SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity – Rally on “Save Environment & Save Earth”

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club organized SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity – Rally on “Save Environment & Save Earth” at Vaigai Dam, Theni on 22nd Aug, 2023. 54 students and 3 staff members from the department of MC&HM took part in this outreach program.  The program aimed at creating awareness among the masses to ‘Save Environment & Save Earth’ in the vicinity of Vaigai Dam surrounding area. The initiative of the program aimed at the conservation of tress and optimum utilization of natural resources which ultimately contributed towards the benefit of future generation.

Pastry Art & Hot Plate Presentation Work Shop 2023

The South Indian Chef Association organized a National workshop on “Pastry Art & Hot Plate Presentation” at the Marriott Hotel in Cochin, Kerala, on 14.08.2023. Final-year students Akash R, Gokul R, Kasinathan A, Chandran K, Divyadharsan A, Samuel M, Jeevanandham SP, along with faculty member Mr. E. Jacob Jebarai, participated in the workshop. Chef Dimuthu Kumarasinghe, President of the Chefs Guild of Lanka, was invited as the chief guest. He spoke about plate presentation as the final step that showcases culinary creations. Often overlooked or treated as an afterthought, plate presentation should emphasize the food’s quality and preparation techniques while engaging the diner’s senses. Effective plating should be simple enough to execute on a busy night, while still being stylish and visually appealing to the guests. By the end of the session, students received hands-on instruction on how to present both plates and pastries. This workshop provided significant motivation and encouragement to the students, resulting in a memorable experience for all.

Carrier guidance program cum alumnus interaction on “The Effect of Rewards and Motivation on Student Achievement”

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Career Guidance program cum Alumnus Interaction on ‘The Effect of Rewards and Motivation on Student Achievement” on 09.08.23.Chef Raj Mohan M.S., a former student of the department, is currently working as the HoD in the Department of HM&CS at GTN Arts College, Dindigul. He raised awareness among the students about the role of culinary competitions in their careers. He explained why students should participate in culinary competitions, what they can learn from them, and how that knowledge can help them improve their skills. Finally, he quoted the statement of Swami Vivekananda, ‘You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself.’ His message emphasizes the importance of discovering one’s talent, nurturing and motivating it, honing it to perfection, imbuing it with morals, and presenting it with love. He stressed that someday, amidst a crowd of people, the sound of applause, dance, whistles, and cheers will signify the magic of your performance and success. He encouraged students to envision their future, think ambitiously, and embrace it in the present, as one day, their future will manifest as their present. This program succeeded in motivating and encouraging the students. In total, 58 students from the second and third years actively participated.


The Department of Networking celebrated “National Girl Child Day 2023” on January 24, 2023. The session started with the prayer song. Mr.M.Athigopal, HOD/AP, Department of Networking, welcomed the gathering and introduced the Chief Guest, Mrs. Neela, HOD/AP, Department of Hindi, SLCS, and Madurai. Our Chief Guest gave an intellectual lecture on National World Child Day, which is observed to raise awareness about the rights of girls, support the nation’s girl children, eliminate gender biases, and emphasise the importance of education, health, and nutrition. Faculty came from various departments to celebrate the occasion. The Felicitation address was delivered by Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics, SLCS. Totally, 47 students were benefited from this seminar. The vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs. N. P. Rajeswari, AP/Department of Networking and the session ended with the National Anthem.

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National Mother’s Day Celebration

The Department of Networking celebrated National Mother’s Day on May 13, 2023. Ms. Charshika, II-B.Sc. Networking, delivered the welcome address. The students from the Networking department participated in the session, and Mr. M. Athigopal, HOD/Assistant Professor, Department of Networking, addressed the gathering. In this speech, he explained how to commemorate Mother’s Day in 2023. The day holds a significant place in our hearts because it gives us a chance to express our gratitude, love, and appreciation for our mothers. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May. It complements similar celebrations honouring family members, such as Father’s Day, Siblings Day, and Grandparents’ Day. Finally, Mrs. N.P. Rajeswari,Assistant Professor,Department of Networking, proposed a vote of thanks and thanked the management for their support in organising the event.

Fresher’s Day Party

The III&II year students of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized Fresher’s Day Party on 20.07.2023 for the first year students, who joined in the academic year 2023-2024. The purpose of Fresher’s Day Party is to make the first year students to feel at home, to encourage their creative impulses and to boost their confidence levels. The seniors welcomed their juniors by presenting them with mementos. The function started with the cutting of a cake followed by the key note address delivered by Mr.C.SureshKumar, Head of the Department of MC&HM. The activities included the icebreaking session which helped the students to get to know each other. Everyone got a chance to showcase their talents. Totally 99 students actively participated in this occasion .

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Outreach Activity on “SWACHHTA HI SEVA”– Cleanliness is Service”

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club organized SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity on the theme  “SWACHHTA HI SEVA”– “Cleanliness is Service” at Sathiyar Dam in Madurai on 20.7.23. 99 students from MC&HM and 4 staff members took part in this outreach program.  The program’s objective is to raise public awareness of the plastic-free environment at Sathiyar Dam. The participants distributed pamphlets to the people and provided the instructions to create green environment around them. As a part of the program, they went on a walk around the Sathiyar Dam, where they gathered plastic debris off the road and dumped it in the appropriate bin. The students made the program possible by actively participating and supporting it.

Field visit to Kizhadi

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized a field visit to Kizhadi on 02.05.2023. Kezhladi-An Urban Settlement of Sangam Age on the Banks of River Vaigai, the cultural findings belong sometime between the 6th century BCE and the 1st century CE. The artefacts could belong as far back as 580 BCE, as per report. According to the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Department (TNAD),  among the available scripts of India, the Indus scripts are considered to be the earliest one and were 4500 years old. One kind of script that survived between the disappearance of Indus script and the emergence of Brahmi script is called as graffiti marks by the scholars. Students came to know about their ancestors and their life style.  They were so eager to learn scriptures, culture and tradition of their ancestors. Totally, 78 II B. Com (B&I) students along with two faculty members          Mrs. V. Padmavathy and Mr. N. Arunkumar visited kizhadi and got benefitted.

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Association activity

CUENTAS Association of Commerce Department B&I conducted a co-curricular activity on June 13, 2023 The Quiz competition was conducted by Mr. Oviya Prasath. Y. II, B.Com., B&I, for the students. The major goal of this event was to inform them of the current scenario regarding commerce subject. Three rounds plus a bonus round made up the quiz. The quiz’s guidelines and rules were laid out from the beginning. The Quiz competition consisted of Objective, Direct Answer, and Visual. For the competitors, it was an extremely educational and knowledge-enhancing competition. Totally 80 students from II, B.Com B&I got benefitted.

24rd Graduation Day

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and R. L. Institute of Management Studies, Madurai, organized the 24rd Graduation Day on August 5, 2023. The celebrations started with the academic procession, in which the dignitaries were welcomed with the accompaniment of music to the college auditorium. Dr. R. Lakshmipathy, the Honorable President, commenced the ceremony with an invocation and declared the opening of the ceremony, followed by the administration of the pledge. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, delivered the welcome address and introduced the chief guest.

Mr. P. Charles Godwin, HR Leader, Zoho Corporation Private Limited, Chennai delivered the Graduation Day Address. In his speech, he shared his inspirations that served as a driving force in his life. He emphasized that students should move in the right direction with clear vision, purpose, and passion to succeed in their lives. He insisted that students should follow their passions and put forth a lot of effort to succeed in life. He highlighted that the sky is the limit for them if their dreams are clear. He also instilled in the students that it was their duty to contribute to the development of our community.

Every head of the department called out the names of the graduates of their respective departments who were awarded the degree certificates by the guest of honor. Totally, 433 candidates from various departments received their graduation certificates.

Dr. R. Lakshmipathy, President of the college, insisted students to keep learning every day and update themselves by developing their technical and communication skills. He emphasized the point insisted on by the chief guest: a dream doesn’t become a reality automatically; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work. The ceremony closed with the national anthem.

The event was expertly handled by Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics and Mrs. R. Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Co-ordinator.

Dr. L. Ramasubbu, Secretary; Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal; Dr. K. Lakshmi, Controller of Examinations; Head of Departments; Faculty Members; Non-Teaching Staff; and Parents participated with joy in the convocation ceremony, and all the graduates went back in absolute glee.

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