“Awareness Program on PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA (PMFBY)-Crop Insurance”

The Department of Commerce (B&I) along with the Cuentas Association organized an awareness programme on PRADHAN MANTRI FASAL BIMA YOJANA (PMFBY)- Crop Insurance” on March 31, 2023 for the people of nearby villages. The coverage of insurance is very low in India. This scheme provides insurance coverage and financial support to the farmers for the failure of the notified crop due to natural calamities, pests & diseases. The scheme could be implemented through a multi-agency framework by selected insurance companies under the overall guidance & control of the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW), Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (MoA& FW), Government of India (GOI). Further, they explained that DAC&FW has designated/empanelled  Agriculture Insurance company of India (AIC) and private Insurance companies 1) ICICI-Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. 2) HDFC-ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd. 3) IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Ltd. 4) Cholamandalam MS General Insurance 2 Company Ltd. 5) Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd. 6) Reliance General Insurance Company Ltd. 7) Future Generali India Insurance Company Ltd. 8) Tata-AIG General Insurance Company Ltd. 9) SBI General Insurance Company Ltd. 10) Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd.  provides crop insurance.

Our faculty, Mr. R. Dhamotharan, NSS officer along with 15 students of I B.Com (B & I) participated in this program and nearly 20 farmers got benefitted through this program.

PARENTS TEACHERS MEET REPORT Department of B.Com (B&I) AY 2022 – 2023

PTA meet was organized by the Department of B.Com (B & I) for the I & II year  students on 25.03.2023. Mrs. Nithya Kalyani & Mr. V. Sivasubramanian, Assistant Professors, B.Com B&I, arranged PTA meet for I year students. Mr. N.  Arunkumar, Assistant Professor, B.Com B&I, arranged for II year students. The main aim of the meeting was to create a common platform where teachers and parents come together and discuss the issues related to the student’s progress and ways to enrich their learning experience.

During the meeting, the following points were discussed.

  • The progress report of the student’s academic performance in the CIA-I was briefed to parents and received their valuable feedback.
  • There was a very good interaction between the parents and teachers for the development of their wards and discussed the important matters, both strengths and areas of improvements.
  • Attendance report of each student is shown to their parents from January to February 2023.
  • Parents were encouraged to motivate students’ participation in the Capshine.
  • Feedback regarding the course were collected from the students.


S.No Class Total No of students No.of Present  No. Of Absent
1 I Year 81 73 08
2 II Year 78 71 07

Workshop on ‘Soft skills Development’

Department of Commerce (B&I) organized a workshop on ‘Soft skills Development’ on March15, 2023 by RAYA associates & Business Advisor’s team for I year students. The Workshop covered the areas like communication skills, professional etiquette, time management, goal setting, leadership and teamwork. Students are trained through mock interviews and group discussion, which helped them develop confidence and improve their communication skills in English. They insisted on the importance of etiquette and grooming as two important aspects of personality. Trainers conducted practical exercises for the students in developing leadership, team building, assertiveness, self confidence, active listening etc., Students interacted well with the RAYA Associates & Business Advisor’s team. They enjoyed the session well. Totally 81 students from I B.Com (Banking and Insurance) got benefitted from this workshop.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul, on 08.03.2023. The students were briefed on the establishment, Founder of the company, Management team, Functional departments and their innovative and distinctive products. Students participated in quiz program conducted by the company representative and won prizes. The students were able to witness the production process of Savorit vermicelli, Macaroni and pasta directly. Students interacted well with employees of Naga Foods private Limited to clarify their doubts. Students maintained discipline during industrial visit. Totally, 81 I B. Com (B&I) students along with 2 faculty members Mrs. V. Padmavathy and Mr. N. Arunkumar visited the factory and got benefitted.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 08.03.2023

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul, on 08.03.2023. The students were briefed on the establishment, Founder of the company, Management team, Functional departments and their innovative and distinctive products. Students participated in quiz program conducted by the company representative and won prizes. The students were able to witness the production process of Savorit vermicelli, Macaroni and pasta directly. Students interacted well with employees of Naga Foods private Limited to clarify their doubts. Students maintained discipline during industrial visit. Totally, 81 I B. Com (B&I) students along with 2 faculty members Mrs. V. Padmavathy and Mr. N. Arunkumar visited the factory and got benefitted.

Green initiative – Sapling Plantation in College garden

Department of Commerce (B&I) was involved in Green initiative – sapling plantation in the college garden on 03.03.2023. The students showed their interest towards planting of Jasmine, Keshavardhini, Cat whisker, Menthol & Solanum Trilobatum, Pomegranate, Guava, Indian Blackberry and few other medicinal saplings. They understood the importance of planting saplings. They voluntarily undertook the responsibility of caring the saplings planted in the college garden. They shared the information on the importance of planting saplings, creating a natural eco system through planting of saplings in different places.  Trees represent nature, life, peace etc.; they produce oxygen, clean soil, improve physiological, mental and spiritual health. They took pledge to plant as many trees as possible near their areas, so as to create healthy environment. Totally, 159 students from I and II year B.Com (Banking and Insurance) and 4 faculty members participated in this event.

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) Green initiative – Sapling Plantation in College garden

Department of Commerce (B&I) was involved in Green initiative – sapling plantation in the college garden on 03.03.2023. The students showed their interest towards planting of Jasmine, Keshavardhini, Cat whisker, Menthol & Solanum Trilobatum, Pomegranate, Guava, Indian Blackberry and few other medicinal saplings. They understood the importance of planting saplings. They voluntarily undertook the responsibility of caring the saplings planted in the college garden. They shared the information on the importance of planting saplings, creating a natural eco system through planting of saplings in different places.  Trees represent nature, life, peace etc.; they produce oxygen, clean soil, improve physiological, mental and spiritual health. They took pledge to plant as many trees as possible near their areas, so as to create healthy environment. Totally, 159 students from I and II year B.Com (Banking and Insurance) and 4 faculty members participated in this event.

Students Discussion on Union Budget 2023-24

Department of B.Com (B&I) organized a session for Students discussion on Union Budget 2023-24. Mr. Nagarjun Nallasamy N, III B.Com B&I, initiated the discussion on Union Budget 2023-24 with very important points as follows:

India’s Fiscal Estimations and its impact, Changes in Direct and Indirect taxes, Growth of Agriculture sector, Development of Education, Health Care, MSMEs, Start-ups, Infrastructure – railways, roadways, logistics, green growth and energy, Basic Amenities and Housing. Students interacted enthusiastically well on the pros and cons of union budget and its impact. Totally 159 students from I & II year B.Com (Banking and Insurance) participated in the session.

Seminar on Innovative Insurance products in India.

Session Details: Seminar on Innovative Insurance products in India.
Title of the session Innovative Insurance products in India.
Date : 31.12.2022 Duration : 11:00am to 01.00pm
Activity Category: Self driven activity Nature of the Session : Online
Theme : Innovation
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Dr. L.  ESWARAN Designation: Assistant Professor
Organisation: Thiagarajar College, Madurai.
Brief about Expert/Speaker:

Dr. L. Eswaran is a member of Indian Commerce Association. He is having great academic records. His academic qualification is M.Com., COA., PGDCA., M.Phil., MBA., Ph.D., SET.,. He published 14 articles in both national and International journals. He participated and presented 14 National level and International Level seminar conducted by different colleges. He organized International conference, Webinar and Expert speaker in different events organized by different colleges. He is well known and Expertise in the field of Commerce. He served as programme officer for Red Ribbon Club and National Service Scheme for Parvathy’s Arts and Science College.

Objectives of the activity: 

ü  To understand the innovative insurance products in India.

ü  To develop their proficiency in field of Insurance products.

ü  To know the constraints in managing the customers of innovative insurance products.

ü  To know the career prospects for B.Com students in an insurance sector.

ü  To understand the development of Insurance sector in economic growth of the country

Outcome of the activity:

Students were able to,

ü  Familiar with innovative insurance products in India.

ü  Comfortable in managing the insurance customer.

ü  Confidence to act as an agent or Direct broker for marketing innovative insurance products.

ü  Expertise in facing the problems of Insurance sector especially innovative insurance products.

ü Understand the career opportunities in insurance sector.

Key Highlights:

·        Dr. L. Eswaran presented and discussed with students about Innovative insurance products in India.

·        He clearly clarifies the students in understanding the prospects of Innovative insurance products in India.

·        Students are enthusiastic in raising questions and clarify their doubts.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation:            145
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation:         7
 YouTube Links: Nil
  Photographs: Enclosed

Personal counseling – Harasment through social media

Vishaka Committee ( Internal grievance cell and Sexual harasment cell)  of SLCS conducted Personal Counseling Session to the girl students of I B.Com B&I and II B.Com B&Ion 10.12.2022 and 14.12.2022 respectively. Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal,and Dr. S. Priya, Dean Academics, gave personal counseling to the students, on how to protect themselves from harasment through social media. Students were informed that they must be cautious and if anyone came acrosssuch issues, it should be reported to the concerned authority at the earliest.Dr.R.Sujatha enquired about their grievances individually and made sure that required action will be taken for the welfare of the students.