics Processing Unit(GPU) to execute all complex machine learning algorithms. The face detection algorithm in Machine learning was demonstrated by them. Totally 47 students from II B.Sc CS(SSS) got benefitted from this peer teaching session.

After the peer teaching session, all the students were instructed to write a python program to find out the factorial value of given number by using google colab environment.