Tuticorin Port – Visit

 Tuticorin Port – Visit

The Department of Commerce organized to visit a day trip to Tuticorin on 19.01.2018. The second year students had the opportunity of visiting the Tuticorin Port – V O Chidambaranar Port Trust. The students got a hands-on experience of the functioning of the Port, signal station and known about how the goods were loading and unloading. They were accompanied by their faculty members Dr.(Mrs)S.Gurupriya, Ms.Shanmugapriya.B, Mr.Bernoard and S.Kumar.

Dinamalar Visit

The Department of Commerce organized to visit a day trip to Dinamalar press on 11.1.2018. The First year B.Com (B&I) students were got the awareness about printing processes and the news printing technology, they also known about the ink used in newspapers. In that they were explained about the news the software used in printing and logistics management. They were accompanied by faculty members Dr.(Mrs.)S.Gurupriya,  Ms.Shanmugapriya.B and Mr.Bernoard.

QMS – Internal Auditor Training Programme

The RL Institute of Nautical Science conducted Two days QMS – Internal Auditor Training Program on 8th and 9th January,2018.

The faculty members from RL Institute of Nautical Science(RLINS), Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science(SLCS), RL Institute of Management Studies(RLIMS), Krishnamal Ramasubbaiyer School (KRS) and Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy Foundation(SLF) participated.

Mr.G.M.Ravi Kumar, Lead Assessor from IR Class was the trainer. The session started with the felicitation address by Mr.R.Muthukrishnan – Principal, RLINS. Mr.M.Subramanian – Technical Advisor, RLINS introduced the trainer.

The trainer,Mr.G.M.Ravi Kumar explained about the ISO 9001:2015 standard, QMS process and Internal auditing procedures with many real time scenarios along with his experience. The participants were trained with the group activities and they have also undergone examination as a part of the training programme.

At the end of the session, Mrs.M.Shanthy – Principal, KRS shared her training experience and thanked the organizing committee and the management.

Campus Recruitment Drive

 Campus Recruitment Drive

As a premier institution of Madurai, SLCS continued to enjoy immense confidence of the recruiters for placement for the batch of 2015-2018. The Eureka Forbes conducted the campus recruitment drive for the third year students of Commerce Department in our college campus on 09-01-2018 one panel member were from the Eureka Forbes, Madurai Branch. Around 25 students participated in the recruitment. The recruitment drive consists of Group Discussion, and personal interview. Each and every student performed well. The recruiters felt happy and also were satisfied about the performance of the students. Finally, four students were selected; the department felt really happy that all the students participated with confidence and the department congratulates the selected candidates.

International Animation Day 2017

We celebrated International Animation Day 2017 for two days on 5th & 6th January 2018. Industrial Experts Mr. Pradeep from Prism & pixels, Chennai, Mr. VijayaKanth, Matte Painting Artists, Chennai and Mr. Alagappa, 2D Animator, Chennai were Guest Lecturers.

Day: 01

Ms.Saranya, II Animaton welcomed the Gathering, the program was presided over by our College Principal Dr. P. Saravanan and Vice principal Mr. K. Archunan addressed the Felicitation address. Our department Head Mr. P. Thirunavukkarasu, Introduced the Chief guests Mr. Pradeep, Business Development –  VFX Executive Producer, Mr. Vijaykanth, Matte painting artist, Gemini Studios, Chennai.

Mr. Pradeep Industrial Expert addressed the chief Guest address,

He mentioned that our students are doing well in Industries; they are giving amazing outputs in short duration of training. He also explained about the MoU signed between our college and Prism & Pixel, Chennai, In future they are also going to train our students regularly by their industrial experts.

Followed by Mr. Pradeep, our chief guest Mr. Vijaykanth, Matte painting artist from Gemini studios, Chennai spoke to the students about current openings and scope of Animation in industry today.

Our respectable Principal and Vice principal honored the Chief Guests by presenting the shawl and memento.

Mr. Vijaykanth conducted workshop and gave demo on “How to do an Matte painting”. At the end of session, our department faculties and the Industrial experts discussed about the syllabus, arranging training classes by industrial Persons and updating the softwares.

Day: 02

Our department Coordinator Mr. Chenthil Kumar welcomed the gathering and introduced the chief guests Mr. Alagappa, 2D Animator, Chu Chu TV, and Chennai.

Our chief guests spoke about the development of 2D animation techniques in the field. He also conducted class including,

Walk cycle, Turnaround of the character and designing BG for 2D Animation, based on lighting & shadows balancing, concentrating in colors of the BG etc.,

At the end of the session, Ms. Vibitha from I Animation delivered the “Vote of thanks”. Program ends with National Anthem.

Outdoor catering

Our department has organized the outdoor catering programe in various hotels in Madurai on   31.12.2017 for I, & II year students. 18 students in Heritage Hotel and 3 students in Pandian Hotel. Total 21 Students are participated and learn many of the techniques followed in the hotel operation. And it’s more helpful to the students to get placement in which department they want.



The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have organized the Bodhi class on  28.12.2017 for I,&II year students Participated and Head of the Department, all other staff members discussed the points regarding

  1. student’s academic achievements,
  2. student deficiencies related to course with remedial actions,
  3. Identification of slow learners.

We have planned to find solution for all the deficiencies and steps have taken is resolving the crisis of the students. The need and requirement have identified for the slow learners and regular test will be given for them


Our alumni Ms. G.Durga Devi, 3D Artist, Make Real Media, and Chennai conducted a session on “opportunities in 3D Field” for our II Animation students on 19th December 2017.

Mr. Purushothaman, Instructor, Dept. of Animation, introduced her to the students.She spoke about the current situation of the Industry. Also shared her experiences in industry with the students.

Total No. of Beneficiaries: 36 Students

Work shop on “E-Taxation”

 Work shop on “E-Taxation”

As part of academic enhancement, All the III year B.Com (B&I) students attended the “E-Taxation” workshop on 18-12-2017   . Mr. S.Rathinagiri, C.A., Auditor & Mr.S.Baskaran, CMA., explained how to file e-tax in both the direct and indirect taxes, the auditor given the detail about the digital signature, and explained about the ITR filing procedures in practical and he also explained about how commerce helps in information technology implementations which was very helpful and it also help them to update their knowledge in this specified area. All the students actively participated and also they got clarification on the topic.

National Seminar on Recent Trends in Media

National Seminar on Recent Trends in Media

The Department of Visual Communication has organized a “National Seminar on Recent Trends in Media” on Monday, Dec18, 2017. This seminar highlighted the challenges and advantages in recent days in media. Dr.P.Saravanan principal, SLCS delivered the presidential addresses for the National seminar.

      Dr.K.Karnamaharajan Head-CFEMS, MKU and Mr.Danapal, Dy.Chief Manager & Metro Suboffice Head, Times of India, Madurai were chief guests for the seminar. Dr.Karnamaharajan stated that the development of media is so tremendous then ever so the students of media should get involved in the wide area of media research, and media students should have a sense of social responsibility.

Mr.Dhanapal spoke about various evolutions and technological developments in print media from 2000 to 2017.

The primary goal of the seminar is to promote research and development activities in the field of Media and communication. The seminar brought Academicians, and Research Scholars around the Nation to a common platform and had brainstorming sessions on the current trends and latest innovative research being carried out in the areas of Print and Visual Media

More than 50 scholars presented diverse papers and 200 students around the Nation participated in the National seminar. The proceedings of the seminar will be published which will bring out different valuable findings and conclusions in the broad field and also provide recommendation for further new arenas in research.

Mr.Raghu Kalidasan, Asst Professor gives welcome speech, Mr.C.Manikandan, Head of the Department, the staff members and M.Sc. final year students have organized this Seminar.