SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes”

Title of the session: SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) B.Com ( Banking and Insurance)
Date                           :  24.06.2022 Time    :     1 hr (10.30 am to 11.30am)
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue  :     Valayankulam Village
Theme                       :  Awareness Programme on Insurance and Government Schemes
Objective(s) of the activity:

v  To create awareness about the cattle and vehicle insurance to the village people.

v  To insist on taking insurance for cattle and also for vehicle insurance.

v  To provide knowledge on insurance related Government schemes to the village people.

Key Highlights:

v  The students of the 1st and 2nd B.Com (Banking and Insurance) prepared a mime show programme on the theme “Insurance and Government Scheme”.

v  They performed the mine show at Valayankulam village, nearby our college.

v  Through mine show the students explained the benefits of Cattle, vehicle insurance and Government schemes.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v  The beneficiaries had awareness on cattle, vehicle insurance and Government schemes.

v  The village people in and around Valayankulam village appreciated the students’ mime show and their concern to take cattle and vehicle insurance.

v  People asked doubts related to cattle and vehicle insurance and Government schemes. Our students clarified their doubts.

v  Students got awareness on the problems.

v  And also they got a comprehensive knowledge, skill and attitude to work in rural area.

Participants Details:

v  Total No. of students participated:  8

v  Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated:  1

Administrative Training for Non Teaching Staff Members on “Office Management”

Title of the Session: Administrative Training for Non Teaching Staff Members on “Office Management”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Department of BBA
Date : 24.06.2022 Time: 02.30 pm. To 03.30 pm.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Seminar Hall, SLCS
Theme : Administrative Training
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: —  Mr. B. Vairamuthu Designation: —  Assistant Professor
Organisation: —  Department of BBA – Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science
Objective of the activity:

v To enhance the importance of Office Management through simple innovative management techniques.


Key Highlights:

The speaker discussed and presented the following topics of Office Management

v The importance of office management

v Roles and responsibilities

v Qualities to become a leader

v Innovation through Planning, Organizing, Directing and Controlling

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The non teaching members of our institution were benefited by this programme and they assured to implement the strategies in their job.

Participants Details:

v Total No. of Non-Teaching staff participated: 7

Registration Process of NAD-Digilocker and Creation of Academic Bank of Credits Number

Title of the Session: Registration Process of NAD-Digilocker and Creation of Academic Bank of Credits Number
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) National Academic Depository (NAD)Cell
Date : 21.6.2022  To  22.6.2022 Time:9.00 A.M to 4.20 P.M
Mode of the Session : Physical Venue: Networking Lab
Theme(If Applicable) :
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr. N.Ramesh Designation: NAD-Coordinator
Organisation: Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science
Objective(s) of the activity: 

1.     To be aware of NAD Digilocker facilities offered by Ministry of Education, Government of India.

  1. To know the importance of the documents kept in a Digital format in NAD Digilocker.
  2. The students can show the certificates in a digital format to produce it as a proof if required by any agency

4.     Documents  to assess the from their NAD account anytime and anywhere via Digilocker

5.      To create  awareness  among  the students community,  the students can download the  academic bank of credits number  from the NAD DigiLocker portal/website

6.     To  promote student-centric education and  focus on learner-friendly teaching approaches though ABC

7.     To learn the best courses of their interest, though ABC

Key Highlights:

Mr. N. Ramesh, the coordinator of the NAD-Cell, guided the students on how to sign up for a NAD Digilocker account using their Aadhar number. He then explained the importance of Academic Bank of Credits and the ABC card application process. ABC comprises the data on the credits that the individual student has accrued throughout the course of the study. By using of the ABC, the students will be able to create an account and have a variety of alternatives for enrolling and exiting the colleges or universities.  This program created awareness of NAD Digilocker and ABC account to the student’s community. Around 300 students from various departments took part in the programme and , created  their NAD Diglocker accounts and ABC numbers


Outcome(s) of the activity:

1.      The students understood that NAD DigiLocker   provides ‘Digital Empowerment’ of the citizens

2.      The students learnt that, according to NEP2020, they have freedom in choosing their courses and academics.

3.       They students can exchange the credits earned so far to receive either a certificate or a diploma, if they are eligible.

4.      They can retain the credits and rejoin in the same institution or in any other institute in future and continue their education.


Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: Around 300 students

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 11 staff


The Department of Physical Education and Yoga Club jointly organized the 8th International Day of Yoga on 21-06-2022 (Tuesday). The event was started with prayer song followed by welcome address delivered by Ms. K.D. Hindu Sankari of I B.Com ACCA.  Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, delivered the Presidential address and encouraged students to participate in physical activities. Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal, delivered the Felicitation Address, and directed students to follow hygienic healthy style. Dr. S. Priya, Dean-Academics, in her special address motivated the students. The chief guest of the event was Mr. N.V.Ramalingam, Founder, Sivanandha Yogalayam, Kariapatti; Virudhunagar explained the origin of yoga. He also nurtured the students by explaining the eight limbs of yoga. The guest also elaborated the health benefits of practicing yoga followed by yoga demonstration session.    There was a meditation session which helped the students to improve their concentration. This helped the students to maintain peace and harmony. Students clarified their doubts related to various yogasanas for each organ and its special health benefits. Certificates were distributed to the participants. Totally 125 (120 students and 05 faculty members) participants were benefitted by this event. Ms. J. Ashvika, I B.Com., ACCA, proposed vote of thanks. The entire programme was coordinated by Mr.D.Pandiarajan, Director of Physical Education.

SLCS Samaaj Seva – “Extension Activity on Protecting Physical and Mental Health observing World Yoga Day”

Title of the Session: SLCS Samaaj Seva  – “Extension Activity on Protecting Physical and Mental Health observing World Yoga Day”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) ZEAL, Association of the Department of BBA
Date : 21.06.2022 Time: 11.30 pm. To 01.30 pm.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Nedumadurai Village
Theme : World Yoga Day
Expert / Speaker Details: I BBA Students
Name: —  List Enclosed Designation: —  Students
Organisation: —  NA
Objective of the activity:

v To create awareness among the villagers about the maintenance of Physical and Mental Health by practising Yoga regularly.

v To observe World Yoga Day.

Key Highlights:

v The Students of I BBA prepared Posters on the theme “Tips for maintaining physical and mental health by practising yoga” and visited Nedumadurai Village which is nearby our College.

v The students explained the importance of our ancient practice “Yoga:” that leads to peaceful mind and healthy body.

v They also insisted the villagers to practise some simple  yogasanas and explained the benefits of yoga to them.

v The students were accompanied by Mr. B. Vairamuthu, Assistant Professor – Department of BBA

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The villagers in Nedumadurai understood the importance of yoga to their life and promised to follow the methods.

v They also requested us to conduct  yoga training to them.

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 28

v Total No. of Villagers participated: Around 72

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 1

Seminar on “Innovative Techniques based on object orientation in Real world scenario”

Title of the Session: Seminar  on “Innovative Techniques based on object orientation in Real world scenario”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Department of Computer Science(Security System Specialization)
Date : 20.06.2022 Time: 10.30 am to 04.00 pm
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: Seminar Hall
Theme(If Applicable) : Critical Thinking
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr. N. Shaliya Designation: Founder and Managing Director
Organisation: Zerame Infotech,Coimbatore
Objective(s) of the activity: 

PO1: To realize the basics of object orientation mechanism.

PO2: To acquire the knowledge about the comparison of object orientation with procedure orientation

PO3: To obtain the importance of object orientation mechanism applied in real time applications such as RedBus, MakeMyTrip etc.

PO4: To gain more information about software companies which focuses on object orientation paradigm.

Key Highlights:

A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants:

1.      Reusability of object oriented mechanism

2.      Comparison of object orientation with procedure orientation

3.     Development of ERP softwares using object oriented concepts like inheritance, reusable of pre-defined code.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

At the end of the  session, the participants  were able to:

1.      Understand the basics of object orientation mechanismand know the employable opportunities in that domain.

2.      Get knowledge about the comparison of object orientation with procedure orientation.

3.      Obtain the importance of object orientation mechanism applied in real time applications such as RedBus, MakeMyTrip etc.

4.     Gain more information about software companies which focuses on object orientation paradigm.

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 81

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 5

Innovative Practices in IoT & Robotics

Session Details:
Title of the Session : Innovative Practices in IoT & Robotics
Date : 18/06/2022 Duration : 10.00AM to 3.00 PM
Activity Category : IIC Driven Activity Nature of the Session : Physical
Theme : Innovation
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan Designation: Co Founder & CEO
Organisation: Roboram, Nagercoil
Brief about Expert/Speaker: (Highlight points from profile of the expert)


Educational Qualification:

Completed B.E (Robotics & Automation)



·        Project coordinator for CVRD, Chennai Fire & Safety Department, COIR Industry

·        Worked in Industrial Automation Division at Dr. MGR Research Centre, Maduravayol.

·        Founder of Automation Firm (RoboRAM) in 2018.

·        Launched another venture called “RoboRAM Education” in 2020

·        Launched an online learning automation based platform in December, 2022.

·        Created a “Board of Studies” Council to construct the course syllabus based on industrial requirements.

·        Over 8500 people have been trained around the world, and more than 50 institutions have invited him to deliver about industrial knowledge.


·        The Nesans, Technical Associate Engineer & HR – DEC 2017 – MAR 2018

·        Shalwin Power, Project Engineer – APR 2018 – OCT 2018

·        Intech Systems, Automation Engineer – NOV 2018 – MAR 2019

·        DR MGR Research Institute,Industrial Automation Consultant -APR 2019 – MAR 2020

·        RoboRAM Education, Automation Trainer – JAN 2020 – NOW

·        Data Bee, Business Partner – MAR 2020 – NOW



Objectives of the activity:  (minimum four)

·      To create an exposure towards working of IoT and its sensors.

·      To learn about IoT- Home automation applications and its real-time usage.

·      To enable students to learn Robotics and Automation.

·      To enrich knowledge towards working principles of Robotics.


Outcome of the activity: (minimum four)


·        Students learnt about IoT application and working of different types of sensors

·        Students gained knowledge on home automation applications.

·        Students got an exposure towards the real-time working of IoT Device – raspberry

·        Students inferred idea on designing, working and applications of Robotics in various fields


Key Highlights: (minimum four from the talk of expert)


Mr.Sriram Nagarajan, CEO & Founder, RoboRAM, discussed the Scope and importance of IoT in daily life.  The expert enlightened the students on the importance of IoT-based home automation such as, Smartfan, smart refrigerator etc.  He explained the usage of various sensors like Humidity Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Level Sensors.  Also students had a discussion session with the expert and gained ideas on projects related to IoT Home Automation.

Participants Details:
Total No. of Student Participation: 10
Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 03  – Teaching
YouTube Links:

Innovative Practices in IoT & Robotics

Session Details:
Title of the Session : Innovative Practices in IoT & Robotics
Date : 18/06/2022 Duration : 10.00AM to 3.00 PM
Activity Category : IIC Driven Activity Nature of the Session : Physical
Theme : Innovation
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan Designation: Co Founder & CEO
Organisation: Roboram, Nagercoil
Brief about Expert/Speaker: (Highlight points from profile of the expert)


Educational Qualification:

Completed B.E (Robotics & Automation)



·        Project coordinator for CVRD, Chennai Fire & Safety Department, COIR Industry

·        Worked in Industrial Automation Division at Dr. MGR Research Centre, Maduravayol.

·        Founder of Automation Firm (RoboRAM) in 2018.

·        Launched another venture called “RoboRAM Education” in 2020

·        Launched an online learning automation based platform in December, 2022.

·        Created a “Board of Studies” Council to construct the course syllabus based on industrial requirements.

·        Over 8500 people have been trained around the world, and more than 50 institutions have invited him to deliver about industrial knowledge.


·        The Nesans, Technical Associate Engineer & HR – DEC 2017 – MAR 2018

·        Shalwin Power, Project Engineer – APR 2018 – OCT 2018

·        Intech Systems, Automation Engineer – NOV 2018 – MAR 2019

·        DR MGR Research Institute,Industrial Automation Consultant -APR 2019 – MAR 2020

·        RoboRAM Education, Automation Trainer – JAN 2020 – NOW

·        Data Bee, Business Partner – MAR 2020 – NOW



Objectives of the activity:  (minimum four)

·      To create an exposure towards working of IoT and its sensors.

·      To learn about IoT- Home automation applications and its real-time usage.

·      To enable students to learn Robotics and Automation.

·      To enrich knowledge towards working principles of Robotics.


Outcome of the activity: (minimum four)


·        Students learnt about IoT application and working of different types of sensors

·        Students gained knowledge on home automation applications.

·        Students got an exposure towards the real-time working of IoT Device – raspberry

·        Students inferred idea on designing, working and applications of Robotics in various fields


Key Highlights: (minimum four from the talk of expert)


Mr.Sriram Nagarajan, CEO & Founder, RoboRAM, discussed the Scope and importance of IoT in daily life.  The expert enlightened the students on the importance of IoT-based home automation such as, Smartfan, smart refrigerator etc.  He explained the usage of various sensors like Humidity Sensors, Pressure Sensors, Proximity Sensors, Level Sensors.  Also students had a discussion session with the expert and gained ideas on projects related to IoT Home Automation.

Participants Details:
Total No. of Student Participation: 10
Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation: 03  – Teaching

SLCS Samaaj Seva – “Extension Activity on Protecting Children observing World Day against Child Labour”

Title of the Session: SLCS Samaaj Seva  – “Extension Activity on “Protecting Children observing World Day against Child Labour”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) ZEAL Association – Department of BBA
Date : 13.06.2022 Time: 06.30 pm. To 07.30 pm.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Solankuruni Village
Theme : World Day against Child Labour
Expert / Speaker Details: I BBA Students
Name: List attached Designation: Students
Organisation: —
Objective of the activity:

v To create awareness among the villagers about the ramification of Child  labour.

v To develop and improve children’s abilities by imparting the values of Education, Health and Nutrition.

Key Highlights:

v The Students of I BBA prepared Posters on the theme “Avoid Child Labour” and visited the Solankuruni Village which is nearby our College.

v The students explained the importance of childhood and insisted the villagers to encourage and nourish the children through Education, Health and Nutrition.

v They also explained how the child labours are affected mentally and physically in the society.

v The students were accompanied by Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram Assistant Professor and Mr. B. Vairamuthu, Assistant Professor – Department of BBA

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The villagers in Solankuruni promised that they will not allow their children to become a labour in future. .

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 11

v Total No. of Villagers participated: 33

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 2

“Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights”

Title of the Session:   “Awareness on  Intellectual Property Rights”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) B.Com( Banking and Insurance)
Date : 09.06.2022 Time: 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm
Mode of the Session :  Online Venue:  Auditorium
Theme         Intellectual Property Rights
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr. A. Seetharaman Designation:  Examiner of Patents and Designs
Organisation: Patent Office , Chennai
Objective(s) of the activity: 

v To know about brief history of IPR, its types and Description

v To  know about  salient features of Intellectual Properties such as Patent Rights, Trademarks , Industrial Design, Geographical Indication, Copyrights etc.

v To know about the benefits of  Patent, copyright and trademark

v To know the method of applying IPR


Key Highlights:

v  The expert speaker gave a brief introduction on IPR and explained various related terms such as copyrights ,patents and trade mark etc.

v The expert speaker explained  in detail the benefits of the licensor and  licensee by IPR

v He also discussed about the types of Intellectual Properties and Description.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v Learn and understand the nature of IPR

v Obtain awareness on various aspects of Intellectual Properties like What is a Patent, Patent Rights, Trademark, Industrial Design, Geographical Location

v Understand the method of applying Patent, Copyrights, Trademark and Industrial Design

v Student learned  about the benefits of registering for IPR

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated:  262

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated:  16