The Department of Tamil Celebrated the Pongal Vizha on 12.01.2021. Verse Writing competition was conducted through Google Meet.The students were asked to write the Verses on their own topics and were informed to Post it through google meet link. For the Verse writing competition, the students were asked to record a video and were informed to post it in the link. The assesment was done by the members of the Tamil Department. 5 Students Participated in Verse writing.The first prize was won by K.Jaiviswa,II BBA. R.Rukumani,III got the II prize.
The Department of Tamil celebrated the Pongal Vizha on 12.01.2021. Elocution Competitions was conducted through Google Meet.The students were asked to record a video and were informed to Post it in the link. The students were able expose their speaking talents through the competition. The assessment was done by the members of the Tamil Department. Totally 6 students participated in the Elocution competition. First prize was won by K.Jai Vishwa,II BBA, I.Swetha,II Animation got II prize and K.Ragavi,II B.Com(Honours) got III prize.
Tamil Essay Competition on National Youth Day
National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science properly conducted tamil local Essay competition to justly celebrate “National Youth Day” for local SLCS students. Tamil essay on “Swami Vivekanandha’s Dream on youth” was written by the students .The students were allowed to submit their work on or before 11th January 2021. Students merely submitted their work through
The E certificates were provided to 12 students and the best 3 contributions selected to efficiently deliver their independent thoughts in local Shyamlavani Community radio. The student names are as follows.
- Abinaya – 20444 – I B.Com B&I
- Srinivas – 20441 – I B.Com B&I
- Sri Krishna – 20442 – I B.Com B&I
Awareness on Banking Schemes
Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized a lecture on “Awareness on Banking Schemes” for the non-teaching staff of SLCS. Mr.Veerasamy, Senior Associate, CUB delivered the lecture. He explained the banking schemes with real life examples and interacted with the staff members. He also clarified their queries. 14 members participated and they felt that it was very useful for them.
Alumni interaction
The Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an Interactive session with Mr.Ashwin Kumar, Alumni (Batch 2013-2016) for the I B.Com (B&I) students. He explained how to clear the DBF & Licentiate exams in a single attempt and stressed the importance of Value Added Courses in Placements. He also shared his experience as a Banker. Around 56 students participated in the session. The students were able to clarify their doubts and were of the opinion that the session was greatly beneficial and confidence providing.
SLCS SamaajSeva -“Digital Literacy”
SLCS SamaajSeva – an extension activity on “Digital Literacy” was organised by the “Lakshya” the Department Association of MBA Program on 8th Jan 2022, at 9.30 am in the Govt School, Arittapatti, Near Melur, Madurai. The event was organised to facilitate the awareness in learning and comprehending various aspects of Social responsibility among the school students. Dr. S. Pugalanthi, Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep were the program Co-ordinators and our 9 MBA students (I MBA-2 Nos & II- MBA 7 Nos.) organised this program. Totally 44 students from the Arittapatti Govt. School got benefited out of this program.
New Year Celebration-2021
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management hosted “New Year Celebration -2021” at the Training Restaurant, on 31.12.2020. This event was celebrated with pomp and grandeur. The restaurant was decorated with colorful lamps, toys and flowers. The Principal and all faculty members participated in this event. A cake was cut amidst cheers from the faculty members. The celebration culminated with a High Tea. Totally 78 staffs participated in this event.
Board of Studies Meeting
The Board of Studies meeting for the academic year 2020 – 2021 Even Semester was held on 30-12-2020 at 2.00 pm, in F33 MBA Hall. In this meeting, modifications were made in the existing syllabi for 2018-2021 batch and 2019 – 2022 batch students. A new course, “Cultural Heritage” has been introduced for the 2020-2023 batch students. Similarly, minor changes were made in the other Syllabi. These changes will be followed from the forthcoming Academic Year. In Indirect Tax subject the 3rd and 5th units are changed as theory for
2018-2021 batch students and these changes will be followed in the current semester.
Webinar on Cloud Computing
The Department of Computer Science organized a Webinar on “Cloud Computing” for the I B.Sc CS (SSS) students on 30.12.2020. Mr.Nandha Kumar, Cloud Computing Engineer, Web To All, Madurai was the trainer. Students participated in the Webinar which was conducted through Google Meet. The session started with the introduction of Cloud Computing and its Importance.
The trainer explained Amazon Web Services (AWS) and the various Certifications available in Cloud Computing. Students raised their queries and clarified their doubts. This webinar enabled the students to understand the technical aspects of Cloud Computing in IT industry. Around 53 students participated in the webinar. Totally 53 students got benefited through this program.
Board of Studies Meeting
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted an Online Board of Studies Meeting on 30.12.2020 between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Dr. R.Kannan, Ph.D, Professor & Research Guide, Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, represented as the University Nominee , Dr.T.Milton, HoD & Dean, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai and Mr.T .R. Rajesh Pandiyan, HoD, Department of Catering Science and Hotel Management, Nehru Arts and Science College, Coimbatore represented as Subject Experts, Mr.N.Mohammad Sheriff, Senior General Manager, Regency Madurai by GRT Hotels, Madurai represented as the Industrial Expert, Mr.P. Praveen Kumar, Captain, Gateway Hotel, Madurai participated as an Alumni, Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department represented as the Chairperson. The Department Faculty members, a Parent and a Student participated as members in the Board of Studies Meeting and gave their valid feedback and recommendations for framing the syllabus.