Debate on “Management of water crisis”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a debate on “Management on water crisis” on 22.06.2019. Water scarcity has become a critical issue in our country. Students actively participated in the debate highlighting the role to be played by the public and the government. Interesting and feasible remedial measures were also explained by the students.

Seminar on “Challenges and opportunities in Logistics sector”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a Seminar on “Challenges and opportunities in Logistics sector” on 22.06.2019. The resource person was Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan, Educationalist. Students got an opportunity to know about the latest developments in the field of logistics. Several opportunities in the logistics sector were also explained in detail, which helped the students to analyse the various developments in the job market.

Career Counseling Program

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized Career Counseling Program on 15.06.19. for all the third  year students of our department. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head, Dept of MC&HM, Mr. Sandip Chothe, Training Manager briefed on the following titles and he gave the presentation also. The presentation entitled in the following headings:

  1. About the student’s selection of their company policy.
  2. Formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and to attain the ultimate aim of getting good       career as per their wish.
  3. Job responsibility of each and every individual position and persons.
  4. Responsibility of galley during operation.


Department of Computer Science(SSS) conducted TechTalk event for the students of II year and III year of Computer Science Department on 14, June 2019 at Seminar Hall. The session was started with the power point presentation by the students, M.S.Raagem and S.Shruthikaa of II CS on technical topics such as History of Java, JVM, JRE and JDK. The session was continued by the project presentation of N.Aashiq Ahamed of III CS. He explained how he developed his own protective security based software. This session gave the students some knowledge about the concepts of Java and developing Security Based Software.

Value Added Course on “Trade routes and shipping overview”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a Value Added Course on “Trade routes and shipping overview” on 13.06.2019. The resource person was Dr.Vallinayagam, Faculty, CII – Institute of Logistics, Chennai. The resource person highlighted the various challenges and opportunities available in the trade routes. Recent trends and developments in the field of shipping were also highlighted.

Value Added Course on “Trade and commercial terms”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a Value Added Course on “Trade and commercial terms” on 12.06.2019. The resource person was Dr.Thomas, Faculty, CII – Institute of Logistics, Chennai. Different trade and commercial terms related to logistics and shipping was taught to the students. This will serve as a platform for their fruitful career in the area of logistics and shipping.

Orientation Programme

On behalf of Department of CS orientation programme has been conducted on 01.06.2019 at 11.10 AM in Seminar Hall for II B.Sc CS (SSS) & III B.Sc CS students. Our department HOD Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the subjects which they are going to study in III & V semester for 2nd and 3rd years respectively also she informed the faculty in-charges for each class.

Our Principal & IQAC Advisor addressed students. They encouraged students to use the facilities and infrastructure in our college to excel in their career. Students from III B.Sc CS had undergone summer internship training during April & May 2019. They shared their industry experience. They have been appreciated by the Principal & IQAC Advisor.

Board of Studies Meeting

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management was conducted Board of Studies meeting held on 24.5.2019 at 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. in Training Restaurant. Prof. R. Panneer Selvam, Associate Professor, was acted as an University Nominee, & Dr. Rameshraj , Associate Professor , Dept of MC & HM Madurai Kamaraj University College   was represented as a Subject Expert, Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department was represented as a Chairperson, Department Faculties, Alumni, Parents and Student representative have participated as a members in the Board of Studies Meeting.

Workshop on Joy of International Cuisine

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized a workshop on the topic “ Joy of International Cuisine 2019” on 27.4.2019 as an promotional activities, to create an awareness about the Marine Catering Course and many +2 students have participated in this program. Mr. Mohammed Sheriff, General Manager, GRT Regency Hotel, Madurai as a Chief Guest and delivered a speech to the student’s in a very constructive manner.

Seminar on “Syllabus Framing and Outcome Based Education ”

A one day seminar on Syllabus Framing and Outcome Based Education was organized by IQAC of SLCS and RLIMS on 23 rd April 2019, Tuesday.

Dr.V.K.Sivasubrsmanian Professor & Head Department of Chemistry K.L.N.College of Engineering &Technology in company with Prof.M.Murugeshwari, Department of ECE, K.L.N.College of Engineering &Technology along with  Dr. S. Theenathayalan, Associate Professor & Head Department of Economics, The Madura College were the resource persons for the seminar

Dr.R.L.Ramnath Advisor IQAC, gave a brief introduction about the seminar.Dr. B. Ramamoorthy, Principal, SLCS delivered the presidential address.The guest speakers Dr.V.K.Sivasubrsmanian Professor & Head Department of Chemistry K.L.N.College of Engineering &Technology outlined the need for Outcome Based Education and said that OBE stresses the learning process and  that  the Curriculum is designed in terms of the knowledge, skill and attitudes expected from graduates and aims to equip students for lifelong learning.

Prof.M.Murugeshwari, highlighted the key constituents of Outcome based Education, and brought out the relation between Programme Education Objectives ( assessed few years after graduation), Programme Outcomes (upon graduation) and Course Outcomes( upon course completion). CO Assessment tools for each course, PO Assessment tools for each course, Assessment of the attainment of PEOs, Assessment of the attainment of POs were detailed in the seminar. The speakers spoke about Blooms Taxonomy and they related it to OBE.

Dr. S. Theenathayalan, Associate Professor focused on Student Centric Approach in curricular design. He briefed how to evolve at a new technology to face opportunities and challenges in curricular design. Advantage, benefits, constraints and disadvantage of curricular updating were discussed in detail. The seminar was integrative and informative .Faculty of SLCS &RLIMS attended the seminar. The seminar was fruitfully sought after by the faculty of SLCS and RLIMS.