ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a seminar on “Management of Foreign Exchange Operations” on 18.12.2018. Mr.B.V.Eswaran, Former Chief Manager, Indian Bank was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various operations and terminologies involved in Foreign Exchange and the methodologies to deal and manage it. He also highlighted its importance and relevance to logistics & shipping. The seminar was very useful to the students. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.
Guest Lecture
On behalf of Department of CS & IT, Guest Lecture has been organized on 17.12.2018 for II B.Sc CS(SSS) students at Seminar Hall. The resource person of this session Mr.Nagakumar, Managing Director, Metro Labs, Hyderabad shared his own industry experience and the various job opportunities in IT industry.
Mr.Nagakumar advised students not to participate more in social medias through posting their selfies and their own videos to avoid misuse of their videos. He advised students to improve their programming knowledge to excel in IT industry.
Board of Studies
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has conducted Second Board of Studies meeting held on 17.12.2018 at 10.00 a.m. in Training Restaurant. Prof. R. Panneer Selvam, Associate Professor, was acted as an University Nominee, & Dr. R. Kannan, Professor & Research Guide, Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University was represented as a Subject Expert, Head of the Department Mr. C. Sureshkumar was represented as a Chairperson, Department Faculties, M.SasiKumar Alumni, Parent and Student representative has participated as a members in the Board of Studies Meeting.
Field Visit
On behalf of Department of CS & IT an Field visit was arranged for I B.Sc CS (SSS) students on 14.12.2018 to VOC Port, Tuticorin. Students visited to various ships in the port.
Students visited to central control room of the port. The engineer explained the computerized process following in the port that is how the ships are getting permission to enter in to the port, weather forecasting methods, etc.
Students Achievement- Food Science & Processing Management
he American College, Madurai had organized an Inter College Competition – ‘Fit Fest 2K18’ on 14.12.2018, Friday. Totally ten competitions were conducted. Eleven Students from I year BSc.Food Science and Processing Management participated in various competitions competing with a total of 10 colleges including both undergraduate and post graduate students in Food Science and allied subjects. The students participating in the competitions were S. Abinaya and R. Hema Varshini in Art from Waste, C. Sasi Prabha in Caricature, R. Yoga lakshmi in Poster Making, M. Yuvarekha and P. Subavarshini in Ethnic Cooking, R. Sarumathi in Hunger Hunt, R. Yoga Lakshmi, S. Abinaya, B. Suruthi Nila and R. Sweakha in Ad Act, S. Hema in Spot Photography, Vigneshwarin in both Paper Presentation and Foot Loose, R. Sweakha and P. Sarumathi in Nutri Quiz. All the students performed well. Vigneshwari Won III Prize in paper presentation and foot loose, R. Yoga Lakshmi won III Prize in poster making. Congratulations to the Participants and Prize winners.
Introduction to Food Microbiology
The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a guest lecture on 12-12-2018 at 01.30 pm in the G-7 lecture hall on the topic of ‘Introduction to Food Microbiology’ The programme commenced with Prayer followed by Welcome Address delivered by Dr. K. Amrutha Veena – The Head of the Department. This was followed by guest lecture by Mr. J. Immanuel Suresh – Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, The American College, Madurai. The programme ended with vote of thanks delivered by Ms. D. Subhashree – Assistant Professor. 12 Students of the department of Food Science and Processing Management enthusiastically participated in the lecture.
Field Visit
Students of I & II Year Animation were taken to the field Visit to Pudukkottai, Tanjore, Kumbakonam and its surrounding places for three days, from 10.12.2018 to 12.12.2018. Totally 88 Students (43 (I year Students) + 45 (II Year Students)) were accompanied by 6 Faculty members, Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar, Mr.P.Kishore Kumar of Animation Department, Ms.Kamala Hari Dharani of Networking Department and Ms.Sumathi, Deputy Warden.
Students were taught about Sculptures, Landscape Drawing, Photography, Videography and Elevations.
Extension Activity
Students from the Department of BBA actively took part in an extension activity at Nedumadurai Government School, Madurai on 12.12.2018. They donated erasers, pencils and sharpeners for the students. An awareness program on “Sanitation and Hygiene” was arranged. This was the impact of a survey on “Sanitation and Hygiene” conducted at Nedumadurai village. Finally, as a supporting measure for the green initiative, free tree saplings were donated to the school.
Industrial Visit
On behalf of Department of CS & IT an industrial visit was arranged for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students on 12.12.2018 at Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore. The HR of Gateway Software Solutions conducted very informative session for the students.
He motivated the students to select particular domain like web development, mobile apps development & software testing etc to get a good job in IT industry. Also he discussed the importance of aptitude & reasoning skills to enter into IT industry. Finally students interacted with him by asking questions.
“Letter of Credit”
ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a workshop on “Letter of Credit”. Mr.B.V.Eswaran, Former Chief Manager, Syndicate Bank was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various documentation procedures regarding letter of credit and its significance in the field of Logistics & Shipping. Totally 58 students participated and got benefited through this program.