Outreach program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “It’s in your hands, take action”

To commemorate “World Arthritis Day”FAGAS association and Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management celebrated World Arthiritis Day on the theme of “It’s in your hands, take action, organized an outreach program (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on 12.10.2022 between 2.00-4.00pm at TVS Nagar. Counselling was given to women about the rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases. The type of joints and muscular diseases and the foods that are to be taken and avoid this kind of disease were clearly explained. The beneficiaries got a clear idea about the arthritis and awareness about its causes in body. Totally thirteen students of III year FSPM students participated in this outreach program and 20 members got benefited from this activity.

Value Added Course on “Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Preservation”

Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Value added course on “Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Preservation” from 22.09.2022 to 27.09.2022 at SLCS Galley.     This course was presented to the students which included theoretical and hands-on-training programs with manufacturing aspects. Mr. M. Mariappan, Director, Senior Food Processing Consultant, Manoj Consultancy served as the trainer for this value addition program. He began the activity with an elaborate explanation of the jam, jellies, ketchup, tutyfruity and different varieties of fruit squashes and different varieties of vegetable pickle preparations.  At the end of the day, students gathered an appreciable level of practical knowledge on processing and preservation techniques with utmost satisfaction. Totally, 36 (I,II &III year) students from FSPM eagerly participated in this program.

Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Explaining the Importance of Nutrition in food to school students”

                       FAGAS Association, Department of Food Science and Processing Management, organized an Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through Explaining the Importance of Nutrition in food  to school students” on 21.09.2022 at Avaniyapuram. Our students briefly emphasized the importance of Nutrition in food and explained the importance of healthy eating practices among the school students. In addition, students created awareness on the important dietary practices to be followed in daily life. Totally, 13 students participated and 17 school students got benefited from this activity.


Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Field Trip to National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur on 16.09.2022. The institute was glad to present, “Open Day 2022”, in commemoration of 120th birth anniversary of the former director, Dr. V. Subrahmanyan. The theme for “NIFTEM-T Open Day 2022” was  Millets Processing: Science, Technology and Innovation. The program is composed of the following events: Demonstration of technology and gadgets developed by NIFTEM-T, Exhibition of successful entrepreneurs incubated by NIFTEM-T, Competitions for school and college students, Science pavilion on millets, Cultural shows on food safety and hygiene. Our students gained a practical exposure on various processing equipments, nutrient analysis, food microbiology and various food product development strategies emphasizing skill and entrepreneurship. Dr. Hema, Scientist, NIFTEM-T, briefed the history and working principles of the organization, career opportunities, hands on training and internship details. Totally, 34 students of I, II, III year FSPM and three faculty members benefited through this visit.

Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Creating Awareness on Food Allergies and Intolerance “

                 FAGAS Association, Department of Food Science and Processing Management, organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Creating Awareness on Food Allergies and Intolerance” on 13.09.2022 at Thirumangalam. Our students briefly emphasized the food allergens of food and explained the symptoms of intolerance to make the people aware on the limitations of different packaging of ingredients, when it comes to direct contact with various food items.  Totally, 13 students participated and 15 members from the village got benefited through this activity.


FAGAS Association from Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Freshers Day Celebration for I year students on 06.09.2022 in Seminar Hall at 12.00 am. The students were warmly welcomed to begin their new Programme. The seniors conducted different games to the juniors like Do the Dare; Do the Postures, Connection etc., after they introduce themselves to their seniors. The Students enjoyed their Freshers Day. The students exhibited their hidden talents on that day. The prizes were distributed to the students by the Head and Assistant Professors and the FAGAS association members.Totally 34students of FSPM participated in this program.

Professional Development Program on “Nutritional Guidance for Sedentary Working Women”

            Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Professional development program on “Nutritional Guidance for Sedentary Working Women” on 02.09.2022 at 12.00. The resource person, Mrs. Suganya, Chief Dietitian, Apollo Hospital, Madurai, gave guidance on the nutritional impact during physical activities and working hours. It was designed to meet 100% hands on experience in nutrition, diet and counselling for the sedentary working women. The program was completed successfully to the greatest satisfaction of faculty members and it helps to inculcate and follow that in their regular day to day activities.  Totally, 5 faculty members were benefited through this program.

International Seminar on “Recent Vaccine Developments for viruses and cancers”

Department of Food Science and Processing Management, organized an International Seminar entitled, “Recent Vaccine Developments for Viruses and Cancers” on 02.09.2022. The resource person of this session is Dr. Kar. Muthumani, PhD Chief Scientific Officer, GeneOne Life Science.  The resource person highlighted the importance of vaccination and their benefits for viral & cancer diseases and its symptoms. The session was interactive and the resource person answered all the queries raised by the participants related to the program. The feedback of the program was collected from the students and the analysis showed that the program was highly informative to all the students. Totally 368 students are actively participated in this seminar.


Department of Food Science and Processing Management inaugurated the department association for this academic year on 02.09.2022 at 11.00 am- 12.30pm in the SLCS Auditorium to elect the association barears. Dr.KarMuthumani, Chief Scientific Officer, USA,  Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal, Dr.K.Archunan Vice Principal and Dr.S.Priya, Dean Academics honored the members. Dr.K.U.Pavitra Krishna, Head of the department introduced the members and explained the role of each member and other committee members with regard to future plans for conducting the activities through association. Ms.V.Varshini Final Year student elected as President, Ms. K.M.Kanmani Final year student as Secretary , Mr.P.Illakiyaraja Second Year student as Vice President, Mr.Sivraga Second year student as Treasurer and  Mr.Kishore First year student as Joint Secretary of this association. Totally 34 students of FSPM participated in this program.


Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) on “Explaining the Significance of Medicinal Herbs Available Locally to Household Women”

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) on “Explaining the Significance of Medicinal Herbs Available Locally to Household Womenon 29.08.2022 between 02.00pm-04.00pm at Thirumanagalam, Madurai. This program is arranged in order to create awareness among the household women about the significance of medicinal herbs and its therapeutic importance. Our students prepared value added products using various herbs and distributed pamphlets on the same. This activity mainly aims at improving the health in curing the common diseases in accordance with, medicinal herbs at sustainable cost. This also helped them to get an idea about planting the herbs in their houses. Totally 13 students participated and 20 members got benefited from this activity.