Industrial Visit

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a one day Industrial visit for first year students to Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai on 28.1.2020. Three faculty members (Mrs. G.S.Subbulakshmi , Mr.Anand and Mr.Ramesh) accompanied the students in this Industrial Visit. It provided the students an opportunity to understand the various functional activities in the Hospital Laundry and House Keeping Department. The visit enabled the students to get to know the new innovations and best practices that can be implemented. Students had an interactive session with the House keeping Manager and the Laundry Manager. The students were very with beneficial exposure Industrial Visit provided.

Open Cake Challenge

The second year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in the Open Cake Challenge, under the student category competition, conducted by Food Consulate, Chennai on 25.1.2019 & 26.1.2020. Twenty Two students actively participated in these competitions. They won the overall Best Performance award in the cake competition.  This motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.

Career Counseling Program

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a Career Counseling Program on 21.01.2020, for the second year students. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. C. Sureshkumar, the HoD. Mr. Antony Dhavaraja Manager – HR, K Four Apartment & Hotels Private Limited, Madurai, presented their hotel profile and briefed the students about the selection process of their company for part time and full time jobs, He also explained the job responsibility of each and every individual position and person. This programme boosted the confidence of the students.

Alumnus Interaction

On 20.1.2020, the students of MC&HM had a chance to interact with one of the department’s distinguished Alumnus Mr. Sathakul Hug Mohamed (2007-2010 batches) who has become a successful Human Resource Manager with the Tourism Department of Dubai. He advised his juniors to acquire practical knowledge, while doing their experiments and making projects. He further added that hands -on training is the best way of understanding concepts which in turn brings about self confidence.

Christmas Eve & New Year Celebration 2020

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management celebrated “Christmas Eve & New Year Celebration -2020” at the Training Restaurant, on 07.01.2020.  This event was celebrated with pomp and grandeur by the students of our Department.  The restaurant was decorated with colorful lamps, toys and flowers. The Principal and all faculty members participated in this event. A cake was cut amidst cheers from the faculty member and students. The celebration culminated with a High Tea.


Totally 212 staff and students participated in this event.

Inauguration of the Culinary Club

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management inaugurated the Culinary Club on 4.1.2020 in our college campus. The day bloomed with the invocation, followed by lighting the candle by the dignitaries. The welcome speech was addressed by our Culinary Club Coordinator, Mr.R.Ganesh, Asst.Professor, Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management. The Club Adviser Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD (MC&HM) described the objectives and activities of the club. In her felicitation address, the Dean, Dr.S.Priya said that the club should create awareness in hygiene, sanitation and |work safety in the kitchen.

Alumni Interaction

Alumni of the Department of MC&HM Mr. Rahul Mahadev Dhole and Mr.Shubham Sunil Shedge (2014-2017 batches) had an interaction with our students on 23.12.2019. They shared their experiences in the Shipping and Hotel industry. They spoke on the duties and responsibilities of a General Steward, the documents required for joining a Shipping Company and the opportunities available in the Shipping industry for catering students. They also spoke of the Safety Drill practices followed in ships.

Work Shop on Bakery and Confectionery “Les tables des Boulangers” (The Bakers Tables)

On 11-12-19, the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management hosted a full day workshop on “Bakery and Confectionery” at the Training Bakery Lab.

The workshop through demonstrations, shaping ideas, and video presentations of baking skills was conducted by resource persons, Mr.S.Anburajan , Secretary, Tamilnadu Bakers Foundation Association , Tamilnadu and Mr.N.Jeya Ganesh Rajan, Director , Fores Iniyaa Rusk& Bread ,Madurai. The purpose of the workshop was to learn different types of bread, cookies, cakes, buns, rolls and pastries through hands-on experience. The program was completed successfully to the utmost satisfaction of the 126 students and resource persons.

Extension Activity

 The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an extension activity on “Conservation of Natural Resources” for the Nedu Madurai rural community on 05.12.2019. Our Department faculty members (Mr.C.Suresh Kumar(HoD), Mrs.G.S.Subbalakshmi, Mr.K.Perumalkannan, Mr.V.Gangadharan, Mr.E.Jacob Jabarai, Mr.R.Ganesh) through their  speech created awareness to the public.

   The students carried out rallies accompanied by the community children, who seemed ever enthusiastic and shouted the slogans along with Group. The students carried posters and banners with slogans. Our campaign was successful in creating awareness on the Conservation of Natural Resources.