Alumni meeting

Title of the session: Alumni meeting
Organizer Department B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  29.07.2022 Time    :    11.30 am to 12.30am
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     III B.Com (B&I)
Alumni Details:

Ms. M. Iswarya Alumni of our college. Working as processing associate in BNY Mellon in Chennai. BNY Mellon Investment Management provides a robust corporate foundation, together with worldwide resources and administrative supports. It allows us to know about investment firms.

Objective(s) of the activity:

Ø  The bright gap between college life and career life, so as to inculcate students to the professional world.

Ø  To enhance the employability through references.

Ø  To provide a platform for students to develop their personality and skills.

Key Highlights:

Ø  Totally, 64 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance) were attended the Programme.

Ø  Alumni shared her views ideas and information to instill.

Ø  During the meet, the alumni shared insight her experience to our students, which she had faced after stepping out of the institution.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

Ø  Alumni Meet, creates a special bonding between with the students who have established themselves already in the big, outside world.

Ø  The event was utilized to apply experience in real life situation.

Ø  The alumni helped the students by giving guidance for academic and co-curricular activities.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated:  64

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 3

SLCS Samaj Seva(Outreach Activity)_ Awareness Program on Digital Technologies

Mr. M. Athigopal, Head- Department of Networking, along with three students from the Department of Networking, conducted an Outreach Activity (SLCS Samaj Seva) on 29/07/2022 for the benefit of the students of K.N. Nadar Primary School, Koodakovil, Madurai. Through this activity, the school students were able to understand the Digital Technologies and the good sources of Social Media and Security. Students got a lot of information on how they can reduce the risk of unsecure data in the social media. Our students created awareness  and also  specified how to  access the information up-to-date and post them in several social media with authenticity. Since, it is the basic level, the school students understood the outline of network security and its need. Totally, 50 students were benefited through this extension activity.


Herbert William Henrich Association of the Department of Fire and Industrial Safety organized SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA – an awareness program on “EFFECTS OF TOBOCCO TO THE PUBLIC” at Eliyarpathi on 28/07/2022. A Student from III year FIS, Mr. A. Rahul, conducted the activity. He created awareness on Harmful effects of Tobacco such as, premature death and long-term suffering. He also explained that it was a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cancers and oral diseases.  This initiative created the knowledge to the public as to how it will affect humans.  The aim of this campaign is to spread the awareness regarding the harmful effects of tobacco among the users. Around 15 People get benefitted from the Activity.

Workshop on Innovative Practices in Clay Modeling

D.P. Roy Choudhury Association, Department of Animation, in association with Institution Innovation Council – SLCS organized Two Days Workshop on “Innovative Practices in Clay Modeling” on 27 & 28 July, 2022 at our college premises.

The Program started with the prayer song and Mr. P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof., Dept. of Animation welcomed the gathering. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, delivered the presidential address and the felicitation address was given by Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics.

Mr.Radhakrishnan, Freelance Sculptor, Govt. College of Fine Arts, Kumbakonam, acted as the chair Person. He was very  much skilled in Sculpting with the variety of materials like Clay, Wax, Plaster of Paris, etc. The objective of this workshop is to enable the students to learn the art of Sculpting, as a part of our culture. He briefed on the nuances, tips & techniques in Clay Sculpting. At the end of the workshop, the students were able to understand the concepts of Traditional Sculpting.  Students learned to enhance the techniques in real-time sculpting than in 3D Sculpting. Totally, 53 Students were benefitted through this program.


Hebert William Henrich Association of Department of Fire and Industrial Safety organized SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA– an extension activity program on “AWARNESS ON FOOD HYGINE” at Alangulam on 28/07/2022. A. Rahul, III B Sc FIS, conducted the activity. He clarified to the public that Food hygiene is the condition and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption. He also explained that lack of adequate food hygiene can lead to food borne diseases and even death of the consumer at times. He insisted the people that food handling is an important, easy, and cost-effective way to keep you, your family, and friends safe from possible deadly illness.

          This initiative created awareness to the public like, Wash their hands before cooking, after handling raw meats or eggs, after touching ones face/skin, or after handling garbage, cook food to the minimum safe internal temperature, prevent cross contamination by storing meat properly and by handling raw meat correctly. Around 10 People got benefitted from the activity.

SLCS Samaaj Seva – “Outreach Activity on “Samaaj Seva – “Protecting the Nature observing “World Nature Conservation Day”

Title of the Session: SLCS Samaaj Seva  – “Outreach Activity on “Samaaj Seva – “Protecting the Nature observing “World Nature Conservation Day”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) ZEAL, Association of the Department of BBA
Date : 28.07.2022 Time: 09.00 pm. To 01.00 pm.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Thiruppurankundram Village (Hill area)
Theme : World Nature Conservation Day
Expert / Speaker Details: III BBA Students
Name: —  List Enclosed Designation: —  Students
Organisation: —  NA
Objective of the activity:

v To create awareness among the villagers about the conservation of nature

v To explain various methods of protecting the nature like avoiding deforestation, saving water, utilizing natural resources properly.

Key Highlights:

v The Students of III BBA prepared Posters on the theme “Protecting the Environment and Conservation of Nature” and visited Thirupparankundram village (Hill Area) which is around 12 kms from the College campus.

v The students elaborated to the villagers, about the consequences of the deforestation that may lead to scarcity of rainfall and subsequent climate change

v The students briefed the importance of conservation of nature for the future generation.

v The students also discussed the various measures to be taken for conservation of nature.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The villagers in Thirupparankundram understood the importance of conservation of nature.

v They also assured that they will follow the guidelines and procedures for protecting the nature and assured to create awareness among the people in that locality.

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 12

v Total No. of Villagers participated: Around 105

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 1


Seminar on “Hepatitis Can’t Wait”

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Health and Nutrition Club jointly organized a Seminar entitled “Hepatitis Can’t Wait” on 28.7.2022 between 9.00 and 10.30 am on the theme “Bringing Hepatitis Care Closer to You” in commemoration with “World Hepatitis Day”. The resource person of this seminar is Mrs.V.Suganya, Senior Clinical Dietitian and Head, Department of Dietetics, Apollo Speciality Hospitals, Madurai. This day is observed to spread awareness about the various forms of hepatitis and how they get transmitted. It also aims to improve the management, detection, and prevention of viral hepatitis as well as related diseases. The speaker highlights the types, causes, signs and symptoms of the deadly virus which is very harmful to the humans. She emphasized the principles, types and modification of normal diet to be followed during the inflammation of liver. She explained the dietary guidelines and a sample menu to lead a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. She pointed out the steps in nutritional assessment, intervention, and diagnosis and nutrition education as an important tool to assess and to educate the community. Many participants enquired about the ways of transmission and preventive measures to overcome the same. The participants were able to understand the role of basic nutrients needed to overcome malnutrition and these types of diseases. They also assured that they will create awareness among the younger generations to eradicate the viral hepatitis. Totally, 253 students and 54 faculty from various departments and colleges participated and got benefitted from this seminar. The feedback of this seminar was collected from the participants and it showed that they were satisfied with the same.

Outreach Program SLCS Samaaj Seva “Pedagogy on Fruits Processing and Preservation Methods”

Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) Pedagogy on Fruits Processing and Preservation Methods” on 27.07.2022 at Kochadai.  Finally, the self help group members actively participated in this session and clarified their doubts. Totally, 13 students of III Year FSPM briefed the importance and uses of food processing and preservation methods among the self help groups. At the end of the program 20 members got benefited.

Stanley Kubrick Film Screening | 2001 A Space Odyssey

Title of the Session:Stanley Kubrick Film Screening | 2001 A Space Odyssey
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Medius Coronet
Date : 26/07/2022 Time: 08:30 AM – 01:30PM
Mode of the Session : Online Venue: S-56, Editing Lab
Theme(If Applicable) :  Not Applicable
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name:Mr. J. K. Anubhav Krishna Designation: Assistant Professor,
Objective(s) of the activity: 

·        To understand the importance of Director Stanley Kubrick in the history of cinema.

Key Highlights:

Mr. J. K. Anubhav Krishna spoke to the pupils about the film and the significant milestone as it is and after the film screening. He also described the crew’s methods and the methods employed to take the shots. The event ended with a tribute to Director Stanley Kubrick and his incredible contributions to the history of cinema.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

·         The students were enriched themselves with the movie ‘2001 A Space Odyssey’ and its importance in cinema history.


Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated: Total – 12[IIIB.Sc.(Viscom)-12]

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: Viscom – 3,

SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Extension program on- “Kargil Vijay Diwas-Rally”.

Title of the Session:SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Extension program on- “Kargil Vijay Diwas-Rally”.
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Marine Catering and Hotel Management
Date : 26.7.2022 Time:2.30 P.M
Mode of the Session : Physical Venue: Valayankulam, Madurai
Theme(If Applicable) : Extension Activity
Objective(s) of the activity:

·        To make students aware of these celebrations in order to evoke nationalism and patriotism through nationwide campaign, especially among youth.

·        To remember the supreme sacrifice made by our brave soldiers, to uphold and safeguard the integrity of the nation and to pay homage to the valiant soldiers.

·        Students, the future of nation, must know about such an important event in India.

Key Highlights:

Kargil Vijay Diwas, is celebrated on July 26, every year to mark the historic day; when India conquered Pakistan in the Kargil War that occurred in 1999.As a tribute to this occasion, the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a Kargil Vijay Diwas -Rally”, to create awareness among the rural community. Five faculty members and 34 students from the MC&HM and FS|&PM actively participated in this program. The students carried posters and banners with slogans.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

Students were able to imbibe,

·         Capability of defense services of India

·         Calls for a celebration to not only win a military conflict, but also establish Indian sophistication in modern warfare and diplomacy.

·         A revisit to the war and showcasing of the indomitable spirit, unflinching dedication and selfless service displayed by soldiers.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated: 34

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 4