Course Committee Meeting

       The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Course Committee Meeting on 25.3.22. Usually this is conducted  before the commencement of two Internal Examinations. The students expressed their valid suggestion related to current courses and teaching plan, Portion coverage of each courses, . The students have provided a valuable feedback and it would be consolidated and implemented in the curriculum  for an effective teaching-learning process. In this meeting, 12 second-year students, the department’s head, and one faculty member actively participated.

Seminar on “Recent trends in Business & Commerce”

ZEAL, an Association of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on “Recent trends in Business & Commerce” on 25.03.2022 for final year UG commerce students of Amman Arts and Science College, Dindigul. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HoD – BBA has addressed the session as the resource person. Mr.R.Gopi (II BBA), Ms.V.Gobika (II BBA) and Ms.C.Aarthy (I BBA) have accompanied the resource person as co-trainers. The resource person along with his co-trainers elaborated the basics of business, commerce along with its latest developments. Some interesting case studies and real life examples were also narrated. A total of 96 students participated and got benefited through this seminar.

Seminar on “Recent trends in Business & Commerce”

ZEAL, an Association of BBA, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on “Recent trends in Business & Commerce” on 25.03.2022 for final year UG commerce students of Parvathy’s Arts and Science College, Dindigul. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HoD – BBA has addressed the session as the resource person. Mr.R.Gopi (II BBA), Ms.V.Gobika (II BBA) and Ms.C.Aarthy (I BBA) have accompanied the resource person as co-trainers. The resource person along with his co-trainers elaborated the current advancements in the field of business and commerce. The students felt the seminar to be very interesting and interactive. A total of 38 students participated and got benefited through this seminar.

Industrial Visit at Idhayam Oil Factory, Villipathiri, Virudhunagar

The Department of Commerce (Hons) ACCA students and teachers visited the Idhayam Oil Factory, Villipathiri, Virudhunagar on 25.03.2022. The visit was an experiential learning and helped us to understand the production process of oil. The IDHAYAM is the fastest-growing cooking oil brand in India and a pioneer in producing healthy cooking oils for over 8 decades. The students learnt the process involved in the oil extraction and also had an idea about the By-products and the waste product, which after further processing have got a great commercial value, revenue and workers unit. 43 students from I, II and III year ACCA participated in the Industrial visit.

OUT DOOR CATERING (ODC) at Madurai Drive Inn Restaurant, Amika Hotel, Madurai and Courtyard By Marriott, Madurai.

On 23rd and 24th of March  around 58 students from the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management were deployed to Madurai Drive Inn Restaurant, Hotel Amika and Courtyard By Marriott for an outdoor catering programme. It’s provided an excellent opportunity for students to learn about theme design, buffet arrangements, table settings, and various cuisine food preparation procedures. This opportunity inspired the students and provided them with practical experience.

Webinar on “Invest to End TB. Save Lives”

To commemorate World Tuberculosis Day, FAGAS, an association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management and Health & Nutrition club jointly organized a Webinar entitled “Invest to End TB. Save Lives” “on 24.03.2022 through Google meet link between 5.00 and 6.00 pm. The resource person of this webinar is Ms.T.S.Prabavathy Dietitian, Devadoss Multispeciality Hospital Madurai explained the causes and foods in relation to TB and also enlightened the students on an attention towards the urgent need of investment in resources to boost up and fight against tuberculosis to end this epidemic from the world. This webinar would definitely help our students to get an idea about tuberculosis and how to overcome this deadly disease. The session was interactive and the resource person clarified the participant’s queries. Totally students (26 students from I year FSPM, 13 students from II Year FSPM and 20 students from Health and Nutrition Club) got benefited from this webinar.

Outreach Program (SLCS- Samaaj Seva) on “Clean Green is Our Perfect Dream”

Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an outreach Program ( SLCS- Samaaj Seva-) on “Clean Green is Our Perfect Dream”- Theppakulam. Madurai on 23.3.22. In this outreach activity 3 faculty members and 12 students from the MC&HM actively participated in it.  The objective of the program is to create awareness among the public about Plastic free environment in Theppakulam They gave pamphlets to the people and instructed them to create Green Environment in their surroundings. As a part of the program, they made a walk to the Theppalulam surrounding area, collected plastic wastes on their way that people have thrown away. Then, they returned and disposed the wastes in the trash cans. The students actively participated in the program by giving their full support and made the program a great success.

Career Opportunities in shipping

        The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Alumni Interaction for the first year (19 students) on 22.3.2022. Mr.Gawaskar.P and Mr. I.Livin Akash, an alumni of the department (batch 2017-2020), presently working as General Steward in Sea Team shipping company,created awareness among the students to acquire technical skills in the shipping industry  and also briefed on the selection process, Migration Procedures and   documents needed for travel. They explained the job duties and responsibilities of General Steward, preparing and serving meals for crew members and conducting General safety drill on board the ship. This program highly enriched their confident level to get jobs in the shipping industry.

Field Visit to AzhagarKovil

The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Animation Department organized a field trip on 21.03.2022, Monday for II year B.Sc., Animation students and PG Diploma in Animation Techniques.The studentswere taken to the Azhagarkovil. The studens enjoyed the trip. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof., Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Asst. Prof., Mr.N.Naveendrakumar., Asst. Prof., and 29 students participated in this field visit.The students were taught Photography and drawing by the staff members, They developed skills in drawing and live portrait sketches. It was a one day tour to enhance the student’s skill in drawing & photography. The education tour started at 9.00 AM and was over by 01.00 PM.

SLCS Samaaj seva – Outreach Programmeon “Clean the Society”

The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Animation Department conducted an outreach programme “Clean the Society” at AzhagarKovilareaon 21.03.2022, Monday, between 01:30 P.M. and 04:30 P.M. Totally 29 students and 3 faculty members participated in this event. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Asst. Prof., insisted the students about the natural resources conservation and Protection. Mr.N.Naveendra Kumar, Asst. Prof., shared with the students about the impact of Plastic cover usage and its disposing methods. Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Asst. Prof., addressed the students about waste Management system. The students collected all the waste materials and dropped at the dustbin.