The Department of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) organized an Industrial Visit to the AS Shipping, Tuticorin on 6.10.2023.Totally, 80 students of II B. Com. (B&I) along with three faculty members, Mrs.R.Nithya Kalyani and Dr.A.Devi and Mr.R.Dhamotharan visited the Industry. The students were briefed on the evolution, founder of the Industry, management team, and functional departments. The Manager explained the export & import process followed by the industry.

Board of studies meeting 2023-24

The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted the Board of Studies meeting for the academic year 2023–24 (Even Semester) on October 14, 2023 at 10.30 a.m. at Board Room. The syllabus for II, IV & VI semester for the batches 2023-2026, 2022-2025, and 2021-2024 was presented by Mrs. V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department, B.Com (B&I). The panel members of the Board of Studies gave valuable inputs to the updated syllabus to match industrial requirements for the current scenario. Furthermore, the members of the meeting discussed the various important aspects of the course to meet the employability skills of the student. All the members of the meeting appreciated the syllabus and agreed to proceed


Cuentas Association, Department of Commerce organized Valedictory program for the academic year 2022-23 on 12th May, 2023. The Program started with the Welcome address rendered by the Secretary of the Association, Mr. OviyaPrasath.Y, I,B.Com(B&I). The Presidential note was delivered by Mrs. V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department of Commerce. Students of B.Com B&I presented a topic on‘Recent trends in Banking’. Torch bearers of the association for the academic year 2022-23 surrendered their badges and the program ended with National Anthem.

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Farewell Day

The students of B.Com (B&I) from I and II year organizeda Farewell meet for the III year students on 19.05.2023 at Annexure building. The program commenced with a Prayer song followed by the Welcome Address delivered by Ms. Vinothini of II B.Com (B&I). The presidential address was delivered by Ms. V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department of B.Com (B&I) and conveyed the best wishes to all the III year students. Many games were conducted to entertain and engagethe outgoing students. The program ended with the National Anthem.

Industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized an industrial visit to Naga Foods Private Limited, Pudhupatti, Dindigul on 19.10.2023. Totally, 45 students from I year B.Com (B&I) along with Mrs. E. Hema, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (B&I) and Mr. R. Dhamotharan, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce (B&I) visited the factory. The students were briefed on the historical background, the top level management, various departments and various products of Naga. The students were able to witness the production process of vermicelli and pasta in the factory. To put it in a nutshell, the industrial visit was very useful for the students and they had practical exposure to the commerce field.

Field visit to Kizhadi

Department of Commerce B.Com (B&I) organized a field visit to Kizhadi on 02.05.2023. Kezhladi-An Urban Settlement of Sangam Age on the Banks of River Vaigai, the cultural findings belong sometime between the 6th century BCE and the 1st century CE. The artefacts could belong as far back as 580 BCE, as per report. According to the Tamil Nadu Archaeological Department (TNAD),  among the available scripts of India, the Indus scripts are considered to be the earliest one and were 4500 years old. One kind of script that survived between the disappearance of Indus script and the emergence of Brahmi script is called as graffiti marks by the scholars. Students came to know about their ancestors and their life style.  They were so eager to learn scriptures, culture and tradition of their ancestors. Totally, 78 II B. Com (B&I) students along with two faculty members          Mrs. V. Padmavathy and Mr. N. Arunkumar visited kizhadi and got benefitted.

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Association activity

CUENTAS Association of Commerce Department B&I conducted a co-curricular activity on June 13, 2023 The Quiz competition was conducted by Mr. Oviya Prasath. Y. II, B.Com., B&I, for the students. The major goal of this event was to inform them of the current scenario regarding commerce subject. Three rounds plus a bonus round made up the quiz. The quiz’s guidelines and rules were laid out from the beginning. The Quiz competition consisted of Objective, Direct Answer, and Visual. For the competitors, it was an extremely educational and knowledge-enhancing competition. Totally 80 students from II, B.Com B&I got benefitted.

Value Added Course – ‘Health Insurance’

The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted a value-added course on ‘Health Insurance’ for the students of I year B.Com,(B&I). Dr. Raja, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce B&I, and Mr. N. Arunkumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce B&I, were invited as the resource person and the session was held between Apr 20 to 25, 2023. The syllabus of Insurance Institute of India has been used a reference for this course. This session enhanced a clear understanding of health, health systems and health insurance in India. It also elaborated the various health insurance products available in the market and its features. Students were given a chance to clarify their doubts regarding claims for health insurance. Furthermore, they came forward to discuss the health insurance underwriting process and its difficulties. This session has created awareness about career prospects in health insurance in India. Totally, 80 students from I.B.Com, (B&I) got benefitted from this value added course on ‘Health Insurance.”

Board of studies meeting 2023-24

The Department of Commerce (B&I) conducted the Board of Studies meeting for the academic year 2023–24 (Odd Semester on April 18, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. at F32 Hall. The syllabus for I, III & V semester for the batches 2023-2026, 2022-2025, and 2021-2024 was presented by Mrs. V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department, B.Com. B&I., Panel members gave valuable inputs to the updated syllabus to match industrial requirements for the current scenario. Furthermore, the members of the meeting discussed the various important aspects of the course to meet the employability skills of the student. All the members of the meeting appreciated the syllabus and agreed to proceed.

Memorandum of Understanding with Indian Institute of Banking and Finance

On behalf of the Department of Commerce (Banking, and Insurance),Dr.R. Lakshmipathy, President of Subblakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and Mrs. S. Vahitha, Assistant Director, IIBF and Mr. Ravi Gupta, Organizational Development Officer, IIBF jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding on April 19, 2023 at 10.30 a.m.  Mrs.V. Padmavathy, Head of the Department of Banking and Insurance represented the department during the agreement of the MOU to proceed.