Training in Methods of Cooking and serving

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Methods of Cooking and serving for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 14.08.2017. Workers have learnt their skills on the job. Training generally starts with basic sanitation and workplace safety regulations and continues with instruction on food handling, preparation, and cooking procedures

School Students Campus Visit

On 10th and 11th August 2017 students and teachers from Marry Ann School – Madurai visited our college Animation department. Our Animation department’s “Roy Chowdhury Club” student members and faculties guided them and gave a presentation to them. Seminars were held; Role of Animation and its features were explained by our HOD Mr. P. Thirunavukkarasu. Totally 54 students and 4 teachers participated in this session. Our II and III year students gave demo to them. School students and teachers gave good feedback about the program.

B.Arch Students visit to Animation Department

On 8th August 2017, Architectural Students (B.Arch) from Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai visited our college. They visited our Animation Department. We screened our final year student’s project and their demo reel. Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, Head of the Department and Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor gave a presentation about the opportunity in Animation field. Also explained about the software’s Autodesk Maya and 3Ds Max role in Architectural Modeling.

“Industrial Visit ” – Hotel Taj Gateway

The department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management has organized a one day industrial visit to  Hotel Taj , Pasumalai – Madurai on 7.8.2017. 1st year students along with three faculty members (Mrs. G.S.Subbulakshmi , Mr. Maheshkumar and Mr.Jacob Jebaraj) participated in the Industrial Visit. Mr. Moses Jebaraj, Training Manager and Mr. Premkumar, Human Resource Manager gave a speech on career growth in the hospitality industry.

Madras Coffee House Stall

Six students from the Dept of Marine Catering and Hotel Management from Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, have participated in Ideal Home Exhibition which was organized by Dinamalar Daily, Madurai at Thamukkam, Madurai from 3.8.2017 to 7.8.2017. The students worked for Madras coffee House stall for serving and selling their products. They issued certificates and Remuneration of Rs. 1000/- per student for 5 days. They also provided food for free of cost.

Career counselling on preparation for Licentiate workshop

As part of academic enhancement, Alumine Mr.AnandRajah (passed out student 2014-17) he passed licentiate and associate exam conducted a career counselling program on 04.08.2017. In this programme Ms.Pradeepa (secretary of Cuentas association,) given the welcome address, in the input session Mr.Ananda Rajah had given to the all students of the commerce department to pass the licentiate, associate exam and other career opportunities in insurance companies, to all students of commerce department and welcome address given by Ms.Gowsiga from II B.Com students. All the students were actively participated and gained more knowledge about career opportunities in insurance companies.

Student Support Center – Inauguration & MOU Signing

Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science felt very proud to have a Memorandum of Understanding with the well known M.S. Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation and AHANA Hospitals Madurai on 31st July 2017. Along with the Signing Ceremony of MOU the college also inaugurated a Student Support Center.

The principal SLCS Dr.P.Saravanan welcomed the gathering. Executive editor of Sagar Sandesh Dr. G.R. Balakrishnan explained the objectives of the initiative of this Student Support Center. Our President Dr.R.Lakshmipathy preside the Presidential Address. In his presidential address he explained that the Student Support Center along with the help of this MOU will really benefit the students of our college. The Controller of the Examination Dr.R.L.Ramnath introduced the Chief Guest Dr.C.Ramasubramanian, State Nodal Officer, Founder of M.S. Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation.

Signing Ceremony of the MOU and the Student Support Center Inaugural Address was given by our Guest Dr.C.Ramasubramanian, State Nodal Officer and Founder of M.S. Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation. In his inaugural address he made the students to understand about the magnetic waves which surround us at all time.

The felicitations were given by the Guests Prof.G.Guru Bharathy Principal of M.S. Chellamuthu Institute of Mental Health & Rehabilitation, Dr.Vikhram Ramasubramanian, Director of Ahana Hospitals Madurai and Dr.M.Kannan Honorary Consultant Research of M.S. Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation. They explained about the Students Support Center and that was really an eye opening session for all Faculty and Students. Finally Mrs.R.Suganthi Hepzibha, IQAC Coordinator proposed the Vote of Thanks.


From 25.07.2017 to 31.07.2017, Department Of Networking has organized Value Added Course on “CCNA – Cisco Certified Network Associate” for III B.Sc Networking students. The Training was handled by the trainer Mr.V Sarathkumar, Redhat Certified Technical Trainer, Vectra Technosoft Pvt.Ltd, Chennai.18 students got benefitted.

Training in Food Preparation and storage

The department of Marine Catering and hotel Management has organized Training in Food safety and Hygiene for the staff working in the canteen and Mess staff on 30.07.2017. We have provided safe working environment training to the workers make sure to understand the principles of basic food safety and how to apply knowledge to control hazards and prevent food poisoning.

Hands on Images – Community development program

A Student’s Day out ——Mr. S. Harish of 2nd year Film and TV Production of SLCS, rendered a awareness program titled “Hands on Images” for the student Community living in Eliyarpathy, through the Student association ‘Medius Coronet’ on  30th July 2017.The children in this village of different age categories participated and had a day out with the Camera Technology. Since it is a first try of the association it was tried with very minimum students but reached a long.