23rd Annual Day

The 23rd Annual Day of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science & RL Institute of Management Studies was celebrated on 25th February 2017 at the College Auditorium in a grand manner. The welcome address was given by the Co-ordinator of the Program,  Mrs.Suganthi Hepzibha, Asst. Professor ,English and the introduction of the Chief Guest was done by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Navarathinam. The Chief Guest of the Function was Mr.K.Velusamy ,General Manager, Canara Bank ,Madurai Circle. Mr.Shanmugam , Deputy Manager , Canara Bank a ccompanied with the chief guest.

Our College President,   Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided over the function and gave an eloquent presidential address about the College growth & Autonomy. He also insisted the students to learn for better living and to develop their skills & knowledge to achieve their goals. The president wishes all the students in the campus to be gainfully employed with discipline and become responsible citizens of our Nation.

The Chief Guest Mr.K.Velusamy explained about the Canara Bank, which provides many financial services to the customers like Educational Loan, Home Loan, Jewel Loan etc. For a student’s welfare the educational loan facilities are given at a maximum of Rs.7500 Crores. Out of these amount Rs.3600 Crores for Tamilnadu. Without any assurance, the students can avail educational loan of Rs.7.5 lakhs. He also highlighted the MoU signing of Canara Bank with SLCS & RLIMS. He explained about the Career Opportunities in Banking Sector & advised the students to utilize the wonderful facilities available in SLCS & RLIMS.

            Dr.R.L.Ramanth, Principal SLCS presented the Annual report of the college for the Academic Year 2016- 17. Dr.S.Pugalanthi, Deputy Director RLIMS presented the annual report of RLIMS for the year 2016-17.

Prizes were distributed by the Chief Guest to the students for Proficiency in academics, various competitions, best outgoing students for both Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science and RL Institute of Management Studies.

The College Management recognized the faculty members and presented gifts for their exemplary services.

         Mrs.V.Padmavathy ,HoD of Commerce & Assistant Coordinator of the Annual Day delivered the vote of thanks for the wonderful function.

22nd Sports Day

On 19.2.2017 , the 22nd Sports day was celebrated by SLCS & RLIMS. Dr. R.L.RAMNATH Principal, SLCS presided over the function .The felicitation address was given by our Vice Principal, Mr. K.ARCHUNAN. our Chief guest, Dr. K.CHANDRASEKARAN, Professor & Head ,Department of Physical Education ,Madurai Kamaraj University addressed the gathering with his motivational speech . He insisted that the students must develop their physical & mental strength .He also quoted the thoughts of Dr. A.P.J.ABDUL KALAM, the students of our country can manage this 21st century only if they have both mental & physical strength. Mr. P.THANGAMUTHU Physical Director of SLCS & RLIMS delivered the Annual Sports Report. The students of SLCS & RLIMS exposed their talents through various events like March-past, Aerobics, Karate, Gymnastic etc.

The students & the staff members were encouraged by the prizes and the prizes ware distributed by our Chief guest Dr. K.CHANDRASEKARAN. The overall winner is Challengers team & runner is Rockers team.

National Productivity Week – MPC

Madurai Productivity Council (MPC) celebrated National Productivity week from 12th t0 18th February 2017.Various events were conducted in various places of Madurai. As a part of it Students’ Day was celebrated on 13.02.2017 ,a full Day programme for students and research scholars in the SLCS Auditorium.The theme was “ From Waste to Profit Through Reduce, Recycle and Reuse”.Prof.G.Subramanian , former Director of RLIMS presided over the function. The felicitation address was given by Dr.R.Thiruvengadasamy , Director CCE, Kalasalingam University.The Chief guest was Dr.R.L.Ramnath, Principal , SLCS who delivered a wonderful speech regarding the theme.Many students & Research scholars from various colleges participated in the events like Paper presentations, Project presentations & Panel discussion.

Our Honorable President , Dr.R.Lakshmipathy gave the valedictory & encouraged the participants and the winners by distributing the prize. The session was ended with vote of thanks by Mr.V.S.Suresh Babu ,CEO of Suresh Marketing Associate.


Dinamalar and The Department of Visual Communication and Animation of our college had jointly organized the “Sinthanai Sirpy” a State level competition for +1 & + 2 students. The competitions are designed in the manner to bring the latent potential and creativity of the students. Photography, Mobile Video, Writing, Drawing, Painting and Radio Jockey are the various competitions.

Nearly Two hundred and fifty students from southern districts were participated in the competition and shown their creativity. Dr. Lakshmipathy, Publisher, Dinamalar, Dr. M.Chandran, Correspondent, Sri Aroubindo Mira Group of Educational Institution, Speaker S.Raja, Dr. Ramnath, Principal, SLCS, Radio Jockeys Jackson Durai and Kalyani are the Chief Guest for the event. Cash prize was awarded to the winning participants for all events. Mr. C.Manikandan, Head, Visual Communication, Mr.P.Thirunavukkarsu, Head, Animation and Staff members of these departments had organized the event. Radio Mirchi was promoted the event across Madurai district as Radio partner

Radio program for neighbouring rural communities by our 3rd year student Ms. M. Preetha

2017      Miss M. Preethaof III year Film and Television Production had participated and presented lectures on the Topic of “Tour and travel” in Shyamalavani CR 90.4, A Community Radio for the people, by the people and of the people. The programs are presented for the community people living in and around radius 15kms from the Shyamalavani 90.4.  The program titles as follows:

  1. AnubavamPudhumai :

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This Program deals with the Tourist places in and around India. And their importance regarding the place, tourist who are new to India as well as Indians who are interested to travel to these places. This Program contains of four episodes.

  1. SinthanaiSiragu :

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This program consists of Short stories and their morals. The children in and around the Syhamalavani Community radio 90.4 liked program. The Nearby villages benefited through this program.

Radio program for neighbouring rural communities by our 3rd year student Ms. E. L. Shanmuga Priya

2017. Miss E.L. Shanmugapriya of  III year Film and Television Production had participated and presented lectures in Shyamalavani CR 90.4, A Community Radio for the people, by the people and of the people. The programs are presented for the community people living in and around radius 15kms from the Shyamalavani 90.4.  The program she presented are 5’Nammadhu Udal Nalam’, Various pattimandram on important festival days, Putthaka Thiruvizha’’Madurai Thamil Isai Vizha’. All the programs were interesting and useful for the people.


The Department of IT & Networking conducted 5th Infotainment Association Meet on 13.12.2016. It was organised by II Year B.Sc IT & NETWORKING students. The session was started with the prayer song by K.Sarumathi of I B.Sc Networking. Mr.K.Vijayaragavan of II B.Sc NETWORKING welcomed the gathering. Our Principal DR.R.L.Ramnath, Inaugurated the meet with his wonderful speech. The Vice-Principal, MR.K.Archunan, felicitated the association meet. The Head of the Department MR.C.Ranjith Kumar introduced the   guest of Honour Mr.Senthil Kumar, CEO, KALVI INSTITUTE PVT LTD, MADURAI. Our Chief Guest delivered wonderful inspirational speech, which motivated the students. He also shared his success story and also interacted with the students. The students cleared their doubts through the interaction.

The students of I B.Sc.Networking J.Nandha kumar and V.Gowtham has presented a paper on Network Cablings and S.Natraj Sharma and R.Joan Joseph Rexith from I B.Sc.IT presented a paper on Technology innovation. The students exposed their talents through various events and got prizes for the events. The vote of thanks was given by R.Ajith Kumar of II B.Sc IT and the meet ended with the National Anthem.

Guest Lecture – “Export Opportunities in Entrepreneurship”

Guest Lecture on “Export Opportunities in Entrepreneurship” was organized for students of BBA – Logistics & Shipping Management on 30.11.2016. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director – Global School of Foreign Trade & Director – Centre for Export Entrepreneurship Development was invited as the resource person. Knowledge on nuances and practices to be followed and understood while exporting was clearly imparted. The students felt the guest lecture to be very informative and interesting. An interactive session was also arranged with the resource person followed by the guest lecture, where the students got their doubts clarified by raising a lot of questions. The vibrancy and learning attitude of the students was highly appreciated by the resource person.


On 22nd November, 2016, the Department of Film and Television Production organized a seminar on documentary film in SLCS’ auditorium. Our President and Dinamalar Publisher Dr.R.Lakshmipathy presided over the function.

The chief guest Mr.Krishnasamy an eminent Documentary Film Director gave a wonderful speech on “Worldwide Tamil Culture”. He explained the students about the Tamil culture and how was the culture spread word widely. He also revealed that there are few places which remain as the proof for Ramayana, Mahabharatha and Bhagavatgita stories. He also informed that the sculptures in all the temples depict our past culture.

As a part of this seminar, a documentary film by Mr.Krishnasamy “A Different Pilgrimages” was telecasted for our students. The film really opened the eyes of our students. Our Principal Dr.R.L.Ramnath welcomed the gathering and our Vice-Principal Mr.C.Archunan delivered the Vote of Thanks. The students really experienced the film and the seminar wound up informatively.Mr.C.Archunan.


On behalf of our CS Department’s “Techglorians” association meet, many events were conducted to bring out the inner talents of students and to enhance their technical as well as non-technical talents. Dr.R.LRamnath,.Principal,SLCS preside over the function and the meeting begins with the inspiring speech by our Hod, Mrs. Anuradha followed by welcome speech by a second year student.

Many students eagerly participated in many events and showed their talents in Paper presentation, Technical Dubsmash, Software Marketing and few.Among which the Karthikeyan’S II-CS I Software marketing strategy, Elavarasan’s,II-CS Dubsmash, Mahendran and Sriram’s I-CS Dubsmash were the highlights of that day.

Paper presentation given by GowthamSankar of I-CS was very informative. All third year students helped to conducts the events in a peaceful and fruitful way.Deepika mai and S.Nandhini did the compeering.

Vote of thanks by Namperumal II-CS. Finally the function ends with sweet memories