Department of Animation organized a two day “workshop on Advanced 3D Character Modeling” for III Year Animation Students on 17th & 18th September, 2021 from 09:00 A.M. to 04.20 P.M. to improve the students’ skill for placement. Mr.D.Prabhu, our Alumni (2014-17 Batch), who is currently working as CG and Rigging Artist, TATA Elxsi, Bangalore was the Chief Guest. Mr.M.Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Assistant Professor, Welcomed the gathering. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head (i/c) cum Assistant Professor delivered the Key note address. The students were taught on modeling techniques and rigging process. Totally 46 students were benefited.
Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized a Field Trip to National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and Management – Thanjavur on 16.09.2022. The institute was glad to present, “Open Day 2022”, in commemoration of 120th birth anniversary of the former director, Dr. V. Subrahmanyan. The theme for “NIFTEM-T Open Day 2022” was Millets Processing: Science, Technology and Innovation. The program is composed of the following events: Demonstration of technology and gadgets developed by NIFTEM-T, Exhibition of successful entrepreneurs incubated by NIFTEM-T, Competitions for school and college students, Science pavilion on millets, Cultural shows on food safety and hygiene. Our students gained a practical exposure on various processing equipments, nutrient analysis, food microbiology and various food product development strategies emphasizing skill and entrepreneurship. Dr. Hema, Scientist, NIFTEM-T, briefed the history and working principles of the organization, career opportunities, hands on training and internship details. Totally, 34 students of I, II, III year FSPM and three faculty members benefited through this visit.
SLCS Samaaj Seva – “Outreach Activity observing International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2022”
ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, conducted an Outreach Activity observing International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer for the students of Gugan Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Teppakulam, Madurai, on 16.09.2022. Totally, 8 students of I BBA participated in the extension activity, guided by Dr. Kumaran Thayumanavan, HoD, Department of BBA. Our students educated the school children regarding the importance of protecting the ozone layer. They explained the problem of global warming due to ozone depletion. They advised the students to take a pledge to protect the ozone layer by reducing carbon emission. The students from Gugan Matriculation Higher Secondary School were benefited through this outreach activity.
Pinnacle Association Inaguration Ceremony
Department of Commerce (Honours) of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized the inauguration ceremony of our Department Association PINNACLE on 15.09.2022 (Thursday). The existing members were discharged and new association members were selected through voting method in our department for the year 2022-2023. Association panel members were designated with their roles and responsibilities, The program started with a power point presentation of previous year’s activities and the future vision of Pinnacle Association. The new members selected are as follows:
President – Bala Adithya S V (III Honours)
Secretary – Ishwarya prabha R (III Honours)
Vice President – Ramya V (II Honours)
Joint Secretary – Arun Vignesh S (II Honours)
Totally, 79 students participated in the event and provided their valuable support in making the association move towards its objective.
Fresher’s Day Celebration 2022-23
Welcoming the guest or new people’, is our traditional cultural practice which is applicable to everyone. In this sense we welcomed the new students by conducting fresher’s day to build a good relationship and harmony with the existing students. Hence seniors wished their juniors a good luck for their upcoming endeavors in various forms like singing, dancing, with motivational speeches, etc.
The “Pinnacle Association” of the Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a Fresher’s day celebration on 15.09.2022 (Thursday) to welcome the 2022-23 batch students. All the students were felicitated by our Dean Academics, Dr. S. Priya by addressing the students with her motivational speech. The session was flared by games and activities conducted by the seniors to the juniors such as connection, finding songs etc. to build a good rapport among the students.
Totally, 79 students participated in the event and got benefitted.
“Skill Development Activity” on 13.09.2022
ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, conducted a Skill Development Activity for the students of BBA on 13.09.2022. The program was presided over by Dr. Kumaran Thayumanavan, HOD, Department of BBA. Dr. B. Meenakshi Sundaram and Mr. B. Vairamuthu, Assistant Professors, Department of BBA, felicitated the program. The purpose of this program is to bring out the skills and talents of the I BBA students. The students of I BBA exhibited their skills on Singing, Dancing and Critical Thinking Ability. Totally, 57 students of I BBA, 28 Students of II BBA and 30 Students of III BBA participated in the program.
Outreach program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Creating Awareness on Food Allergies and Intolerance “
FAGAS Association, Department of Food Science and Processing Management, organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Creating Awareness on Food Allergies and Intolerance” on 13.09.2022 at Thirumangalam. Our students briefly emphasized the food allergens of food and explained the symptoms of intolerance to make the people aware on the limitations of different packaging of ingredients, when it comes to direct contact with various food items. Totally, 13 students participated and 15 members from the village got benefited through this activity.
Webinar on “Innovation in Personal Financial Management – A Lesson to the Budding Leaders of Tomorrow”
The Royal Charter Association of Commerce (Honours) ACCA organized a Webinar on “Innovation in Personal Financial Management – A Lesson to the Budding Leaders of Tomorrow” on 10.09.2022 (Saturday) at 3.00 PM, through Google Meet (link: The Resource Person, Dr. Sharan Kumar Shetty, Associate Professor & Head, International Relations, Manel Srinivasa Nayak Institute of Management, Mangaluru, Karnataka., insisted that the Financial intermediaries have to perform the task of financial innovation to meet the ever-changing requirements of the economy and to help the investors cope with the increasingly volatile market. In case of Low Profitability, Competition, Economic Liberalization, Customer service, Global impact and Investor awareness, there is a necessity for the financial intermediaries to innovate unique financial instruments. Students were motivated through this program. Totally, 40 students participated and benefitted.
Value Added Course on “Analytical Framework of Financial Management”
The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai and ISDC, Bangalore jointly organized a VALUE ADDED COURSE ON “ANALYTICAL FRAMEWORK OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT” from 01.08.2022 to 09.09.2022 on Zoom Meet Link: Prof. Annie Kavitha Pitta, Faculty, International Skill Development Corporation (ISDC), Bangalore, was the instructor. Students were able to evaluate Investment and Financing Decisions; to ,manage and control Working Capital and to identify and manage Financial Risk. Totally, 13 students of III ACCA, participated and benefitted through this value added course.
Mathematical Techniques for Competitive Exams
The “Pinnacle Association” of the Department of Commerce (Honours) organized a Workshop on “Mathematical Techniques for Competitive Exams” on 08.09.2022 (Thursday). Mr. M. Rajapandian (, B.Ed.,), Statistical Inspector, Government of Tamil Nadu, addressed the session. He gave real time exposure on mathematical techniques applied in various competitive exams. He inculcated the need and applicability of Mathematics in various streams of education and its contribution in developing the skill set of the students to get employed.
Totally 94 students had participated in the session and at the end of the session they got a clear idea about the various techniques and tricks. The session made them to realise the need of Mathematics in this competitive world.