The Department of Tamil celebrated  140th birth anniversary of Maha kavi Bharathiyar on 13.12.2021. The verse writing Competition was conducted in the F39 Hall. The competition really benefitted the students to enhance their verse writing skills. The assessment was done by the members of the Tamil Department. Totally 7 Students participated in Verse writing competition. First prize was won by S.Charulatha, II FSPM  M.Anantha Krishna, II F&IS got II prize and S.Nishalakshmi, I BBA got III prize


The Department of Tamil celebrated  140th birth anniversary of Maha kavi Bharathiyar on 13.12.2021. Drawing Competition was conducted in the F39 Hall. The students were able to expose their Drawing talents through the competition. The assessment was done by the members of the Tamil Department. Totally 7 students participated in the Drawing competition. The first prize was won by A.Aastin Bennyhin Samvel  I MCHM,  K.Suriya,I B&I got the II prize and G.Vikram, I B&I got III prize


The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety conducted a Value Added Course on IOSH Managing Safely (MS) V 5.0 Certified by UK Institution (Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) for 21students of  III year B.Sc., (F&IS) Fire & Industrial Safety from 9.12.2021 to 12.12.2021. Mr. M. Krishna Moorthy and Mr. K. Senthil Nathan HSE from Green World group was the trainer for the VAC. He trained the students clearly about the Importance of IOSH by framing with 7 different Modules. He also explained about hazard controlling methods, risk Assessment and the procedures for investigating and reporting accidents at work. The Students understood about the importance of proactive and reactive health & safety monitoring measures. The students were also given hands-on training on the Risk Assessment data. He also gives the career guidance and Job opportunity in the safety field. At the end of the programme a Student successfully completed the Online Individual assessment. The students of B.Sc (F&IS) (2019 batch) shared their positive feedback for arranging such a useful Value added course which will help them to build their career.


The Department of Visual Communication and the Department of Animation jointly organized a “Workshop on Film Making” for its students on 11.12.2021.Totally 97 students    (I B.Sc Viscom – 11, II B.Sc Viscom – 14, III B.Sc Viscom – 10, M.Sc Viscom – 01, II M.Sc Viscom – 03, I B.Sc Animation – 30, II B.Sc Animation – 28) participated in the workshop. The expert, Mr. Kasthuri Raja, Indian Film Director, went all out of his way in covering all important aspects of Film making, with the sole purpose of enabling students in taking up film oriented jobs. He elaborated on various topics such as screen face, acting skills, and so on. The students got due exposure on the topics discussed in the workshop.

Mr. Kasthuri Raja also shared his experience as a film director in directing various movies and reiterated that he had complete focus on his career. The webinar was welcomed by the students of both the departments. The students requested to conduct a number of similar events in the future days.


Technofest, an association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) & Syndicate Incorp, Madurai, jointly organized a workshop on “Computer Graphics Tools” for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students. The workshop was held on 10/12/2021 & 11/12/2021 from 09.00AM to 04.15PM. The workshop was started with the welcome address by S.Srivatsav, II B.Sc. CS(SSS). The presidential address was delivered by Prinipal Dr.R.Sujatha. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of CS (SSS) introduced the Chief Guest.

            The Chief Guest Mr.S.N.S.Gopalan, CEO, Syndicate Incorp, Madurai, elaborated the tools in Adobe Photoshop on 10.12.2021. Next day, the trainer elaborated the tools in “Illustrator”. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by S.Badri Narayanan, II B.Sc. CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest,  Department of CS(SSS) compeered the entire session. Totally, 46 students attended the session and got benefitted.


The Department of Networking & Career Counselling Cell jointly organized a Career Guidance program on “Job Opportunities in RedHat Linux Platform” on 10.12.2021 for the II year students. Mr.M.Athigopal, Head, Dept. of Networking introduced the Chief Guest, Mr.Prithiviraj Gangai, Vectra Technosoft  Pvt.Ltd ,Chennai. The Resource person shared his industry experience and the current technical knowledge needed for RedHat Linux flavour job in IT industry. He discussed the concepts of Principles of networks, Computer networks, their topologies and importance of virtualization.  He motivated the students to clear the International RedHat Linux certification, which will help them to become employable. He clarified all the queries raised by the students. This session was very useful for the students.  16 students were benefitted through this career guidance program.

Value Added Course on AZ900- Azure

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on “AZ900- Azure” for 39 students of III B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2019 – 2022 from 06.12.2021 to 10.12.2021. Mr.Nagakumar, CEO, Devspark IT Solutions, Hyderabad was the trainer. He trained the students in the domain of cloud concepts and demonstration in AZURE. The students were actively participated and got insight in AZURE. They were also trained to appear for Microsoft International Certification in AZ900.

Student Achievement in Sports

Ms. S.Sivasri, first year student of B.Com., (Hons’) ACCA, was successfully Selected for South Zone Inter University Chess Tournament. She got over all second place by competing 77 players from 25 various colleges from 09.12.2021 to 10.12.2021 at Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai. She had already got 30th place in Common wealth competitions in all over the world. Her sports activity and also academic performance are highly appreciable and career guidance is continuously given by our Professors, Physical Education Director, Principal and Management of our esteemed Institution of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA appreciated her and extended best wishes for the remarkable performance of Ms. S.Sivasri in the sports activities and also for her career growth.


The Department of Animation conducted its Board of Studies Meeting for the newly introduced programme PG Diplomain Animation Techniques on 09th Dec 2021 (Thursday) at 04.00 P.M. through the Google Meet at Animation Academic Lab. Mr.P.KishoreKumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof. and Chairman of the BoS welcomed the gathering and explained the skeleton of the entire programme and introduced new courses for the upcoming academic year (2021-2022, Odd Semester). Dr.Thangaraj, Professor, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Technology, Madurai Kamaraj University, was the University Nominee. Dr.Elango, Professor & Head, Department of Electronic Media (PG), St Thomas College of Arts and Science, Koyambedu, Chennai took part in the BoS meeting as the Subject Expert. Ms.Saranya, Graphic Designer, Royal sign and awnings Studio United states, was invited as theIndustry Expert. Mr.Mahesh, PG Diploma student attended as the student representative.

All the members gave their valuable suggestions and recommendations about the syllabi. Faculty members Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Mr.S.Saravanan, Mr.S.Praveen Kumar, Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar, Mr.M.Shanmuga sundaram and Mr.A.R.R.Arul Prince attended the meeting.


Alumni Interaction on How to become an Entrepreneur in cloud Kitchen

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Alumni Interaction for the first year (15 students) on 9.12.2021. Mr.KARAN SINGHAAL, Mr.PRADEESH.S, an alumni of the department, presently run a cloud kitchen unit in Pondicherry. They educated the students on how “to become an Entrepreneur in Cloud Kitchen”. They said that the cloud kitchen is one of the most profitable outlets among the restaurants, as it offers the lowest risks involved in this type of business. The dining facility is not available but, the customers can directly order the food through online platform. They also provided a guideline on the basic components that are needed to start a cloud kitchen, such as investments, licenses, location, Kitchen Equipment, Raw Materials, Packaging System and Point of Sale technology. The students benefitted by having additional skill in the field of cloud kitchen through this interaction.