On 19th November 2020, a  peer teaching class was conducted through Google Meet for 45 students of II B.Sc CS(SSS). Ms. G.Subarshana of II B.Sc CS(SSS) explained the concept of “Design Principles of Firewall”. The students of II B.Sc CS made the session interactive by clarifying their queries.


Ms. R.Abirami – 19238 of II B.Sc CS(SSS) as part of peer teaching  expounded on “Circuit-Level Gateways Firewall” to the students of II B.Sc CS(SSS) on 19th November 2020, through Google Meet. She explained the working of Circuit-Level Gateways Firewall and its application . 45 students participated in and benefited through this session.


On 19th November 2020, a peer teaching session was conducted through Google Meet for 45 students of II B.Sc CS(SSS). Mr. K.Thirupathi Rajan – 19231 of II B.Sc CS(SSS) shared his knowledge on “Packet Filtering Firewall”. He compared Packet Filtering Firewall with other types of firewall in a simple and easy manner. The session was interactive and concluded with a discussion.


On 19th November 2020, a peer teaching session was conducted through Google Meet for 45 students of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mr. B.Bharath – 19203 of II B.Sc CS(SSS) taught his peers “Application/Proxy Firewall”. He explained the basic concepts of Firewall and its types. He, also, clarified the doubts of his peers.


A peer teaching session was conducted through Google Meet on 19 November 2020. Ms. J.S.Yoga Sri – 19224 of II B.Sc CS (SSS) shared her knowledge on “Limitations of Firewall” to 45 students of II B.Sc CS (SSS). She explained in detail about  Firewall and also clarified the doubts of her peers.

Professional Training in Housekeeping

Keeping a clean and organized house is usually a daunting task to most people due to their busy schedules and the lack of necessary skills. So, the  Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a Workshop, titled, “Professional Training in Housekeeping” for the non-Teaching staff of the college on 19.11.2020. The staff members were trained on how to utilize and organize the cleaning equipments, ways to clean the kitchen and organize bathrooms & living rooms. This training programme improved their housekeeping operation skills, besides, motivating and encouraging better living conditions.

Webinar on Print & Media

The Department of Visual Communiation conducted a webinar on PRINT & MEDIA for the UG and PG students of the department of Visual Communication on 19.11.2020. Mr. Thameem Ansar who is an expert in print media was the resource person. A total number of 102 students took part in this event. The inaugural session was held at 1:30 pm. The inaugural address was delivered by Mr. Rajavardhan and Mr. Kevin delivered the keynote address. Mr. Thameem Ansar, Chief Guest of the day gave a special address on Print & Media. Mr. Sivarajan proposed a vote of thanks.

The expert elaborated on various topics such as epic of print and media, design skills for print, types of print medium, digital proofing, new ideas for print craft etc. The students were exposed to the above mentioned topics. The session was fruitful to the students. The students were enthusiastic to participate in this event. The resource person clarified the doubts and also provided career guidance to the participants. The program served the right purpose top the target audience.

Course Committee Meeting Minutes

The Department of Computer Science conducted a Course Committee Meeting on 18-11-2020 at 3.30 PM to get the students’ opinion and grievances, if any, regarding academics before the conduction of  Internal test-II. In this meeting, wherein 36 students and 5 faculty members participated, the syllabus coverage of each course was discussed through Google meet and Google class room. Students gave valuable feedback and were assured that their inconveniences will be taken care of and academic standards maintained through Management decisions.

Awareness Programme on Road Safety

National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted an awareness programme for non teaching members on “Safe Driving” with R.L.Driving School on 18th November, 2020 between 3.00 p.m and 4.30 p.m at seminar Hall. The key note address was presented by Mr.G.Kannan, Administrative Officer, R.L.Driving school. Mr.Stalin delivered the black spots with appropriate videos. In this programme, 21 staff memebrs were benefited.

Eco Club-Discussion on measures to protect the environment

The Eco club organised a session to identify various measures to protect the environment on 18th, November 2020 in Google Meet through Google Class room. Students from various departments participated in this session. The student’s identified various measures to solve the environmental issues and submitted it by write up. 19 students participated in this Session.