The department of Food Science and Processing Management conducted the Board of Studies Meeting on 29h October 2021 at 01.00 P.M. through this Google Meet link .Mrs. Deepalakshmi, Head i/c and Chairman of the BoS welcomed the gathering and explained about the skeleton of the entire syllabus and the revisions made for the upcoming Even Semester for during the academic year (2021-2022). Dr. J.B. Sharmila, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Home Science, Sri Meenakshi College for Women, Madurai was invited as the University Nominee. Mr. P V Gopimanivannan, Head, Department of Food and Dairy Technology, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College Madurai and Ms. ShivPoornima Anbuselvan, Visiting Professor, Dr.G.Sakunthala College of Nursing, Trichy took part in the BoS meeting as the Course Experts. Dr.Singaravadivel, Director, Indian Institute of Crop Processing Technology Government of India, Tanjore was invited as an Industry Expert & Ms. Abinaya, Product Analyst, Ruby Food Products Madurai as Alumni. Dr.R.Sujatha- Principal, Dr.S.Priya – Dean-Academics and IQAC Asst.Coordinators of SLCS were presented as Special invitees. The Department Faculty members, a Parent and a Student participated as members in the Board of Studies Meeting. All the members gave their valuable suggestions and recommendations for framing the syllabus.
FAGAS an association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an industrial visit to Tamilnadu Food Grains Marketing Yard- Madurai on 27/10/2021. Totally 40 students of I,II and III year and three faculty members participated in the visit. It was a very useful program. The students are learnt about the milling steps involved in cereals and pulses. Mr.Nagendhran (operator in charge) explained various methods of processing and equipments. Dr. Singaravadivel, Director, Tamilnadu food grains yard, explained the basic structure of the yard and finally he interacted with the final year students about internships and job opportunities related to this field. The visit was mainly focused to understand the practical knowledge involved during the processing. The feedback of the industrial visit was collected and all students got benefited from this visit.
FAGAS an association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial visit to Ruby food products on 26/10/2021. Totally 40 students of I,II & III year and two faculty members participated in the visit. Ms.S.Abinaya, Production Data Analyst, alumni of our department explained the processing and production of milk shake and juices. The students have actively participated and got their doubts clarified at the end of the visit. The feedback of the industrial visit was collected and most of the students got benefited.
Career Counselling session on “Recent Trends in Food Processing”
A Career Counselling session on Recent Trends in Food Processing was organized by FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Career Counselling cell for III year students on 23.10.2021 in G14 class room at 12.30pm. Ms.S.Hema. (Batch2018-21) spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful person after pursuing post graduation in this field. She said that the line of action should be initiated right from today for those with passion to begin their career. She also mentioned various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that she is having right now in Karunya University. Totally 14 students participated in this interaction session.
The topics of interaction were:
- Higher studies
- Recent trends in Food processing
- Entrance Examination to pursue higher studies
An alumni interaction session on pursuing higher education was organized by FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Alumni Cell for III year students on 23.10.2021 in G14 Class room at 12.30pm. Ms.Hema.S (Batch2018-21) spoke about the requisite skills to become a successful person after pursuing post graduation in this field. She said that the line of action should be initiated right from today for those with passion to begin their career. She also mentioned various opportunities available and the rewarding experiences that she is having right now in Karunya University. Totally 14 students of our department participated in this interaction session. The topics of interaction were:
- Higher studies
- Recent trends in Food processing
- Entrance Examination to pursue higher studies
“Importance of Low Salt intake in Diet”
The Health & Nutrition club of the department of FSPM conducted a session on “Importance of Low Salt intake in Diet” for the club students. The student coordinator , Mr.R.Blesson from the department of MCHM welcomed the gathering and conducted the event. Totally 15 students eagerly participated and benefited from it. They enjoyed and said that it was an informative session and would be very useful for them in their future. The sole aim of the activity conducted was to impart skills to the target group. This will build their confidence and inculcate a sense of social responsibility among the students.
Workshop on “Bakery craft and Confectionery skills”
The Department of Marine Catering & Hotel Management and the Department of Food Science and Processing Management have jointly organized a Workshop on “Bakery Craft and Confectionery skills” on 19.10.2021. 53 (III year) students from MC&HM, 27 (II &III year) students from FS &PM, totally 80 students eagerly participated in this program. The workshop started with the welcome speech which was delivered by Ms.P.Harine, III B.Sc., FSPM and the chief guest introduction was given by Mr.K.Perumal Kannan, Asst.Professor, Department of MC&HM. This workshop was presented to the students which includes theoretical, practical oriented workshop cum demonstration, hands on training program with manufacturing aspects. Chef Kaleeswaran Honorary Secretary of Karaikudi Bakery Owners Association was a resource person this Program. The activity began with an elaborate explanation of the millet cookies, Dough nuts, Danish Pastries, different varities of Rolls & Breads and different varieties of Cakes & Gateau preparations. The program ended with a vote of thanks given by Mr.K.Jagadesh, III B.Sc, MC&HM. Feedback was collected and it shows students were satisfied with this workshop.
Webinar on “How to become an Entrepreneur”
FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management& EDP Cell jointly organized an Webinar entitled “How to become an Entrepreneur” on 19.10.2021 through this link between 6.00 and 6.30 pm. The resource person of this webinar is Mr.Jim waltre, trainer for IBPS& Financial Adviser explained about the steps involved in getting the loan to start a small scale industry. He also enlightened the students about the loan formalities and procedures to start a business which is a part of Food Entrepreneurship & Food Regulation and Plant Management course. This webinar would definitely help students to get an idea about getting a loan for starting up a small scale enterprise. The session was interactive and the resource persons answered the participant’s queries. Totally 36 students of our department (I, II and III year students )got benefited from this webinar. The feedback of this webinar was collected from the students and the feedback showed that the students were highly satisfied with this webinar.
To commemorate “World Food Day – 16th October 2021” Culinary Club of Marine Catering and Hotel Management & FAGAS association and Health and Nutrition Club of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management celebrated World Food day on the theme of Our actions are our future- Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life through this link ( Mr.R.Viswam, Final year student, Dept of MCHM welcomed the gathering. A key note address on World Food day was given by Ms.Jegadeeswari of III B.Sc, FSPM & Mr.Jeyasurya of III B.Sc, MCHM. The main aim of this program was to enlighten the spirit of the World food Day. Various competitions like Quiz and Poster presentation were conducted for the students. They were motivated not to waste food highlighting the wastage of money and efforts which is not good for anyone. Ms.P.Harine of III B.Sc FSPM delivered a valedictory speech about the importance of World Food Day. Totally 70 students of both departments (26 students from FSPM &44 from MCHM) participated and got benefited in this program. At the end of the session feedback was collected from the students and the analysis showed that most of them were highly satisfied with this program.
SLCS Samaaj seva – Extension Activity through “Radio Talk on Importance and Health Benefits of Food”
FAGAS an association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai as a part of its extension activity recorded and aired programme on the theme of “Our actions are our future- Better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life” through SLCS’s Community Radio Shyamalavani on 09.10.2021 at 12.30 pm. Totally two students from II B.Sc FSPM gave an enthusiastic talk on the importance and history of world food day. This programme would be beneficial for all the persons to know about the consumption of healthy foods in our day today life.