“Leadership Talk with Prof. T. G. Sitharam, Chairman AICTE”

The Ministry of Education organized a session “Leadership Talk with Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Chairman, AICTE ” on 30.01.2023.  The program was organized by SLCS – Institution’s Innovation Council as live stream through YOUTUBE Platform. Prof. T.G. Sitharam, Chairman, AICTE, was interviewed by Mr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of Education. The interview was conducted to provide an insight to all participants to develop India through Innovation and Research. It also helped to obtain knowledge on the activities carried on by the IIC in developing Higher Education Institutions. The participants understood the key attributes for the development of research and funding support from AICTE in developing our institutions. Totally, 51 students and 25 Faculty Members from various departments eagerly participated in the program.

SLCS-Samaaj Seva: Outreach Activity Rally on “Save Forests Save the Climate”

HEN Association, Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club (Ministry of Tourism) conducted SLCS-Samaaj Seva: Outreach Activity- awareness program on “Save Forests Save Climate” among the rural communities of Sirumalai, Dindigul District on 28.1.2023. As part of the program, students collected waste materials from popular tourist spots in Sirumalai and disposed them in an environment friendly manner.

A rally was held amidst the rural community to raise awareness on issues related to climate change. In total, 39 students and 3 teachers participated in this program from MCHM.

Awareness on Consumer Rights Observing “National Consumer Day”

Consumer Awareness Club & Department of BBA conducted an activity-  Awareness on Consumer Rights Observing “National Consumer Day” on 27.01.2023. The students of Consumer Club and BBA visited Thiruparankundram, Village, which is 12 km away from the college. They briefed on the various rights of the consumer such as Right to safety, Right to be informed, Right to choose, Right to be heard, Right to consumer redressal and Right to consumer education.  They also raised slogans through rally promoting the importance of consumer rights. The people from the Thiruparankumdram village appreciated the students for their promotional work.  This activity was lead by Mr. B. Vairamuthu, Assistant Professor, BBA. In total, 8 students of consumer Club and 26 Students of II BBA eagerly participated in the activity.

Awareness on Voting Rights – Observing “National Voters Day”

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized a SLCS Samaaj Seva – Outreach Activity Awareness on Voting Rights Observing “National Voters Day” on 27.01.2023, to educate and promote voting rights among the public at Thiruparankundram village, Madurai. Students briefed on the importance of the voting rights.  The people of the village were instructed the importance of voting in establishing democracy and fundamental rights of our country.  The whole promotional drive was quite inspiring and the activity motivated the public in understanding the responsibilities as an Indian citizen. Our students were appreciated by the village members for promoting such an activity. Totally, 27 students from II BBA eagerly participated in the program.

Workshop on “French in/for Culinary, Hospitality & Tourism Industries”

        On 27.01.2023, 38 students from the Department of Hotel Management participated in the workshop on “French in/for Culinary, Hospitality and Tourism Industries” organized by Lady Doak College, Madurai. In the workshop, they were given grammar exercises related to French literature and an interactive session was given to the students based on hotel/restaurant/tour package and excursion deals. Students were given an opportunity to interact with the hotel staffs and guests (resolving guest complaints and issues). The students were asked to speak French and assess their communicative fluency.


Adhering to the restrictive norms that curtailed celebrations, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science had a meaningful Semi-sesquicentennial Republic Day ceremony on 26.01.2023 without much ado but with the sincerest devotion to the nation. Department of Languages in association with the Physical Education department made the arrangements for the 74th Republic Day celebrations. The celebration began with the euphonious rendition of the prayer song. The honorable President of the College, Dr. R. Lakshmipathy, unfurled the National flag and delivered the Republic Day Address. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal, SLCS, conveyed her Republic day wishes with a small message that indicates every faculty should be a role model to their students and every student should possess teachers as their role model. Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal, shared his Republic Day wishes to the faculty and staff members. The Dean Academics, Dr. S. Priya, Heads of the Departments, faculty members, staff members and students have participated and showed their patriotism. The celebration came to an end with the National Anthem. Totally, 127 students and 62 faculty members attended the Republic Day celebration.

SLCS-Samaaj Seva – Out Reach Activity on “SWACHHTA HI SEVA– Cleanliness is service”

India’s National Tourism Day is celebrated on 25.01.2023. It was established by the Indian government to raise awareness of the importance of tourism for the country’s economy, which is immense on the occasion of this celebration. Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management and Yuva Club (Ministry of Tourism) organized a SLCS-Samaaj Seva—Outreach Activity on “SWACHHTA HI SEVA—Cleanliness is Service” as a one-day cleaning activity at Sirumalai, Dindigul Dist, on 23.1.2023. As part of the program, students collected waste materials from popular tourist spots in Sirumalai and disposed it in an environment friendly manner. A short rally was also organized to create swachhta awareness for the passers-by and on-lookers in the vicinity. The people in the village appreciated the efforts made by the students. In total, 32 students and 3 faculty members from MCHM took part in this program.

Outreach Program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Save Girl Child”

                     FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management in order to commemorate National Girl Child Day” on 24th January 2023, organised an outreach program on the theme- “Save Girl Child”. Our students created awareness on the inequalities faced by girls in the country. This program is intended to promote awareness on the rights of girl children and the importance of female educationhealth, and nutrition. Totally, 9 students of I FSPM participated in this outreach program and 20 members from the public got benefited through this activity.

MoU signing ceremony

The Curriculum Development Cell organized a Memorandum of Understanding  (MoU) signing ceremony with the hon’ble President of the colleg Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, Joint Managing Editor of Dinamalar and Mr.Satya Prabhakar  the CEO of Sulekha, Capshine on 23rd January,2023.   Under the MoU the faculty members and the students are offered English Language Enhancement Program. The Capshine app is found to be very useful to develop the proficiency and the employability skills of the learners. A total number of 639 learners inclusive of faculty members have registered in the “Learn It Together”. platform for the Academic Year 2022-23.

Registration Process of NAD-Digilocker and Creation of Academic Bank of Credits Number

National Academic Depository (NAD) Cell organized awareness program on “Registration Process of NAD-Digilocker and Creation of Academic Bank of Credits Number” for I year students on 23.1.2023 at our college auditorium. Mr. N. Ramesh, Coordinator, NAD-Cell, guided the students on how to sign up for a NAD Digilocker account using Aadhar number. He explained the importance of Academic Bank of Credits and its application process. ABC comprises the data on the credits that the individual student has acquired throughout the course. By using ABC, the students will be able to create an account and have variety of alternatives for enrolling and exiting the colleges or universities. Around 350 students from various departments took part in the programme and created their NAD Diglocker accounts and ABC numbers.