SLCS Out reach Programme -“ Traffic Awareness ”

SLCS SamaajSeva – an outreach activity on “The Traffic Awareness” was organised by the “Lakshya”, the Department Association of MBA Program on 14th May 2022 at 10.30 am in Thiruparangundram – to create awareness on “Traffic Rules”. 28 first year MBA students organised this activity under the guidance of Dr S Sekar. Totally25 people from Thiruparangundram got benefitted through this SLCS SamaajSeva.

Administrative training program on “Dietary Approaches to Manage Stress”

FAGAS, an Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management, organized an Administrative training program on “Dietary Approaches to Manage Stress” on 13.05.2022 at the Seminar Hall. Eleven members of Non Teaching Staff eagerly participated in this program. Dr.S.Geethanjali was the trainer for this administrative training program. She trained the non teaching staff on the theoretical aspects as well as the practical knowledge in the field of food innovations. This program mainly focused on how to manage the stress using diet The  staff members actively participated in this training session with utmost satisfaction.

Workshop on “Application in Food Industry for Innovation”

The Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Workshop on  “Application in Food Industry for Innovation ”  13.05.2022 at Seminar Hall. Totally 25 students(Thirteen I year students and 12 II year) students from FS &PM eagerly participated in this program.. Dr.S.Geethanjali was the trainer for this workshop and focus to enhance the theoretical knowledge in the field innovation in food industry. The trainer spoke about the various applications and it’s in our daily life like smart farming, smart office management as well as smart home management in current trends .At the end of the session the students gathered an appreciable level of knowledge about the different techniques career opportunities in food   industries with utmost satisfaction.

Hospitality Education Network Association Meeting

           On 11.5.22, the Hospitality Education Network (HEN), an Association of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, organized a meeting to discuss the plan of action for conducting various activities in the month of May, 2022. 32 Association members have participated in the program. The program began with a prayer song.  Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the department, delivered a keynote address. Mr. Prabhu.T, President of the Association, presented the forthcoming activity in the meeting, and discussed about Budget proposal and finalising the agenda. Mr. R.Blesson delivered vote of thanks at the end of the program.

Industrial Visit

The Department of Networking organized an Industrial Visit to Chips Software Solutions,Ernakulam from 08/05/2022 to 11/05/2022.  T.U.K Menon ,  Senior Director of Chips Software System addressed the students and advised them to actively participate in Internship  and training provided by the Institution .He explained how the Industrial Visit helped the students to get practical knowledge.All the students of I,II,III year of Networking  gained fruitful information regarding Network configuration Protocols ,Web Designing and learned more about  the Machine learning . He elaborated that Machine Learning is an application of AI and it is  the process of using mathematical models of data to help a computer, learn without direct instruction. The students were able to know how AI and Machine learning enable a computer system to continue learning and improving on its own, based on the experience. In general the Industrial visit yielded a  good insight on the Corporate environment  among the students.Thus the students of  I,II and III year Networking Department gained knowledge on experienced learning through this visit.Totally 49 students were benefited by this Visit.


The Department of Computer Science (SSS) organized an Industrial Visit from 09.05.2022 to 10.05.2022 for the students of I, II & III B.Sc CS (SSS) to Ozone Cyber Security, Cochin, Kerala. Totally 116 students participated in the industrial visit and five faculty members accompanied along with the students.

As our department is specialized in cyber security domain, this visit was planned. Ms.Gayathri, Security Analyst of Ozone Cyber Security handled the session to our students. She explained cyber security domain in real time and also explained skill set required for cyber security analyst.

She also explained their current projects to whom (Clients) they are working for. She insisted the students to develop the skill for security tools & techniques required for cyber security domain. Students of II & III years interacted with her and clarified their doubts. Overall the Industrial Visit was very useful for the students and they thoroughly enjoyed the trip.

Placement Drive & Summer Internship

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized a Campus Drive and summer internship program for Final and Second year students on 6.5.22. Mr.P.Prabhu,[HR Manager ], Mr. R.Gopinath [Account Manager] from Hotel Radission , Salem,  Ms. V.Tina Lalwani [HR Executive] ,Mr.Baskar [HR manager] from Courtyard by Marriot, Madurai and Mr.Senthil Kumar[F&B  Manager],Mr.R.Navaneeth [HR Manager]  from Fair Field Marriot, Coimbatore,  came for searching suitable young talent buddies from our Department. Totally 49 students from III & II MC&HM Department actively participated in the group discussion and those who qualified in the Group discussion have been invited for personal interview conducted by the recruiters. Finally 16 students were selected for placement and 12 students were selected for the internship from the Hotels mentioned above.Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department and Mr.E.Jacob Jebaraj, Placement In charge have taken efforts for the successful completion of the program.


The Departments of Computer Science and Networking jointly conducted a    Value Added Course on “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning” for students of III Year Computer Science and Networking from 02.05.2022 to 06.05.2022. Mr.Nanu swamy, President, Maxelerator Foundation with his team members trained the students. Students were trained in the working principles of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Python Programming. The hands-on sessions were conducted for the students which helped them to create projects and products using various AI & ML Algorithms. The students were divided into 06 teams under different names and Logos. Practical tasks were assigned by the trainers on a daily basis. All the teams developed products using AI & ML Concepts. Totally 62 students got benefited through this program (Computer Science: 40, Networking: 22) .This program would enhance the employability of the students. The Valedictory program was conducted wherein the students demonstrated their developed projects and explained their work through presentations.  Certificates were distributed to the students and feedback was collected.

Farewell Day Celebration (Batch 2019-22)

A Farewell is basically a get-together of the seniors who will be stepping out of the institution after the successful completion of the course. Hence juniors wish the seniors a good luck for their successful career.

                 The “Pinnacle Association” of The Department of Commerce (Honours) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organised a Farewell day celebration on 06.05.2022 (Friday) for 2019-22 batch students. The event was felicitated by our Principal Dr. R.Sujatha by addressing the students on self preparation process for their future endeavours and guided them by her motivational speech. The outgoing students shared their experience and also the quality of learning during the three year tenure.  The session was stuffed with games and events. To make the journey a lifetime memory, a memento was presented to all outgoing students. Finally the session ended with the feedback of outgoing students. Totally, 66 students and 2 faculty members participated in the event.

Pinnacle Association Valediction Ceremony

                 The “Pinnacle Association” of The Department of Commerce (Honours) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organised the Department Association Valediction Ceremony on   06.05.2022 (Friday) with the following activities:

  • The Association Annual Report was presented by the Association Vice president.
  • Distribution of Value Added Course completion certificates and various activity based certificates.
  • Future vision and plans for the academic year 2022-23 were discussed.
  • Discharge of the duties and responsibilities of current association members.

Totally, 66 students and 1 faculty participated in the event.