Title of the Session: Professional Training Program on “Training and Hands-on Practices in Hotel operations” | |
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) | Marine Catering and Hotel Management |
Date : 25.7.2022 | Time:2.00 P.M to 4.30 P.M |
Mode of the Session : Physical | Venue: Amika Hotel, Madurai |
Theme(If Applicable) : FDP | |
Expert / Speaker Details: | |
Name:Mr. Khannan CKM | Designation: Food and Beverage Manager |
Organisation:Amika Hotel, Madurai | |
Objective(s) of the activity:
1. To explore and emerge a new area that needs to be built into the course structures to facilitate better learning. 2. To discuss the role of technologyin the present scenario for enhancing the academic effectiveness. 3. To discuss strategies in order to enhance the personality and managerial effectiveness of the academic fraternity. |
Key Highlights:
Mr. Khannan CKM, Food and Beverage Manager, Amika Hotel, Madurai, has shared his knowledge regarding best practices in food handling, safe work etiquettes, food storage & purchase techniques, service methodology, and kitchen operation. He also described the current norms adopted by the Amika Hotel during the COVID-19 pandemic. This training helped the staff members to become more self-assured and present them the tools needed to perform a variety of hotel operations in the current situation. |
Outcome(s) of the activity:
1. Faculty understood the current trends in Hotel Operation 2. Help modify the curriculum according to the Industrial Expectations in future. |
Participants Details:
v Total No. of Staff Participated: 6 |
Career Training Program on “Accounting for Finance”
Title of the Session:Career Training Program on “Accounting for Finance” | |
Organizer | Commerce (Honours)ACCA and ISDC, Bangalore |
Date : 13.07.2022 to 23.07.2022 | Time:Evening 5 pm. to 7 pm |
Mode of the Session : Online | Venue: Zoom Meet
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87207177799? pwd=Z1dDQnp2MmQzQ2luY3Y3QlhwWmgyUT09 |
Expert / Speaker Details: | |
Name: Prof. Disha Kabra | Designation: Faculty |
Organisation:International skill development corporation (ISDC), Bangalore | |
Objective(s) of the activity:
a) To reveal the profits and losses of the business. b) To provide a true and fair view of the business. c) To providerelevant information related for business operations to stakeholders. d) Tomeasure the business profitability for a particular period and disclose the net profit or loss of the business as a whole. e) To exhibit the Assets and Liabilities of the business. |
Key Highlights:
The expert gave training which, a) Focuses on the carrier aspects in various business fields. b) Focuses on the presentation of historical records and not on forecasting the future. c) Focuses on the transaction that a business enters into with external parties, such as customers, suppliers, etc. d) Focuses on the accounts prepared for quantifying the business, costs incurred as expenses, and profit or loss earned based on these transactions. |
Outcome(s) of the activity:
a) Students got a deep insight of business career possibilities. b) Students came to know about the Financial Accounting undertaken with a pre-specified periodic reporting schedule. c) Students were well informed that the availability and accessibility of financial accounts is public for those who want to know about a business and its performance. d) Students were able to prepare reliable financial statements and decisions can be based on the objectives. |
Participants Details:
v Total No. of students participated: 22 (First Year ACCA 2021 Batch) |
Outreach Program on (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Awareness on Importance of Recommended Dietary Allowance among the People”
FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an outreach programme (SLCS-Samaaj Seva) on “Awareness on Importance of Recommended Dietary Allowance among the People” at Maditssia hall, Madurai, on 23.07.2022. Totally, 13 students of II FSPM explored many nutrient enriched and fortified products and also briefed the recommended dietary allowances to the public.
: SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Outreach Program on- “Share the Meal” .
Title of the Session: SLCS- Samaaj Seva – an Outreach Program on- “Share the Meal” . | |
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) | Marine Catering and Hotel Management |
Date : 23.7.2022 | Time:12.00 P.M |
Mode of the Session : Physical | Venue: Teppakulam, Madurai |
Theme(If Applicable) : Outreach Activity | |
Objective(s) of the activity:
· To enable a sense of social and civic responsibility in students. · To acquire competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities · To identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process · To understand that donating to the needy not just benefits the recipient, it also benefits the donor in improving the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual well-being |
Key Highlights:
Donate Food to deserted people at Teppakulam. Totally, 19 students from III year have taken part in the program. They prepared and distributed variety rice (around 50 packets of food) to the deserted people in the area. Students were immensely satisfied after witnessing the smile on the faces of the homeless people on receiving the food packets. |
Outcome(s) of the activity:
· Students gained social values, widened their responsibility and received varied spectrum of knowledge in societal issues and problems by making them to work with community. |
Participants Details:
v Total No. of students participated: 19 v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 4 |
SLCS Samaaj seva – Extension Activity – Importance of wearing mask
On 22/07/2022 the students of visual communication explained the importance os wearing masks to the public, especially to those without masks in Sellur.
Rally on Women Safety and Welfare
Session Details: | Rally on Women Safety and Welfare | |
Title of the Session : Rally on Women Safety and Welfare | ||
Organizer Department | B.Com ( Banking and Insurance) | |
Date : 22.07.2022 | Time : 08.30 am to 09.30am | |
Mode of the Session : Offline | Venue : Nedumadurai Village | |
Theme : Awareness Rally on Women Safety and Welfare | ||
Organization: Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science. | ||
Objective(s) of the activity:
v The prime objective of the rally is to empower women and spread awareness on women’s safety. v To create awareness about the importance of women’s education. v To spread awareness about increasing women harassment. |
Key Highlights:
v ‘An Awareness Rally on Women Safety and Welfare’ was organized by Department of Commerce (B&I) and Vishaka Committee of SLCS. v The rally carried out at Nedumadurai Village. v Totally, 60 students from III B.Com (Banking and Insurance) participated in the rally with posters and placards with messages about women safety and importance of women education slogans. v On behalf of Vishaka Committee Mrs. N Selvi, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Tamil and Ms. S. Neela, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Hindi handled the session on Women Safety and Welfare for the students of III B.Com (Banking and Insurance). v Students insisted that women have the right to be free from violence, harassment and discrimination and removing the barriers of an unsafe environment. |
Outcome(s) of the activity:
ü The beneficiaries (Village People) had awareness on Women Safety, Welfare and also on Women Education. ü The village people in and around Nedumadurai village appreciated the students about the rally on Women Safety and Welfare. ü This program helped to fulfill the potential as individuals and contributors for communities and economies among the students. |
Participants Details:
Total No. of students participated: 60 Total No. of staff (Teaching) participated: 4 |
D. P. Roy Choudhury Association, Department of Animation, organized an outreach programme on “Art Therapy” at Adaikalam Old Age Home, Thirunagar, on 22.07.2022 at 02.00 p.m. Mr. Vishwa, Founder of the Old Age Home, welcomed the gathering. The Students from II & III years actively performed and showed their talents like, Singing, Dancing, Playing Music Instruments, etc. The senior citizens were admired by the students’ talent. The dejected parents over there were happy to say that the students’ talent made them forget their pain. The students learnt how to take care of their parents as well as to help the needy as a way of life. The program ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. M. Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Asst. prof., Dept of Animation. Mr. N. Naveendra Kumar, Instructor, Dept of Animation, made all the arrangements.
Totally, 10 students & 50 old age people got benefitted through this program.
Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Motivational Talk on Directions for Getting a Start- Up Loan”
Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Motivational Talk on Directions for Getting a Start-up Loan” on 21.07.2022 at Thirumangalam. Totally, 13 students of III Year FSPM briefly emphasized the importance, scope, types of start-up and also counseled the entrepreneurs on the value of numerous schemes, loans funding support and incentives. Finally, entrepreneurs were motivated to start-up in food and health care products. Totally 15 members got benefited through this outreach program.
Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Motivational Talk on Directions for Getting a Start- Up Loan”
Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Motivational Talk on Directions for Getting a Start-up Loan” on 21.07.2022 at Thirumangalam. Totally, 13 students of III Year FSPM briefly emphasized the importance, scope, types of start-up and also counseled the entrepreneurs on the value of numerous schemes, loans funding support and incentives. Finally, entrepreneurs were motivated to start-up in food and health care products. Totally 15 members got benefited through this outreach program.
Orientation program
Title of the Session: Orientation program | |
Organizer (Department / Club / Cell/ Committee / Association) | Marine Catering and Hotel Management |
Date : 21.7.2022 | Time:9.30 A.M |
Mode of the Session : Physical | Venue: G7 –CLASS ROOM |
Theme(If Applicable) : Orientation | |
Expert / Speaker Details: | |
Name:Mr.C.Suresh Kumar | Designation: Head, Department of MC&HM |
Organisation: Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai | |
Objective(s) of the activity:
1. To inform the students about the courses in the final year. 2. To instruct the students about the course CO,PO,PSO 3. To familiarize with various dimensions of the Hospitality Profession. |
Key Highlights:
An orientation program was conducted for final year students at the beginning of the Academic Year 2022-23(odd semester). The main purpose of this orientation program was to give the students a detailed instruction of the curriculum, course handling staff members and the importance of discipline, rules and regulations of examination, Academic details (lesson plan), Syllabus, Attendance procedure, Departmental activities for the odd semester,(workshop and seminars). Hand book, time table and attendance related information was given to the students.The orientation program commenced with an address by Mr.C.Suresh Kumar Head, Dept. of MC&HM and followed by all the faculty members. |
Outcome(s) of the activity:
1. The students got a clear idea about the core courses and elective courses that they would study in the final year. 2. The students got a clear idea on the importance of CO,PO,PSO in their course. 3. It also helped students prepare for a successful career with clear vision about what lies ahead and what can be achieved at the end of each course. |
Participants Details:
v Total No. of students participated: 24 v Total No. of staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) participated: 2 |