Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a Guest Lecture on “MEGA TRENDS IN ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS” on 22.08.2017 for the students of BBA, & MBA. Mr.N.Tirunavukkarasu, Proprietor, M3moneymanager, Coimbatore was invited as the resource person. Mr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HOD – BBA delivered the welcome address. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal & Mr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal felicitated the gathering. The resource person highlighted the latest developments in the field of advertising & promotions and its impact on the market. The BBA department association was also inaugurated. Ms.Rohini, student of I year BBA delivered the vote of thanks. Dr.S.Pugalenthi, Deputy Director – MBA, Mrs.Padmavathy, HOD – B.Com, staff and students participated. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.
Faculty Development Programme was organized for all Faculty members of SLCS and RLIMS on 19th August, 2017 in the First MBA Hall.
Principal Dr.P.Saravanan welcomed the gathering. Advisor IQAC Dr.R.L.Ramnath chaired the meeting. Honorable President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided the Presidential Address. In his address he stated the importance of NAAC and he also pointed out some questions about the NAAC. Then the Advisor Dr.G.R.Balakrishnan explained the Issues & Challenges in Higher Education.
The Chief Guest Dr.K.Meena former Vice Chancellor of Bharathidasan University, Trichy gave her special address on the “Impact on NAAC in Higher Education Institutions”. She pointed that NAAC peer Team visit and preparing the SSR are Facts Finding Exercises that should be done by the institutions. Quantitative Metric is what we send and Qualitative Metric is the Peer Team’s Report. Dr.K.Meena also explained about the Seven Criterion. She stated that Autonomous Colleges should be given more focus on Criteria I & II. She repeatedly stated that each and every event should be documented for the sake of preparing. The Guest speech was really on eye opener for all the faculty members.
In the Post Lunch session Advisor IQAC Dr.R.L.Ramnath introduced the New Procedures of preparing the Self Study Report (SSR) in a detailed manner. Finally, the IQAC Coordinator Mrs.R.Suganthi Hepzibha proposed the Vote of Thanks.
Visit To “Phil Bistro”Restaurant
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management was organized Part time Job for the students of II MCHM. (Earning while studying concept) at PHIL BISTRO Restaurant , K.K. Nagar, Madurai. The Managers Conducted personal interview on 19.8.2017 at 10.00 a.m., ten students was interested and attended interview. Four students have got selected in the interview for part time job. This helps the students to gain practical knowledge in Food & Service and food production department.
“Current Trends and Industry Expectations From Fresh Talent” – Guest Lecture
Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a Guest Lecture on “CURRENT TRENDS AND INDUSTRY EXPECTATIONS FROM FRESH TALENT” on 18.08.2017 for the students of BBA, & MBA. Dr.K.Bhanumathi, Director, CII Institute of Logistics & Dr.K.Anandhi, Deputy Director were invited as the resource persons. The resource persons highlighted the various skills and talents to be developed among students to get employed. Dr.R.Lakshmipathy, Publisher of Dinamalar & President – Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation presided the function. Dr.P.Saravanan, Principal felicitated the gathering. Dr.S.Pugalenthi, Director – RLIMS, delivered the welcome address. Dr.R.L.Ramnath, Advisor – NAAC delivered the felicitation address. Mrs.Padmavathy, HOD – delivered the vote of thanks. The program arrangements were looked after by Mr.K.Rajesh Kumar, HOD – BBA. Mr.K.Archunan, Vice Principal, staff and students participated. Totally 58 students got benefited through this program.
On behalf of department of Computer science & Information Technology, four students and the Assistant Professor S.Vignesh went to Sarasvathi Narayanan College for the outreach program and conducted the awareness workshop on the information security. The students demonstrated the ethical hacking tools to the various departments (III B.Sc. Computer Science, BCA, BBA, and B.Com Students) of S N College. All students eagerly attended the program.
Vice Principal Dr. K. Krishnan, S N College inaugurated the function and the special address was delivered by Mrs.M.S.Vani Sangeetha, HOD, department of Computer Science, SN College and the special address was delivered by Dr. Ramachandran, Assistant Professor regarding the importance of information security.
Our second year B.Sc. Computer Science students of SLCS Mr. S.Rajamanikkam, Mr. Ashok, Mr. Vigneshwaran and Mr. Gowtham Shankar had demonstrated the hacking tools and gave the awareness regarding information security and what are the security measures that are need to done as a everyday practice to secure our working environment as well as to secure our personal devices and gadgets from the security breaches. Finally the outreach program feedback form was circulated to the target audience and their valuable feedbacks were collected.
Training in Methods of Cooking and serving
The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Methods of Cooking and serving for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 14.08.2017. Workers have learnt their skills on the job. Training generally starts with basic sanitation and workplace safety regulations and continues with instruction on food handling, preparation, and cooking procedures
School Students Campus Visit
On 10th and 11th August 2017 students and teachers from Marry Ann School – Madurai visited our college Animation department. Our Animation department’s “Roy Chowdhury Club” student members and faculties guided them and gave a presentation to them. Seminars were held; Role of Animation and its features were explained by our HOD Mr. P. Thirunavukkarasu. Totally 54 students and 4 teachers participated in this session. Our II and III year students gave demo to them. School students and teachers gave good feedback about the program.
B.Arch Students visit to Animation Department
On 8th August 2017, Architectural Students (B.Arch) from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai visited our college. They visited our Animation Department. We screened our final year student’s project and their demo reel. Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Head of the Department and Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor gave a presentation about the opportunity in Animation field. Also explained about the software’s Autodesk Maya and 3Ds Max role in Architectural Modeling.
“Industrial Visit ” – Hotel Taj Gateway
The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a one day industrial visit to Hotel Taj , Pasumalai – Madurai on 7.8.2017. 1st year students along with three faculty members (Mrs. G.S.Subbulakshmi , Mr. Maheshkumar and Mr.Jacob Jebaraj) participated in the Industrial Visit. Mr. Moses Jebaraj, Training Manager and Mr. Premkumar, Human Resource Manager gave a speech on career growth in the hospitality industry.
Madras Coffee House Stall
Six students from the Dept of Marine Catering and Hotel Management from Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, have participated in Ideal Home Exhibition which was organized by Dinamalar Daily, Madurai at Thamukkam, Madurai from 3.8.2017 to 7.8.2017. The students worked for Madras coffee House stall for serving and selling their products. They issued certificates and Remuneration of Rs. 1000/- per student for 5 days. They also provided food for free of cost.