Bharati was born on 11 December 1882 in the village of Ettayapuram, to Chinnaswami Subramania Iyer and Lakshmi Ammal. Subbaiah, as he was named, went to the M.D.T. Hindu College in Tirunelveli.

This Day was celebrated as his Birthday on 11/12/2019 at the department of Visual Communication, SLCS. The event started at 3.00 pm at the PCR studio of the Department. The session took off by the speech given by Ms. Abirami of 2nd year; she lit up the spot light on the history of the famous freedom fighter. In continue to this the student Ms. N. Naramada, MSc. 1st year discussed the various unforgettable works given to mankind by the eminent personality.

The head of the department started his speech on some important aspects Bharati’s best-known works include Kaṇṇan pāṭṭu (1917; Songs to Krishna), Panchali sapatham (1912; Panchali’s Vow), and Kuyil pāṭṭu (1912; Kuyil’s Song). Many of his English works were collected in Agni and Other Poems and Translations and Essays and Other Prose Fragments.

With this, the session had ended at 4.00 pm on high note remembering his great achievements and which was explained to the students of Visual Communication. The feedback from students was that they loved these types of sessions and know the things which they are unaware.