Webinar on International Chef Day

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated “International Chef Day” via webinar on 20.10.20. First, second and third year MC&HM students (156 students) actively participated. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department gave the welcome speech; Executive Chef. Bala Kaliyamoorthy, Royal Caribbean International Cruise lines – Miami, Florida, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Food and Food Safety, Food Contamination, Buffet Steward Duties and Responsibilities and the Documents required for joining the Shipping Company. He also spoke about the Safety Drill practices followed in ships. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students.

Webinar on World Food Day

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated “World Food Day” via webinar on 16.10.20. First, second and third year MC&HM students (156 students) actively participated. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department gave the welcome speech; Executive Chef. Anand Vijayakumar, Royal Caribbean International- U.S.A, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Food and Food Safety, Food Contamination, Modern Buffet Presentation techniques and ways to satisfy the customers with food. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.


The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Bridge course (Online Mode), as part of the Student Induction Programme, for the first year students from 18.09.2020 to 28.09.2020. The objective of the programme was to bridge the gap that would possibly exist between the academia and the newly joined MC&HM aspirants in terms of orienting their academic environ and partly eliminating the fear factor that might cripple their understanding into becoming qualitative Hospitality persons with a social responsibility. Mr. C. Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department addressed the students and informed the Rules and regulations, Department discipline, Academic details, Syllabus, Lesson plan, Attendance, the Department Activities for the Academic year 2020, and also introduced the faculty members and the Courses handled by them. He passed over the Bridge course manual, lesson plan, time table and attendance log sheet to the class representative. An Entry level Test was conducted for the students, following which, the respective staff members started their bridge course according to the schedule prepared by the Head of the Department. A few parents and Alumni interacted with the students. Finally, an Exit level Test was conducted. This two-week student enhancement and development programme was devised for the overall grooming and enhancement of the student fraternity with special emphasis for students from the rural and semi rural community.

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Board of Studies Meeting

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted an Online Board of Studies Meeting on 15.9.2020 between 2.00 p.m. and 3.00 p.m. Dr. R.Kannan, Ph.D, Professor & Research Guide, Centre for Tourism and Hotel Management, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, represented as the University Nominee , Prof.RameshRaj.S ,Associate Professor, Dept of  HM&CS , MKU  College, Madurai  represented the  Subject Expert, Prof. Jayanthi, Assistant Professor, Dept of French, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai was the university nominee for Language, Mr. P. Balasubramaniam, Director – Operations, Hotel Amika, Madurai represented as the Industrial Expert , Mr. Karthikeyan.R,  participated as an Alumni,  Mr. C. Sureshkumar, Head of the Department  represented as the Chairperson. The Department Faculty members, a Parent and a Student participated as members in the Board of Studies Meeting and gave their valid feedback and recommendations for framing the syllabus.

Webinar on Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a webinar on “Career opportunities in Marine Catering and Hotel Management” on 14.8.2020 for the 2019-20 batch +2 students. Mr.V.Gangadaran, Asst. Professor, welcomed the gathering. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department introduced the chief guest and resource person, Dr Dhamodharan , President of SICA, Celebrity Chef & Guinness Record  Holder, Chennai. Dr.Dhamodharan, in his address, spoke of the advantages of choosing the Hospitality Industry as a Career path. He also explained the College`s Infrastructure, faculty members` qualifications, the Department`s affiliation and the Jobs available in the Hospitality Industry.

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A Report on Staff participation in webinars

The faculty members of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management participated in several webinars conducted by various colleges in India during the month of May and June,2020. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, HoD  participated in 12 webinars, Mr.V.Gangadharan, Asst.Professor in 12,Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor in 14, Mr.P.Anand, Asst.Professor  in 12,Mr.E.Jacob Jebaraj , Asst.Professor in 22, Mr.N.Ramesh, Asst.Professor in 13 and Mr.R.Ganesh  Instructor in 5. The details of the webinars attended by the faculty members are available in the Department.

Glowing Star Chef Competitions -2020

Two second year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, Mr.K.Jagadesh and  Mr.R.Viswam , participated in  “Glowing Star Chef Competitions” conducted online by Alfaa Catering College, Madurai on 14.6.2020. They actively participated in various competitions like Parambariya Samayal, No Fire Cooking, Steam Cooking, Vegetable & Fruit Carving and Homemade Cooking. Mr.K.Jagadesh, won the first prize in the Steam Cooking competition and received the Star Chef Award with Rs.1000 Cash Prize.Mr.R.Viswam got the Participation Certificate in Vegetable and Fruit Carving Competition.This motivated and encouraged the students and also made it a memorable experience.

Webinar on New Norms to be followed in Hotels after the Pandemic – Challenges and Opportunities” and “Pandemic Norms and Safety Measures to be adopted in Educational Institutions

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted two Webinars titled “New Norms to be followed in Hotels after the Pandemic – Challenges and Opportunities” and “Pandemic Norms and Safety Measures to be adopted in Educational Institutions” on 6.6.2020 for the students of second and third years (123 students). Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Dr. T. Milton – Dean, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Bharath Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai and Dr. Jitendra Das, Sr. Lecturer, IHMCT, Chennai were the resource persons on this occasion.

The Chief Guest Dr. T. Milton informed the students on how the Hotel Industry would recover, about the changes made in the interview process and the job opportunities available post Covid-19 in the Hospitality Industry. Dr. Jitendra Das spoke of the ways of organizing meals for students in dining halls and insuring the safety and security of students post pandemic. This motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.

Webinar on “Covid -19 Guidelines for Food Handler

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Webinar on “Covid-19 – Guidelines for Food Handler” on 29.5.2020, for the students of second and third years (123 students). Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. DR. PASUPATHY VENKAT, Diamond Trainer of FOSTAC Chennai was the resource person for this webinar.

The Chief Guest expounded the Generic preventive measures to be followed by Hoteliers, such as, mandatory wearing of masks for the employees, washing of hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, strictly prohibiting spitting, installing the Aarogya Setu App, restricting the number of people using elevators, and making available hand sanitizers for the use of guests in the reception. The staff and students supported the webinar in making it a grand success.

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Mr.K.Jagadesh, a second year student of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, participated in “NCPCL Cooking Contest-2020” conducted online by Negamam Coconut Producer Company Limited, Pollachi between 5.5.2020 and 15.5.2020. Mr.K.Jagadesh, who actively participated in the competition won the Third prize and received a Cash Prize of Rs.500.   This motivated and encouraged not only Mr.K.Jagadesh but also the other students of the department.