B.Sc Networking I and II year students visited the Flextronics Technologies (india) Private Limited, Chennai on 2nd Feb, 2019. In that company, there are two units such as Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) and Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The DTA produce and sell goods for domestic market, SEZ manufactured and export for the international market.The company allowed our student to visit DTA. Our students have acquired knowledge about the assembling of mobile phones namely honor 8c, Redmi, Jio, and its components. They explained about the various stages of assembling the mobiles, and advised the students to wear apron (Safety dress) and Electrostatic Discharge Slippers for the safety purpose. After compilation process, the mobile phone, will go for installation of the software and applications. It will take eight hours for the mobile phone to get ready for use. Each and every step is monitored by the employees. They gave instruction to the students about the manufacturing process given instruction to the students safety and grouped the students into various batches. Each batch session was handled by a technical trainer and a faculty member. They have explained the manufacturing process step by step and clarified the student’s doubts. At the end of session, they have provided an interactive session to the students with their technical team. The program was useful to the students and appreciated by the company.