Herbert William Heinrich Association, Department of Fire and Industrial Safety & Environmental Health and Safety club along with NSS organized an Awareness Program On “Innovative Road Safety” and Road safety awareness rally on 21.01.2023 (8.30 -12.30 PM). The F&IS students, Environmental Health & Safety club members and students from B.Com, BBA, B&I participated in this program. Mr. R. Shiva Prasad, IPS. Superintendent of police District police office Madurai & Mr. Mani, ASP, Madurai, delivered the guest lectures. He elaborately explained the importance of road safety in simple manner. He discussed the traffic rules, importance of seat belt, helmet and speed limit. He briefed on the motor vehicle act, rules and regulations and the systematic approach to help the people during accident. Totally, 101 participants and 14 Faculty members got benefitted through this program.


Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Industrial Visit to Nila Cold Storage, Tuticorin, on 20.01.2023.  It was an informative and interesting visit and the students learned the storage temperature, conditions and the factors affecting cold storage conditions in Cereals, Pulses, vegetables, fruits and sea foods like squid, prawn, octopus and shrimp. The students learned the importance of cold storage. Mr. S. Finny, Manager, Nila Cold Storage, explained the history, industrial development and technological aspects and professional ethics involved in processing. In general, the visit helped us to gain some technical input to improve the shelf life by proper storage to avoid decay, contamination and spoilage.  The students of I& II FSPM (Totally 19 students) and one faculty got benefited through this visit.


Field visit for “Developing Entrepreneurship” – Developing Entrepreneurship – students field visit to Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai

Session Details: Field visit for “Developing Entrepreneurship”
Title of the session Developing Entrepreneurship – students field visit to  Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai
Date : 20.01.2023 Duration : 11:00am to 01.00pm
Activity Category: Self driven activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme : Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details: Field Visit
Name: Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai Designation: NA
Organisation: Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai
Brief about Expert/Speaker/Company:

Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai, celebrates the real goodness of nature’s best gifts i.e., fruits and nuts.  Believes that real goodness requires a really good drink to go with it. It all started in 1962, when Mr. Srinivasan desired to create a beverage that he could feel good about serving to people. Selling his home-made grape juice at a teeny-tiny local shop in Madurai, he made his way up to the leaders in beverage market. Today, Ruby basks in its own 5-decade-old glory of being renowned in some of the prominent cities of South India. They have modified in multiple ways in order to match the consumer requirements; such as adopting the latest trends in Processing Technology and Packaging, expanding their reach to cities across South India and so much more. Nevertheless, one thing remains the same, They are stay true to the original purpose: Help people taste the best that nature has to offer. They always make sure that this happens following the best food standards in the most sustainable ways possible.


Objectives of the activity: 

ü  Learning entrepreneurship outside the class room in real time environment.

ü  Enhance students understanding of business operations of Ruby Food Products Private Limited

ü  To understand the customer requirements marketing strategies adopted by Ruby Food Products Private Limited

ü  To know the latest technology for processing and packaging adopted by Ruby foods products Private ltd.,

ü  To develop the entrepreneurial literacy and skill to our students at Ruby foods products Private ltd.,

Outcome of the activity:

Students were able to,

ü Awareness on entrepreneurial literacy and skill which is essential for student’s career opportunities and growth.

ü Ability to know the constraints and prospects of business operations in food products industry.

ü Impart them skills required to become a successful entrepreneur.

ü Understand the marketing strategies and brand building techniques.

ü Students improve their confidence and develop them to become an entrepreneur

Key Highlights:

·        Students have direct experience in know the manufacturing process of Ruby foods products Private Limited.

·        Students interacted well with the employees of Ruby Food Products Private Limited to understand and clarify their doubts during the visit.

·        Students are inspired and motivated to choose their career as an entrepreneur.

·        Students maintained discipline during plant visit.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation:            78
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation:         2
 YouTube Links: Nil
  Photographs: Enclosed

Field visit for “Developing Entrepreneurship”

Session Details: Field visit for “Developing Entrepreneurship”
Title of the session Developing Entrepreneurship – Field Visit to  Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai
Date : 20.01.2023 Duration : 11:00am to 01.00pm
Activity Category: Self driven activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme : Entrepreneurship
Expert / Speaker Details:  Mr. Aswath Sampath B.E., MBA., M.A., (Psychology), Entrepreneur, Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai.

He is a Young entrepreneur. He worked as Corporate trainer for Tata Consultancy Services. He worked as Training and Development manager for Kamaraj Engineering College, Madurai. Now he is successfully running Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai

Name: Mr. Aswath Sampath B.E., MBA., M.A., (Psychology) Designation: Entrepreneur
Organisation: Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai
Brief about Company:

Ruby Food Products Private Limited, Madurai, celebrates the real goodness of nature’s best gifts i.e., fruits and nuts.  They believe that real goodness requires a real good drink to go with it. It all started in 1962, when Mr. Srinivasan desired to create a beverage that he could feel good about serving to people. Selling his home-made grape juice at a teeny-tiny local shop in Madurai, he made his way up to the leaders in beverage market. Today, Ruby basks in its own 5-decade-old glory of being renowned in some of the prominent cities of South India. They have modified in multiple ways in order to match the consumer requirements; such as adapting the latest trends in Processing Technology and Packaging, expanding their reach to cities across South India and so much more. Nevertheless, one thing remains the same, They stayed true to the original purpose: Help people taste the best that nature has to offer. They always make sure that this happens following the best food standards in the most sustainable ways possible.


Objectives of the activity: 

ü  To learn entrepreneurship outside the class room in real time environment.

ü  To enhance students understanding of business operations of Ruby Food Products Private Limited

ü  To understand the customer requirements, marketing strategies

ü  To know the latest technology for processing and packaging

ü  To develop the entrepreneurial literacy and skill in students

Outcome of the activity:

Students were able to,

ü Get awareness on entrepreneurial literacy and skill which is essential for student’s career opportunities and growth.

ü Know the constraints and prospects of business operations in food products industry.

ü Impart their skills required to become a successful entrepreneur.

ü Understand the marketing strategies and brand building techniques.

ü Improve their confidence and develop them to become an entrepreneur

Key Highlights:

·        Students had a direct experience in the manufacturing process of Ruby foods products Private Limited.

·        Students interacted well with the employees to understand and clarify their doubts during the visit.

·        Students were inspired and motivated to choose their career as an entrepreneur.

·        Students maintained discipline during the visit.

Participants Details:
 Total No. of Student Participation:   78
 Total No. of Staff (Teaching / Non-Teaching) Participation:            2
 YouTube Links: Nil
  Photographs: Enclosed

Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit – A Design of Mobile ROBOT

Title of the Session: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit – A Design of Mobile ROBOT
Date:20/01/2023 Duration: 7.5Hrs(9:00amto4:30pm)
Activity Category :IIC Calendar Activity Nature of the Session : Offline
Theme: Achieving Problem-Solution Fit & Product-Market Fit-A Design of Mobile ROBOT
Name: Mr.Sriram Nagarajan Designation: Co Founder & CEO,
Organization: RoboRAM Technologies, Nagercoil
Brief about Expert / Speaker:(Highlight points from profile of the expert)

·        1+Year of Experience in Industrial Automation Consultant at Dr.MGR Research Institute.

·        4+Year of Experience in Co-Founder &CEO at RoboRAM Technologies

·        3+Year of Experience as Automation Trainer at RoboRAM Technologies

·        2+Year of Experience as Business Partner in DataBee.

·        Having strong knowledge in Product Development in IoT and Mobile Robotics

·        HavingexperienceasProfessionalTrainerforEntrepreneurshipDevelopmentatdifferentInstitutions.



·  To understand the application of Automation Technology in software industry.

·         To gain the knowledge the importance of embedded C++ in robotics field.

·        To attain the job opportunities in automation field.

·         To get knowledge about the frame work “Tinkercad”.

Outcome of the activity:

At the end of the session, the participants were able to:

1)      Understand the various applications of Automation Technology in software industry and in all other industries.

2)      GaintheknowledgeaboutthesignificanceofembeddedC++inthedevelopmentofMobileRobots.

3)      Understand the various roles in automation industry and the job opportunities in robotics field.

4)      AbsorbthevariousoptionsandfunctionalitiesavailableinTinkercadframework.

Key Highlights:

A few major points explained by the speaker to the participants were

1)      The role of mobileobots in industry, military and security environments.

2)      The components like laser scanner ,mono cularcameras and RFID devices.

3)      The importance of robotics applications to travelapre-defined navigation route in relatively controlled space.

Total No. of Student Participation:60
Total No. of Staff (Teaching/Non-Teaching)Participation:5
YouTube Links: nil

“Exposure Visit to Incubation Centre – EDII Periyakulam Horti Business Incubation Forum”) On 19.01.2023

ZEAL Association of the Department of BBA, along with the Institution’s Innovation Council– SLCS, conducted an Exposure Visit to Incubation Centre – EDII Periyakulam Horti Business Incubation Forum” on 19.01.2023Mr. Vasanthan Selvan, Chief Executive Officer, EDII Periyakulam Horti Business Incubation Forum, was the speaker. The program started as an exposure visit and the speaker explained the process of developing a business plan, launching and running a business to meet customer needs and make profit in agri-business. Through the incubation forum, he explained the various types of agri-entrepreneurship and the process of incubation in making farms, nurseries, organic farming, and herbal and medicinal plants. Totally, 50 students from I BBA, 20 students from II BBA, 11 students from II B.Sc. FSPM and 6 students from I B.Sc. FSPM eagerly participated in the program.

Workshop on Design of a Mobile Robot for Material Handling Application

TechnoFest Association of Department of Computer Science (Security System Specialization) organized a “Workshop on Design of a Mobile Robot for Material Handling Application” for I B.Sc. CS (SSS) students on 18/01/2023 & 19/01/2023 from 09.30 A.M to 04.15 P.M in the Academic Lab II. The workshop commenced with the welcome address by K. S. Tharani, I B.Sc. CS (SSS). The presidential address & the chief guest introduction were given by Mrs. D. Padmapriya, HoD, Department of CS (SSS). The Chief Guest Mr. Sriram Nagarajan, Co Founder & CEO, RoboRAM Technologies, Nagercoil, explained the application of Automation Technology in software industry. He demonstrated the importance of embedded C++ in robotics field. He briefed on the importance of robotics by making the students to write the coding. The chief guest also stressed upon the job opportunities in automation field. Students had hands-on training using the frame work “Tinkercad”. The members of TechnoFest Association, Department of CS(SSS) compered the entire session. Totally, 60 students attended the session and got benefitted. Finally, vote of thanks was delivered by K. Karthikeyan, I B.Sc. CS (SSS).

Cleanliness and Awareness Campaigns at Sothuparai Dam, Periyakulam, Theni on 19.01.2023

ZEAL Association, Department of BBA, organized a cleanliness and awareness campaign on 19th January, 2023 to educate and promote civic sense among the public at the Sothuparai Dam, situated at the foothills of the Western Ghats in Periyakulam, Theni. Students went to all the areas and were briefed on the importance of the cleanliness of the dam. The public was advised not to throw paper plates, water bottles, paper cups, tissues, and many other unwanted things on lawns, gardens, sitting areas, corridors, pathways, and other open areas that are unhygienic for all of us. They were also informed to make the dam a beautiful place for one and it makes individuals healthier when the environment around them is healthy. Students enthusiastically collected plastic waste, tea cups, weeds, and dry leaves spread over the surrounding areas. The volunteers gathered all of the waste and trash bags and transported them to the location designated by the representatives. The whole cleaning drive was quite inspiring and motivating for the students. Totally, 50 students from I BBA and 20 students from II BBA eagerly participated in the program.

Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Cleaning Activity on Sothuparai Dam”

FAGAS Association of the Department of Food Science and Processing Management organized an Outreach Program (SLCS Samaaj Seva) through “Cleaning Activity on Sothuparai Dam”  on 19th January, 2023 to educate and promote civic sense among the public of the Sothuparai Dam, situated at the foothills of Western Ghats, Periyakulam, Theni. Students went to all the areas and were briefed on the importance of maintaining cleanliness of the dam. The cleaning process continued in the Sothuparai Dam on 19.01.23.Throughout the cleaning campaign, the groups which were formed clicked various photos that included some before and after images of the cleaned area. The Clean and Green Campaign aims to protect and care for the environment by engaging the community in an environmentally conscious lifestyle. The students were encouraged and motivated for their hard work and dedication after which everyone spent some valuable time together. By 4.30PM, the team dispersed and gladly thanked each other.  In this outreach activity, 18 students and 1 faculty were involved in removing clutter, dust, crumbs, and other wastes such as papers, plastic cups, carry bags reserved in certain areas, which were collected and dumped in the dustbin by the students.

Basic First Aid

Department of Fire & Industrial Safety organized a training program on “Basic First Aid”. The training was conducted by Tamil Nadu Apex Skill Development Centre for Healthcare from 17.1.2023 to 19.1.2023. Dr. PRAVEEN JACOB and his trainers- Mr. BalaSubramani, Mr. Anand, Mr. Karthic, Mr. Jananayagan, were the resource person for the training program. The resource person practically demonstrated the basics of first aid practices that are to be followed during the emergency for an affected victim. The students felt that the program was very useful to them and at the end of training program an interactive session was arranged to clear the doubts of the students. Totally, 29 students from I, II & III year Fire and Industrial safety eagerly participated in the training program.