Extension Activity (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) through “Awareness Program on Food Safety”

Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Extension activity (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) through “Awareness Program on Food Safety” at SLCS’s Community Radio- Shyamalavani on 07.06.2022.  In Commemoration with “World Food Safety Day”, 13 students of II Year FSPM emphasized the safe and nutritious food ensuring the health and wellbeing of every human being. This program is beneficial to those who pay their attention towards mobilization of action to prevent, detect and manage food-borne risks and to improve their health. The public got benefited through this extension activity.

SLCS Samaaj Seva  – Extension Activity on “Avoid Pollution”

Title of the Session: SLCS Samaaj Seva  – Extension Activity on “Avoid Pollution”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) ZEAL Association – BBA
Date : 06.06.2022 Time: 09.30 am. To 11.30 am.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Valayankulam Village
Theme (If Applicable) : World Environmental Day
Expert / Speaker Details: —
Name: — Designation: —
Organisation: —
Objective of the activity:

v To create awareness about the evil effects of Pollution

v To insist on avoidance of plastic usage and to grow more trees to save the Planet earth

Key Highlights:

v The Students of I BBA prepared Posters on the theme “Avoid Pollution” and visited the Valayankulam Village, nearby our College.

v The students took a rally from our College to Valayankulam village which is around 2 Kms.

v They explained the evil effects of Pollution and advised to plant more trees to make the surrounding environment greener.

v The students were accompanied by Mr. B. Vairamuthu, AP – Department of BBA

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The villagers and the businessmen in and around Valayankulam village appreciated the students and their concern in protecting the environment and saving the earth. .

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 25

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 1



Title of the Session: Workshop on Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization)
Date : 04.06.2022 Time:10:00 AM to 04:00 PM
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: Seminar Hall
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name(s): 1. Mr.Dinesh Paranthagan

2. Mr.Sriram Nagarajan

Designation: 1. Founder & CEO

2. Co Founder & CEO,

Organisation: 1. Hackup Technology Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore.

2. RoboRAM Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,Nagarcoil.

Objective(s) of the activity: 

     To create awareness about the programme B.Sc Computer Science (Security System Specialization)


Key Highlights:

The Department of CS (SSS) organized a workshop on “Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking” to the +2 completed students. The workshop was started with the welcome address by Mrs.S.Nirmala Devi, Assistant Professor of CS(SSS). The presidential address was delivered by the Principal Dr.R.Sujatha. Mrs.K.P.Maheswari, Assistant Professor of CS (SSS) introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Dinesh Paranthagan. The Chief Guest demonstrated about the  basic security measures to be followed while using mobile phones.  He also elaborated on various job opportunities in the cyber security industry. Ms.Abirami, Alumni (2019-22 batch) shared her experience about Value Added Course and job opportunities in the Department.

Mrs.N.Auuradha, HoD, Department of CS (SSS), elaborated on the syllabus, value added course and various department activities. Mrs.G.Lavanya, Assistant Professor of CS (SSS) introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Sriram Nagarajan. The Chief Guest elaborated the importance of programming skills required in the cyber security domain. He also encouraged the students to develop programming skills. Finally vote of thanks was delivered by Mrs.V.Gayathri, Assistant Professor of CS (SSS). The association members of TechnoFest, Department of CS(SSS), compeered the entire session.

Outcome(s) of the activity:

      Created awareness about the job opportunities in Cyber Security domain.


Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 55

v Total No. of parents participated: 31

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 05

Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Nutri guidance for cooking the nutraceuticals food”

FAGAS, an Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through Nutri guidance for cooking the nutraceuticals food” on 03.06.2022 at Kappalur. Thirteen students of II Year FSPM gave a briefly explained to housewives about the cutting and cooking practices to minimise the wastage of food and enhance the nutrients in the cooked food. Finally the students counselled the house wives that preliminary cooking practises not only enhance the nutritive value of the food but also the minimise the harmful effects during cooking.


Alumni Interaction

Title of the Session: Alumni Interaction
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) NetKings Association of the Department of Networking
Date : 03.06.2022 Time:01.30 PM
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: SLCS
Theme(If Applicable) :
Expert / Speaker Details: Mr.Nandha Kumar, Senior Support Engineer of Anupam Technologies Pvt. Ltd Chennai
Name: Mr.Nandha Kumar Designation: Senior Support Engineer
Organisation: Anupam Technologies Pvt. Ltd Chennai
Objective(s) of the activity: 

The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate their success and various achievements in their chosen field


Key Highlights:

Ø  Online certifications of various courses and employment opportunity based on skills

Ø  Recent Trends in technology and certifications in the industry.

Ø Career guidance regarding higher studies


Outcome(s) of the activity:

The meet also created a platform to identify the college’s most distinguished alumni


Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 08

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 01

Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Hygiene and Balanced diet in Anganwadi centre ”

FAGAS an Association from the Department of Food Science and Processing Management of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Hygiene and Balanced diet in Anganwadi centre ” on 02.06.2022 at Oometchikulam.  Thirteen students of II Year FSPM conducted a playful activity on the basis of common health and hygienic practices among the children in the age group of 3-5 years. Finally the students trained the children  to draw  the common health and hygiene practices.

CA Foundation & Intermediate Exam Refresher Course

             The Departments of Commerce (Honours) designed a Value Added Course on “CA Foundation Exam Training” for students of II Year B.Com (Honours) who are willing to appear ICAI CA Foundation exam on June 2022 from 01.05.2022 to 31.05.2022. With an efficient team of Eminent Faculty Members like CMA Gunaseelan, Mr. A Rajaseelan, training was conducted for the students.

             This course is intended to provide basic and clear knowledge in the subjects like Principles and practices of accounting, Business law and business correspondence and reporting, Business Mathematics, Logical Reasoning & Statistics, Business Economics, and Business and Commercial Knowledge. As a part of this training Model Exams for CA Foundation conducted frequently and analysis about the students’ performance also made to make clear about the students level of performance. Totally, 12 students got registered in the course and completed the course successfully.

World IPR Day Celebration – “Seminar on IPR & Innovation for Better Future”

Department of Commerce (Honours & ACCA) and Institution Innovation Council (IIC) jointly organized a Seminar on “IPR & Innovation for Better Future” in commemoration with the World Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Day Celebration on 31.05.2022 at Seminar Hall of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai. The program commenced with a prayer song. The felicitation address was given by our respected Vice Principal, Dr. K. Archunan. The key note address was delivered by our respected Dean Academics, Dr. S.Priya. The special address was given by Dr. M.Subramanian, Head of the Department, Master of Business Administration, RL Institute of Management Studies. The Resource Person, Mr. JK Muthu, Founder, BGROW Services (Trademark & IP Protection Services), Madurai shared his experience to the students and motivated them to think about Intellectual property rights, patents, copyright, industrial design rights, trademarks, plant variety rights, trade dress, geographical indications, and trade secrets. 42 students participated and got benefitted by attending this program.

SLCS Samaaj Seva – Extension Activity on “Avoid Smoking”

Title of the Session: SLCS Samaaj Seva  – Extension Activity on “Avoid Smoking”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) ZEAL Association – BBA
Date : 31.05.2022 Time: 11.30 a,m. to 01.30 p.m.
Mode of the Session :  Offline Venue: Eliyarpathi Village
Theme (If Applicable) : World Anti Tobacco Day
Expert / Speaker Details: —
Name: — Designation: —
Organisation: —
Objective of the activity:

v To create awareness about the evil effects of Smoking

v To insist on avoidance of Tobacco usage.

Key Highlights:

v The Students of I BBA prepared Posters on the theme “Avoid Smoking” and visited the Eliyarpathi Village, nearby our College.

v They explained the evil effects of smoking and advised to stop smoking by creating the awareness among the general public.

v The students were accompanied by Dr, Chandran, AP – Department of Tamil

Outcome(s) of the activity:

v The villagers and the businessmen in and around Eliyarpathi village appreciated the students and their concern in establishing the health among the villagers.

Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 8

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 1


Seminar on “IPR & Innovation for Better Future”

Title of the Session: Seminar on “IPR & Innovation for Better Future”
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) Pinnacle Association of Commerce Honours
Date : 31.05.2022 Time: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm.
Mode of the Session : Offline Venue: SLCS Seminar Hall
Theme (If Applicable) : Innovation and IPR
Expert / Speaker Details:
Name: Mr. JK Muthu, Designation: : Founder
Organisation: BGrow Services (Trademark & IP Protection Services)
Objective(s) of the activity:  To inculcate the concept of Intellectual Property Rights among the students to induce them towards innovation.


Key Highlights: 1. The resource person shared his expertise on Intellectual Property Rights.

2. The session focused on Trademark, copyright and Patent registration procedure.

Outcome(s) of the activity: The Participants are able to:

1. Distinguish and identify various forms of IPRs.

2. Identify criteria’s to fit one’s own intellectual work in particular form of IPRs

3. Apply statutory provisions to protect particular form of IPRs.


Participants Details:

v Total No. of students participated: 24

v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 01