Department of Networking conducted a Mentor Meeting through  online  on  11-09-2020 (Friday) at Linux Lab. Mr.V.Deepan Chakkaravarthy, Instructor, taught his mentees how to do eye exercises. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems with their mentor from 11.50 AM to 12.40 PM.

Guest Lecture on “Effective Communication”

SIP Cell & Training, Placement & Career Counselling Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Effective Communication”. Communication plays a vital role in everyday life. Mr.T.K.Senthil kumar, French Teacher at IGCSE and IS School, Qatar presented Guest Lecture about the Effective Communication on 11.09.2020. He stated that Communication is a matter of creativity. It is the key for the success in our life. Everyone should overcome fear, shyness and hesitation to communicate effectively. At the same time one should build confidence and courage to communicate. He explained about 7Cs of Communication that is Credibility, Courtesy, Clarity, Correctness, Consistence, Concreteness and Conciseness. It is a network where we want to overcome the barriers. He suggested the students to enhance the Communication skill one should read and write effectively. Above all to conclude he insisted the students practice communication to have successful career. Totally 221 students participated and got benefitted.


On behalf of the Department of CS, the second Mentor Meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 11.09.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 2.20 PM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Class rooms. They discussed the status of Mini Projects and participation details of Webinars and Certifications. Students shared their achievements, grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.

Demonstration on Yoga & Meditation

SIP Cell & Yoga Club of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Yoga & Meditation”. Yoga is an ancient form of exercise. Mr.P.Thangamuthu, Physical Education Director, demonstrated on the topic “Yoga & Meditation – To keep Body & Mind fit” on 10.09.2020. In his presentation he stated the history of Yoga and also about the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, father of yoga. He also stated that Yoga is a Physical, mental and Spiritual practice or discipline and a technique to control the body weight loss. He explained about the 8 limbs of Yoga they are Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi. It is also a practice of Meditation where an individual uses a technique to train attention and awareness to achieve mentally and emotionally calm stable state. He also explained about the meditation steps for the beginners. He explained about few Yoga posture to the students during the session along with the techniques. Finally he concludes the session by posting few questions to the students. The students got benefited from the entire session. Totally 220 students actively participated in the session.

Guest Lecture on “Soft Skills, Personality Development, Importance of Dressing Etiquettes and Grooming”

SIP Cell & Training, Placement & Career Counselling Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Soft Skills, Personality Development, Importance of Dressing Etiquettes and Grooming”. The term Soft Skills covers a wide range of skills. Mr.P.Selvam, Assistant Professor of MBA presented Guest Lecture on the topic on 09.09.2020. He started the presentation with the vast difference between Hard Skills and Soft Skills and also reiterates the students that both the skills should be balanced equally in a profession. The hard skills means the proficiency in a foreign language, a degree, a certificate, machine operation and others related to it. The Soft Skills are Communication, flexibility, Leadership, Teamwork, Time Management and others. He further explained about the top 10 Soft Skills to the students. He again expressed the importance of dressing, etiquettes and grooming. At the end the students were able to gain a clear cut idea about the Soft Skills and Personality Development. Totally 220 students actively participated in the session.

Word Play – Literary Activity

The Department of English in association with the Curriculum Development Cell & Students Corner organized an activity session – Word Play on 08.09.2020 for the students. The session was very vibrant. The students were given Word Play like identifying the personalities and identifying the Idioms by the pictures given. These games enriched the students mind by enhancing their logical thinking as well as the application ability. Totally 215 students actively participated in the session. The students shared their feedback as it was an informative and an active session.

Webinar on “Awareness and Impacts on Drug Addiction”

SIP Cell & NSS of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Awareness and Impacts on Drug Addiction”. The usage of Drugs and Addiction problem has been increasing at alarming rates, especially among young adults. To deal with the topic “Awareness and Impacts of Drug Addiction”, the forum had an eminent and professional Counsellor Dr.M.Kannan, Director – Research, MS.Chellamuthu Trust, Madurai on 07.09.2020. The speaker informed the forum about the MoU signed between SLCS and MS.Chellamuthu Trust, Madurai. He advised the students to care about the parents and their own family that will really help everyone not to move towards the unwanted ways. The addiction of Drugs is really an illegal one. Drugs lead a person towards death. Many literate are being addicted to Drug. It would be happened because of their stress. The resource person advised the students to be open minded and share everything to their parents. The things which you cannot share with your parents are unwanted one. He reiterate saying that spread wings to fly; if not even the wings will become a burden. So use your talent and try to enhance the talent as your skill. Finally he insisted that two things seem to be beautiful to a person, when we need it and when we lost it. So he advised the students not to take things as take it for granted and grab the opportunity at the right time. Totally 250 students participated in the session.

Webinar on Cloud Computing and its Services

Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore and the Department of Computer Science, SLCS jointly organized a Webinar on “Cloud Computing and its Services” for the II and III year Computer Science students on 01.09.2020. Mr.Sabarinathan Muthu, Technical Manager of Gateway Software Solutions was the trainer. Students participated in the Webinar which was conducted through Google Meet. The session started with the introduction to Cloud Computing and its importance.The key terminologies of Cloud Computing were explained by the trainer, after which, the students raised their queries and clarified their doubts. This webinar was useful for the students, who got to know the various services of Cloud Computing. Around 47 students attended the webinar.

Webinar on Awaken yourself to witness your own English

The department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on the topic “Awaken yourself to witness your own English” by Mr. Jegan Prakash for our students on 05.09.2020. A total number of 59 students participated in the event. The session was inaugurated at 04.00 pm. Mr. C. Rajavardhan, Instructor gave a brief introduction about the college and the department. The session was planned to create interest in English among students and teachers. Mr.Jegan Prakash, Director of English Clinic, Madurai was the guest of honor. He has wide knowledge and acted as a trainer in various MNC’s across the globe. Mr. Sivarajan, Assistant Professor delivered the key note address.

The guest spoke about the importance of English in the students and pointed out the common errors made by many while speaking English. He discussed his experience as trainer for past the 10 years and emphasized that “Practicing speaking in English makes us speak the language well”, he motivated the students to speak English regularly. At the end of the session students asked their queries, which were clarified by the guest. Students enjoyed the session very much and thanked the management for providing such a wonderful opportunity and are expecting more such events. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Assistant Professor proposed the vote of thanks. The event was a grand success.

Guest Lecture on “Vidiyalai Nokki”

SIP Cell & Extra – Curricular Activities Cell of SLCS organized a webinar on the topic “Vidiyalai Nokki”. The way of life we live should be in an optimistic manner so the darkness or negativeness in our life should be erased. The eminent folk singer and Professor Dr.S.P.Mudiyarasan, Assistant Professor, Ganesar Arts & Science College, Sanmaarkkasabai, Melaisivapuri spoke on the topic “Vidiyalai Nokki” on 04.09.2020. He motivated the students that Education is the only thing that will travel with us till our Lifetime. The Education that learnt will not be wasted, because each and every day is a learning platform for the students. The life in the college will be memorable one for all. He also insisted the students not to waste the college life and should enjoy it through learning. Each and every student should have positive attitude and should share the receptiveness to one another especially to the Teachers. Totally 235 students participated in the session.