The Art & Media club organized a Face Painting Competition on 11.03.2021 at Animation Drawing Hall. The students of SLCS had a chance to participate in the “Face Painting Competition” in the Drawing Hall held on 11.03.2021. Mr. Deepan Chakravarthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Networking invited as the Judge of the Competition. The topic was “Preserve Nature”. Colorful faces which were beyond recognition were a delight for the students and teachers alike. One could hear peals of laughter even though the message that the student teams tried to give were serious in nature. 14 students from all the departments participated in the competition and showed their creativity using the face as their canvas.


The Photography club has organized a special event 10.03.2021 for the students from various departments. The student coordinator of the club Ms. K. K. Subashree, II B.Sc Computer Science and the member of the club had organised the event. The event was held through Google Meet and Google classroom from 3.00 PM to 4.30 PM. Students of I & II year have actively participated in the special activity.

          First, a Google form was created for the students and circulated among them. Students those who are willing to participate in the event had to register. The club has received a maximum registration of 75 participants for the event. After that, students were assigned a topic to shoot and given time to do so. The photographs were reviewed by the judge. We had invited Mr. Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Assistant Professor, Department of Animation, SLCS to choose the best photographs. The photographs were reviewed based on the various criteria. Finally the judge picked up three photographs which were best. The list in presented below. The competition was a grand success with the help of student coordinators and members of the club. The participants were provided with a certificate.

No. of participants registered: 75

Competition Winner List


Place Roll No Name of the Student




191101 B. Aishwaryalakshmi II B.Sc FSPM



19311 S. Nivas II B.Sc Animation



19008 R. Eniyan II BBA Logistics & Shipping

The Readers Hub -Vaarthai Vilaiyattu Competition

The Readers Hub  of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized Vaarthai Vilaiyattu competition on 10th , March 2021,   in the Seminar Hall  of our college. In this competition  15 students  participated . Students from various departments registered their names and participated in the event successfully.

Convener of this event  Ms.R.Sailakshmi, Assistant professor, Department of  Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Vaarthai Vilaiyattu competition.

The team member of this event ,Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of  Tamil  represented the event and evaluated the event “ Vaarthai Vilaiyattu”. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members.They awarded the marks based on the choice of diction , Time management and presentation style.

After the successful completion of the events, the convener and members of the competition awarded the  marks on the basis of  their performance.

Finally the competition ended  and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful involvement. 15 students participated in the competition and the names of the winners were declared. Students were motivated to take part in larger number in future.


The Art & Media Club, organized a “Poster Making Competition” in the Animation Department Lab held on 10.03.2021. The main objective of the competition was to ignite the fire of imagination and creativity in the students. The theme of the competition was ‘Save Environment’ or ‘Our Mother Earth’. Students were asked to express their ideas through paintings and sketches. The young learners displayed their artistic skills through an array of posters Students of all the departments participated in the competition with immense zeal and enthusiasm and made beautiful posters which gave the message of saving our mother Earth and providing a greener environment to our future generations. It was a great opportunity to watch these young minds creating and displaying their ideas on paper. The students thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Around 17 students took part in this programme. The competition provided a platform for their creative expression.


The Department of Networking organized an Alumnus interaction session for the  I B.Sc Networking students on 10th March 2021  in the  Linux lab. Mr Prasanna Kumar  spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful entrepreneur. He said that the line of action should be initiated right from the present day for those with passion in this field. He, also, mentioned the various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that one can attain in this field.

The topics of interaction were:

  1. Higher studies
  2. Placement
  3. Entrepreneurship

Current Trends in IT and Networking.

Career Counseling program on Hospitality Job Opportunities in Asian Countries

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a career counseling program for the second year students (26 students) on 9th March 2021. Mr.Vignesh C, an alumnus of the department, presently working as Demi-Chef de Partie, Melco Resorts Entertainment, Macau Studio City, China was the resource person. He created awareness among the students about the “Hospitality Job Opportunities in Asian Countries”. He encouraged his juniors to acquire practical knowledge while doing their experiments and projects. He further elaborated on the Asian Government policies for recruitment and selection, Visa process and opportunities available in the Hospitality industry in Asian countries. This programme helped them set personal goals and decide upon current and future directions and identify their potential strengths to enhance their competitiveness for being placed.


Yoga Club – Importance of Yoga Exercises

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science has conducted an activity in the Yoga Club on 09.03.2021 for the Yoga club students. Mr.P.Thangamuthu, Coordinator Yoga club, has told about the importance of Yoga exercises and shared his views. Our club students are performing Padmasana, Suryanamaskar, Tadasana, Vrksasana, Hastha Utthanasana, and pachimothanasana. Students are learning about the Sitting and standing Asanas. Totally 60 students participated in the activity of Yoga club.

The Readers Hub – Tamil Translation Competition

The Readers Hub  of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized Tamil Translation  competition on 9th , March 2021,   in the Seminar Hall  of our college. Six students  participated in this competition .Students from various departments registered their names and participated in the event successfully.

Convener of this event  Ms.R.Sailakshmi, Assistant professor, Department of  Tamil welcomed the Participants and explained the rules and regulations of the Tamil Translation  competition.

The team member of this event, Mrs.N.Selvi, Assistant professor, Department of  Tamil  represented the event and evaluated the Tamil Translation  work of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members.They  awarded the marks based on the parameters such as Translation , Time management and presentation style .

After the successful completion of the event, the convener and the member of the competition awarded the  marks based on  their performance.

Finally the competition ended  and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful involvement. 6 students participated in the competition and the names of the winners were declared. Students were motivated to take part in larger number in future.


“Art connects what words cannot”. Keeping the same ideal at the forefront, as a part of the activity of Art & Media Club, the students of SLCS had an opportunity to participate in the “Drawing Competition” in the Animation Department Lab held on 09.03.2021. The students created magnificent sketches on paper with the Black & White Colors. The topic was related to the History & Heritage of our Country, where students could learn and engage in skillful learning through the medium of Art. All the Students participated with great enthusiasm, zest and exhibited their creativity. Around 83 students took part in this programme. The competition provided a platform for their creative expression. 

Awareness Programme on “Nutrition enriched product development and Sensory evaluation”

The students of B.Sc Food Science and Processing Management developed nutrient enriched products as a part of their curriculum. Totally 12 students clubbed into 6 groups and they formulated various food products.  They displayed their developed products on 9.3.2021 to all the teaching faculties of our college and explained the role of their standardized products to improve health. Finally the product which secured highest sensory score is preceded for further estimation process.

The products developed are

  • Pumpkin seeds powder incorporated carrot halwa & Muffins
  • Dates seed powder incorporated Murukku & Nutrient ball
  • Pirandai powder incorporated Rotti
  • Green gram (whole) powder incorporated Rusk
  • Maida free foxtail powder incorporated Pasta
  • Horse gram powder incorporated coffee
  • Horse gram leaves powder incorporated coffee.