The Department of Commerce (Honours) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted an Extension Activity “PROPEL” on 07.01.2022 at Froebel Fredrick Vidya Matric School, Aviyur, Virudunagar.  During the session we created Professional Career Awareness among the higher secondary students. Our students have shared the information related to various professional exam opportunities, eligibility criteria and examination dates of various competitive exams. The session was designed and handled by our III year students under the guidance of the Head of the Department. Totally 35 students and 3 faculty members participated in the session. The program ended with a  Q & A session which was handled by our students.


The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety & Hebert William Henrich Association jointly organized SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA at Froebel Matric Hr. Sec. School, Aviyur on 07/01/2022. Our Department HOD and two faculty members along with I, II&III year students (21 Nos) have conducted the activity. They delivered the Awareness speech on Covid-19 Pandemic and especially for principle of epidemic & toxicology. The students were also explained about the various procedures for disease identification such as case control, prospective coherent & retrospective coherent study. Totally 46 students of the Froebel Matriculation Hr. Sec. School, Aviyur actively interacted with the faculty members and got the clarifications regarding the fear during the pandemic. The program was successful in creating the awareness to the students and staff members.

SLCS Samaaj seva – Extension Activity-“Share the Meal” – Food to the street people

The Department Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an extension activity on the title “Share the Meal” at various places in and around Thiruparankundram Town, Madurai.15 second year students have taken part in the program. They prepared and distributed variety rice (around 50 packets of food to the street people). They also distributed free face masks to the people of nearby Thirupparankundram Town, Madurai on 07.1.22. Through this extension program, we were able to sensitize our students to have social values, widen their responsibility and provide a wide spectrum of knowledge in societal issues and problems by making them to work with people of the community.

SLCS – Samaaj seva- Extension Activity on “Digital Literacy”

Mr.M.Athigopal and Mr.V.Deepan Chakkaravarthy of the Department of Networking along with five students of Networking Department conducted an Extension Activity on the topic “Digital Literacy” on 07/01/2022 (Friday) for the benefits of the students of  KN Nadar Higher Secondary School at Koodakovil. Through this activity ,  the school students gained valuable information on the following topics  of  “ Impact of Cyber Security in society such as identifying fraudulent data access and  monitoring criminal activities, Internet Connectivity and Computer components needed for the interactive  communication process”.Totally 60 students were benefited through this extension activity.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) conducted a value added course on “Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking” for 8 students of III B.Sc CS (SSS) – Batch 2019-2022 from 03.01.2022 to 7.01.2022. Mr.Vivek, CEO, Mr.G.Dinesh, Penetration Testing Analyst and Mr. Shiyam Ruthan, Penetration Testing Analyst, Ozone Cyber Security, Trichy trained the students on cyber security concepts. The students worked with the hacking tools and performed system Hacking, web Server Hacking, SQL injection in an ethical way. The students were benefitted with the hands-on session given by the trainers. Based on the performance of the students, assignments were allotted during the training session.


The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety & Hebert William Henrich Association jointly organized an SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA at Froebel Matric Hr. Sec. School, Aviyur on 07/01/2022. Our Department HOD and two faculty members along with II&III (21 Nos) year students have conducted the activity. The students of F&IS explained the school children about the Basic First Aid & Basic Fire Safety and Domestic Safety. The training was also given for the school student, the teachers on how to operate the Fire Extinguishers during the emergency time. Totally 46 students and 2 teachers were benefited through the activity.

The program was conducted with respect to the strategies to be adopted and to create awareness on the day to day activities related to Safety issues. The program was successful in creating awareness to the students and staff on the Basic Fire Safety and Domestic Safety.


FAGAS an association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial visit to Parle-G – Madurai on 7/1/2022.  The students of I and II year FSPM and two faculty members participated in the visit. It was very useful and the students learnt about the processing steps involved in biscuit making. Mr.KhadarHussain (Co-ordinator) explained various methods of processing, sensory evaluation, packing and safety practices and at the end of the session all  the students interacted with Mr.KhadarHussain and clarified their doubts. The visit was mainly focused to understand the practical knowledge involved during the processing. Totally 26 students participated and all the students got benefited from this visit.

Extension Activity SLCS(samajseva )through “Nutritional Survey on Food habits during pandemic among the Industrial Labourers”

FAGAS an Association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an extension activity at Kappalur through “Nutritional Survey on Food habits during pandemic among the Industrial Labourers” on 07.01.2022.  The students of I and II Year FSPM conducted a survey among the industrial labourers especially for women between the age group 35-45 years. To create awareness among the workers to overcome this pandemic period our students briefed the importance Immune rich foods and the importance of breakfast intake in their diet.   Totally 26 students of FSPM participated in this extension activity.

Extension activity( SLCS Samajseva)through “Nutritional survey on Iron Deficiency Anaemia for Adolescent Girls”

FAGAS an association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an extension activity ( SLCS Samajseva) at Kappalur through “Nutritional Survey on Iron Deficiency Anaemia for Adolescent Girls” on 07.01.2022.  The students of I and II Year FSPM students conducted a survey among the adolescent girls and concluded that there is a minimum intake of iron rich foods in their daily dietary pattern.  Finally to create awareness we provided pearl millet incorporated laddu to all the adolescents girls. Totally 26 students of FSPM participated in this extension activity.

Intra College competition on “Traditional Fireless Cooking”

The Culinary Club of the Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Intra college “Traditional Fireless Cooking” competition on 6.1.22 as a part of pongal celebration.  22 students from various departments have actively participated. All the Participants prepared and presented our traditional food prepared with Millet, sprout sandwich, Milkshakes, Fruit Juices, Tender coconut Payasam, Millets & Dates laddu, and many more. The dishes were judged by Chef.Gajendran.M, Executive chef, from Amika Hotel, Madurai and Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal of our college. They interacted with our students to find out the ingredients of the recipes, nutritional values and the significance of the dishes prepared by them. The event not only provided a platform for the students to foster their creativity and decision making skills but also helped them explore their hidden talents and discover new areas of interest.