Technofest, an association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization), organized a seminar on “Employability Opportunities in Web Designing Field” for II B.Sc CS (SSS) students. The workshop was held on 11/02/2022 from 09.00AM to 10.00AM. The seminar was started with the welcome address by S.Srivatsav, II B.Sc. CS(SSS).Special address was delivered by Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Department of CS (SSS). She introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Prabahar Murugan, CEO & Founder, Amizhth Techno Solutions, Madurai.

          The Chief Guest elaborated on the importance of learning basic web designing tools.  He also explained the importance of web designing to get employment in software development. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by N.Sivashankari, II B.Sc. CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest, A.Subhashini, & S.Badri Narayanan of II B.Sc. CS(SSS) compered the entire session. Totally 47 students attended the session and got benefitted.

Seminar on “The Disposition and Development of Tamil Cinema”

Medius Coronet, an Association of Visual Communication department conducted a seminar, “The Disposition and Development of Tamil Cinema” for its students on 11.02.2022. Totally 25 students (I B.Sc-10, II B.Sc-12, II M.Sc-3) participated in this event. The inaugural session was started by 09:00 am. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, HoD i/c & Assistant Professor delivered the welcome address and chief guest introduction. Mr. N. Subramanian, Chief Guest of the day gave a lecture on various topics such as the film language, film culture and the evolution of Tamil cinema.

Mr. N. Subramanian gave an illuminating lecture on the changing landscape of tamil cinema in the digital era. The session was very beneficial to the students. They enthusiastically participated in this event and asked technical oriented questions, which were answered by the guest. Ms. G J Anushka of I B.Sc Visual Communication proposed the vote of thanks. The program was a grand success.

Extension Activity (SLCS-Samaj-Seva) – Awareness program on Insurance schemes

              The Department of Commerce – B.Com (B&I) along with Cuentas Association organized an extension activity (SLCS-Samaj-Seva), “Awareness Program on Insurance Schemes” on 11.02.2022 for the people in nearby villages. The students of the Department created awareness on various insurance benefits provided by government and also about the features of COVID-19 Insurance to the Village people. Totally 5 students of II B.Com (B & I) were involved in this program under the guidance of the Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department and nearly 15 people got benefitted by this program.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS), as a part of its SLCS – Samaaj Seva (Extension Activity), organized a program “Social Media Awareness Through Villupattu(Narrating Story Through Song)” on 10.02.2022 at T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai. Nine students from II B.Sc CS (SSS) participated and created awareness about social media safety in this digital era. They interacted with the school students through villupattu and explained how to use smart phones in a safe manner. Finally they explained the pros and cons of smart phone. Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS (SSS) accompanied the students. Overall 40 students from T.P.K.P.U Middle School, Nedumadurai got benefitted by involving themselves in this activity.


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized a Seminar on “Role of Media in Education Perspective: Pros and Cons” on 10.02.2022. Mr.A.Sunil Ambekar, a social activitist cum Educationist and All India Meida Relationaship Head, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was the Resource Person for the Seminar. He advised, motivated and inspired the students by projecting how good the Media is keeping on supporting the students’ community to enrich themselves in this pandemic situation.

Dr.R.Sujatha, Principal presided the seminar through the Presidential Address. Dr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal and Dr.S.Priya, Dean-Academics delivered the Felicitation address. Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, Assistant Coordinator (IQAC) cum Assistant Professor of Computer Science delivered the Welcome address. Mrs.R.Suganthi Hepzibha, Assistant Coordinator (IQAC) cum Assistant Professor of English introduced the Chief Guest. Ms.M.S.Varshitha, I MBA proposed the Vote of Thanks. Totally 149 students and 21 faculty members participated and got benefitted through the seminar.

Extension Activity (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Importance of Healthy Diet during Pregnancy”

FAGAS an Association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an extension activity (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) for pregnant women at Govt.Rajaji Hospital, Madurai on 10.02.2022.  13 students of I Year FSPM briefed the importance of dietary habits, distributed pamphlets and gave counselling on the importance and various dietary strategies to be followed during pregnancy.


The Internet club celebrated the SAFER INTERNET DAY on 10th February, 2022 and organized an awareness program on Safer Internet.  Ms.S.Madhu Varshini, II FSPM, delivered the welcome address. Students of Internet club participated in the session. Ms.T.Shunmuga Priya, Club Coordinator, addressed the gathering. In her speech, she explained the various attacks and its countermeasures to be followed while browsing the internet. Further, she elaborated on Key points that students have to undergo to build up a smarter and safer browsing experience. The session helped the students to know about hackers and their fraudulent activities. Students learnt the steps involved in ethical hacking. Totally 22 students were benefited by attending the session. Ms.S.R.Tharuni , I CS(SSS), delivered vote of thanks.This interactive session was useful to the students.

Service to Old Age Home”, Rojavanam Madurai

The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA organized an Outreach program Activity at Rojavanam Old Age Home”, Uthangudi, Madurai under “SLCS SAMAAJ SEVA” on 09.02.2022. We were extended warm greetings. We were able to provide some grains and grocery items to the inmates of old age home. We observed that there were two types of people, one who were abandoned and the others were suffering from some sort of disabilities. No matter what the cause was, what made us to think most was their age. They were longing for love and affection. The old age people were very compassionate and friendly. They were happy throughout the day with their beautiful smiles and didn’t reflect their problems even for a second. To break their monotony, our students rendered very good service. Later our Students addressed the inmates as “Thaatha/Paati”, and had a long happy conversations with them. The day turned out to be fruitful with real enjoyment. The head of the home was overwhelmed by our presence and our small contribution. They were happy to spend that day with us. Though the time spent with them was just a few hours, however, it taught us the lesson for a lifetime. 13 students of our I, II and III year ACCA visited and served them.


The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a VALUE ADDED COURSE ON “MONEY MANAGEMENT SERVICES” from 03.01.2022 to 07.02.2022 through online. The course was resourced by Mr. Utkarsh Upadhyay, ISDC, BangaloreA lecture was delivered on the role and importance of the finance function, basic finance management knowledge and effectively using standard business terminology. All the III Year ACCA students (15 students) participated in this course.



Seminar on “Key result areas for holistic development”

ZEAL, an Association of BBA Department, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on “Key result areas for holistic development” on 07.02.2022. Mr.S.Makeshwar, Founder, Mak Enterprises & Trainer– Mak soft skill Academy (Alumni of BBA), was the resource person. Totally 57 students comprising I and II year BBA participated and got benefited through the program. The resource person explained in detail various skills needed for overall personality development and the competencies needed for career development.