World Photography day- Photography exhibition and photography competition

On the mark of world photography day on August 19, the department of Visual communication celebrated the day on 20/08/18. An exhibition was organized showcasing more than 300 photographs produced by the students of Viscom and a photography competition was conducted for the students of all other departments of SLCS. Winners were appreciated and awarded

All the staff members and students of the college visited the photography exhibition.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management  students has attended one day seminar in the title of  international trade over the world in spices On 14.08.2018  organized by vibrant Tamilnadu  in – IDA scudder trade centre Madurai


There are 20 students are participated in this program

In view of this five chief guest from various places they deliver their message to the students in much useful way




1.Dr. Rajesh Kazi Shrestha,
Chairman, Nepal Chamber of Commerce, Nepal



2. Girish Kumar K. S,
Senior Trader, Al Saqr General Trading Co. LLC, Dubai &Societe Al Saqr Madagascar SARL, Tamatave, UAE Food Importer
3. KalanithyAmirthalingam,
Director, Rabeena Food Sri Lanka and Honorary Assistant Secretary of NCE


4. George Bodgan,
Vice President, AMRL SEZ, India
5. V.K.K. Rajasekaran,
Deputy President, KLSICCI Malaysia
6. SmitJani,
Co-founder, Custom Food Packaging, Canada
7. RavichandranRagupathy,
Founder – South Indian Food & Film Festival Australia, Australia
8. WalfredTagorManichuruk,
Director of Indonesian Trade Promotion Center (ITPC) in Chennai, Ministry of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia


An industrial visit to Parle G Biscuit factory was organized for students of BBA on 14.08.2018. The staffs were kind enough to make a presentation about the factory followed by a visit to witness their manufacturing process. The students understood the production & marketing processes involved in a leading biscuit factory. The students had a great learning experience.


A visit was made to the Global Expo & Summit organized by Vibrant Tamil Nadu for students of BBA on 14.08.2018. The students witnessed the various stalls set up by leading Logistics, Shipping & Warehousing companies. The students had the experience of meeting some leading delegates & global giants in the field of Logistics & Shipping. The students felt the visit to be very useful for their career.


Ice Breaking session for I B.Com  Students was organized on 14th August, 2018 at seminar hall, by the Department of Commerce on 14-08-2018. The programme commenced with Prayer followed by Welcome Address delivered by Mrs. V. Padmavathy – The Head of the Department and the Key note was delivered by Dr.K.Aruchunan – Vice  Principal of SLCS.   Dr.(Mrs).S.Gurupriya and Ms.B.Shanmugapriya – Asst. Professor conducted the Ice Breaking Session. The Second and Final year Students of the Dept. of Commerce were the organizers for the programme. The programme ended with the Vote of Thanks.

INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION – Shyamalavani, Community Radio

As part of Independence Day Celebration on 14th August, 2018, Commerce Department students did programmes in  Shyamalavani,  Community Radio. Ms. Anjana of II B.Com gave a speech about the significance of Independence , Ms.Karthiga of  II B.Com recited a poem about our nation and Ms.Mohana Yazhini of II B.Com  sang a patriotic song in the remembrance of our national leaders,  those who  strove very hard for the freedom of our nation.

Music Production Workshop

A Music production workshop was organized on 13/08/2018 for the students of 3rd Year FTVP. Students recorded, mixed and mastered a folk song composed by Mr.Hains & team, the duration of the song is 3 minutes. Music composing, recording, arrangements, Vocals and mixing were the key aspects of the workshop.


he Department of Fire & Industrial Safety has organized a two days Training program on Basic first Aid practices conducted by St.John Ambulance. Mr.S.Radha Krishnan lecturer (First Aid) of St. John Ambulance was the resource person for the training program. The 2nd Year students of Fire and Industrial safety Department eagerly participated in the training program and the resource person practically demonstrated the basics of First Aid practices to be followed during emergencies on affected victim. The students felt that the program was very useful to them and at the end of training program an interactive session was arranged to clear the doubts of the Students who participated in the training program.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized Career Counseling Program on 11.08.18. for  All the third  year students of our department

The programme was inaugurated by Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head, Dept of MC&HM, Mr. Sandip Chothe, Training Manager briefed following titles and he gave his presentation also

  1. about the student’s selection of their subject,
  2. Formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and to attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish.
  3. Job responsibility of each and every individual position and persons
  4. Responsibility galley during operation


A guest lecture on “Interview Skills” was conducted for the students of BBA on 11.08.2018. The students had a great learning experience. Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan, Executive Editor – Sagar Sandesh was invited as the resource person. The session was very informative and interesting. Students learnt the skills to be adopted in an interview along with the body language to be followed. Totally 17 students got benefited through this program.