Faculty Participation

“Art for All” is the 16th successive annual event/fair (International Level) organized by Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath, Bengaluru, on 6th January 2019. Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Head of the Department got selected and participated in this event. His paintings were showcased.

IPR Cell Inauguration

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted a one day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights.The IPR cell for SLCS was inaugurated on 5th January 2019 at 9:30 am by Dr.M.Kantha Babu-Director ,Centre for Intellectual Property Rights,l,Anna University Chennai.College Principal -Dr.P.Saravanan introduced the chief guest,Ms.V.Padmavathy –Head of Department Commerce welcomed the gathered .Vice Principal- Dr.K.Archunan,IQAC Advisor R.L.Ramnath and Faculty of SLCS participated in the workshop .The chief guest handled an interactive session ,briefing  SLCS faculty about IPR cell. The interaction was followed by a practical session. The interesting and intellectual session came to a close by 4:30 pm.


The 24th Sports Day of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and RL Institute of Management studies was held on Friday, Jan 04, 2019. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal , SLCS,  Presided the event. Mr.M.Ragavan, FIVB “Level 1” Coach, Assistant Manager, Indian Bank, Madurai delivered the Chief Guest Address. Various team events such as March past, Yoga, Pyramid formation, Umbrella dance, Pom Pom dance, Zumba dance, Silambattam, etc were performed by the students. The chief guest, in his speech insisted the students to live healthy life by avoiding junk foods and playing mobile games. He also suggested the students to play in the ground to develop the physical health. He appreciated the students’ performance and distributed the Prizes for the winners of Athletic and Team events. Physical Director Mr. P.Thangamuthu read out the Annual Sports report. The Challengers team won the overall championship in the intramural sports meet.

Field Visit to Dinamalar

The Department of Commerce organized to a one day trip to Dinamalar Paper factory, for the First year B.Com (B&I) and B.Com (Honours) students. After visit the students got awareness about printing processes and news printing technology, they also learnt about the ink used in newspapers. They were also explained about the software used in printing. They were accompanied by four faculty members Ms.B.Nagarathinam, Mr.R.Damotharan, Mr.Kumar, and Mrs.M.Gunasundari.

Parents Teachers Meet

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized the Parent Teachers Meet on 29.12.2018 at 9.00 a.m. to our  students of first and second year, which is held in allotted class rooms. The Parents met the class teachers and the teachers explained their internal marks & semester examination marks, level of participation, their behavior in class, and expressed all their views about the respective students.. The concept of the PTA meeting was sharing the information of behavior and actions, performance in the class about the students to their parents and the department teachers expressed the initiative taken for the weak students such as remedial class, assignment work, providing counseling to get good marks.


The Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai and Gateway Software Solutions – Delivery partner of HP Enterprise, Coimbatore on 28.12.2018 at Board Room, SLCS. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal, SLCS and Mr.Sabari Muthu Nathan, Executive Manager, Gateway Software Solutions were the chief guest. Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head, Dept. of CS & IT coordinated the program. The faculty members of the department of CS & IT were also participated. The purpose of the memorandum of understanding is to ensure research & projects to the students of Computer Science and share the knowledge and skills available in both organizations. Through this MoU, activities such as Value Added Courses, Seminars, Workshops, Internship, IPTs & FTPs on various recent technologies were planned for execution.


The Department of CS & IT conducted Board of Studies Meeting for the academic year 2018 – 19 (Even Semester) on 28.12.2018 at 11.00 am at Boardroom. The examination pattern of the subject Environmental Studies is changed from descriptive type as written mode in to multiple choice questions as online mode. This is resolved in the meeting and it will be come in to effect from 2018 -19 even semesters onwards.


The Department of CS & IT conducted a value added course on “CompTIA Networking N+” for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students from 24.12.2018 to 28.12.2018. Mr.V.Sarath Kumar from Ventra Techno soft Pvt Ltd, Chennai was trainer. The students were undergone training in the following topics –   Network Technologies, Network Protocols, Network Communication and troubleshooting the devices and Network Security. The practical demonstration was also given to the students by the trainer. The students were encouraged to appear for International certification in CompTIA Networking N+ at the end of the session.

Board of Studies

Department of Animation conducted its 11th Board of Studies meeting on 24th December 2018 (Monday) for the even semester of Current academic year (2018-19).Dr.M.Thangaraj, University Nominee, Professor & Head, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Mrs. Shanmuga @ Mohana, Assistant professor, Department of Visual communication, American College, Madurai and Mr. Nagendran, Asst. professor, Art department, American College, Madurai as subject experts, Mr.Balashyameshwaran, as Industry Expert and Mr. M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim our past student as Alumni member attended the meeting and gave valuable comments and suggestions about the syllabus. It is resolved to continue with the existing syllabus for 2016-19 & 2017-20 Batches. For 2018-21 Batch students, (Part-IV) Environmental Studies Paper Examination mode is converted from normal written examination to Online Examination. Faculty members Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, HoD, Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Mr.M.Purushothaman, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar and Mr.P.Kishore Kumar were the members of the meeting and they done all the arrangements.

Workshop on “Import Export procedures

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a workshop on “Import Export procedures”. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global School of Foreign Trade was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the necessary procedures related to Import & Export. The essential steps for excelling in exporting in India were explained. The students felt the session to be very informative. Totally 41 students got benefited through this program.