SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “SWACHHTA HI SEVA”– Cleanliness is service”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a SLCS-Samaaj Seva—Extension Activity on “SWACHHTA HI SEVA”—Cleanliness is Service, as a one-day cleaning activity at Nedumadurai Temple, Madurai, on 10.4.2023. Totally, 23 students and 1 faculty members from Marine Catering and Hotel Management took part in this program and created awareness among the rural people  about importance of green environment in their surroundings. As a part of the program, they started walking along the street, collected plastic waste, and cleaned the temple. Students actively participated in the program by giving it their full support, which made it a great success.


Techno Fest Association, Department of Computer Science (SSS), celebrated the birthday of the Computer Legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark, was an American physicist who is credited for designing the first modern personal computerwas celebrated on 10.04.2023 at the Seminar Hall. The students from I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) have attended the Session.The celebration started with the welcome address delivered by P. Gokulannamalai, II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mrs. D. Padmapriya, Head of the Department rendered the felicitation address. Sasi Regha S, II BSC CS (SSS) delivered speech on the computer legend Mr.Wesley Allison Clark. As a part of the celebration, R.Divya & V.Vanitha from II BSC CS(SSS) conducted a technical Quiz program I BSC CS (SSS) and II BSC CS (SSS) students. Totally 82 students participated in the computer legend birthday and got benefitted. The session was concluded with Vote of Thanks delivered by T.Karthi of II BSC CS(SSS).

“Awareness Program on PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA (PMFBY)-Crop Insurance”

The Department of Commerce (B&I) along with the Cuentas Association organized an awareness programme on PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA (PMFBY)- Crop Insurance” on March 31, 2023 for the people of nearby villages. The coverage of insurance is very low in India. This scheme provides insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers for the failure of the notified crop due to natural calamities, pests & diseases. The scheme could be implemented through a multi-agency framework by selected insurance companies under the overall guidance & control of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (MoA& FW), Government of India (GOI). Further, they explained that DAC&FW has designated/empanelled  Agriculture Insurance company of India (AIC) and private Insurance companies 1) ICICI-Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 2) HDFC-ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd. 3) IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Ltd. 4) Cholamandalam MS General Insurance 2 Company Ltd. 5) Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd. 6) Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd. 7) Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd. 8) Tata-AIG General Insurance Company Ltd. 9) SBI General Insurance Company Ltd. 10) Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd.  provides crop insurance.

Our faculty, Mr. R. Dhamotharan, NSS officer along with 15 students of I B.Com (B & I) participated in this program and nearly 20 farmers got benefitted through this program.

Workshop on Carving (Vegetable, Fruit & Ice)

HEN Association of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a two-day workshop on Carving on 29.03.2023 and 30.03.2023 for the students of I and II years. Chef. Santhoshkumar of Kalam Carving Academy, Coimbatore, was the resource person for the workshop. The chef said that carving is an extracurricular activity for the hotel management students and can be learnt with self-interest, dedication, creativity, concentration and knowledge of drawing in order to become good carvers. He also gave hands-on practice for the student to carve 4 and 5- petal flowers with radish, carrot, cucumber, beet root and water melon. They displayed their vegetable flower bouquets and carving arrangements in the college premises. This workshop gave a lot of motivation and encouragement to the students, who also had a memorable experience. Totally, 76 students participated and got benefitted through this program.

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Workshop on Carving (Vegetable, Fruit & Ice)

HEN Association of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a two-day workshop on Carving on 29.03.2023 and 30.03.2023 for the students of I and II years. Chef. Santhoshkumar of Kalam Carving Academy, Coimbatore, was the resource person for the workshop. The chef said that carving is an extracurricular activity for the hotel management students and can be learnt with self-interest, dedication, creativity, concentration and knowledge of drawing in order to become good carvers. He also gave hands-on practice for the student to carve 4 and 5- petal flowers with radish, carrot, cucumber, beet root and water melon. They displayed their vegetable flower bouquets and carving arrangements in the college premises. This workshop gave a lot of motivation and encouragement to the students, who also had a memorable experience. Totally, 76 students participated and got benefitted through this program.

Workshop on Carving (Vegetable, Fruit & Ice)


HEN Association of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a two-day workshop on Carving on 29.03.2023 and 30.03.2023 for the students of I and II years. Chef. Santhoshkumar of Kalam Carving Academy, Coimbatore, was the resource person for the workshop. The chef said that carving is an extracurricular activity for the hotel management students and can be learnt with self-interest, dedication, creativity, concentration and knowledge of drawing in order to become good carvers. He also gave hands-on practice for the student to carve 4 and 5- petal flowers with radish, carrot, cucumber, beet root and water melon. They displayed their vegetable flower bouquets and carving arrangements in the college premises. This workshop gave a lot of motivation and encouragement to the students, who also had a memorable experience. Totally, 76 students participated and got benefitted through this program.


The IQAC, the Placement Cell & Yoga Club of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai, jointly organized a Seminar on VETRI UNGAL KAYIL” on 29.03.2023 at 11.30 am in the College premises for the welfare of the students. Mr. M. Rajakabir, Campaign Manager, P&G Gillete Safalta, Madurai, was the Resource person. Mr. Karthikeyan from I B.Sc., Computer Science, welcomed the gathering. The Principal, Dr. R. Sujatha, delivered the Presidential Address. The Vice Principal Dr.K.Archunan, delivered the Felicitation Address. Followed by him the Dean Academics, Dr. S. Priya, delivered the Special Address.

Mr. M. Rajakabir, demonstrated the importance of Grooming for the Professional Career and growth. He also projected a video which shows the importance of grooming. The students were also given a grooming kit from the brand Gillette. The session was really an eye opener for all the students. Totally, 262 students and 12 faculty members participated in the seminar. Mr.Tharun from I B.Sc., Networking proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Awareness campaign on “Save Water Observing World Water Day”

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized an Awareness campaign on “Save Water Observing World Water Day” on 28.03.2023 at Dindigul Road, Natham. Students of I BBA and II BBA promoted the importance of saving water. They also conducted a rally by creating awareness on water conservation and management of fresh water. The theme behind this program is to adopt various techniques to save clean and pure water for future by following various effective measures. They raised slogans on managing freshwater as a sustainable resource to protect life by meeting all the water demands. Totally, 21 students from I BBA and 10 students from II BBA eagerly participated in the program.

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PARENTS TEACHERS MEET REPORT Department of B.Com (B&I) AY 2022 – 2023

PTA meet was organized by the Department of B.Com (B & I) for the I & II year  students on 25.03.2023. Mrs. Nithya Kalyani & Mr. V. Sivasubramanian, Assistant Professors, B.Com B&I, arranged PTA meet for I year students. Mr. N.  Arunkumar, Assistant Professor, B.Com B&I, arranged for II year students. The main aim of the meeting was to create a common platform where teachers and parents come together and discuss the issues related to the student’s progress and ways to enrich their learning experience.

During the meeting, the following points were discussed.

  • The progress report of the student’s academic performance in the CIA-I was briefed to parents and received their valuable feedback.
  • There was a very good interaction between the parents and teachers for the development of their wards and discussed the important matters, both strengths and areas of improvements.
  • Attendance report of each student is shown to their parents from January to February 2023.
  • Parents were encouraged to motivate students’ participation in the Capshine.
  • Feedback regarding the course were collected from the students.


S.No Class Total No of students No.of Present  No. Of Absent
1 I Year 81 73 08
2 II Year 78 71 07

The Capshine Language Enhancement Program

The college has enrolled a mixed of I year, II year, III year students along with faculty members in Capshine English Language Enhancement Program. The total number of learners inclusive of first batch and second batch is 639. The hon’ble President of the college Dr.R. Lakshmipathy, Joint Managing Editor of Dinamalar signed an MoU with Mr.Satya Prabhakar the CEO of Sulekha, Capshine. The app has been mapped with the following metrics in NAAC, Criterion 1,2,3,5 and 7. The feedback given by the students is overwhelming and the Star Speaker session saw our Dean Academics Dr.S.Priya win the award of Star Speaker for the month of March 2023 in Capshine.