Mr.P.Thirunavukkarasu, HoD & Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Instructor Published Papers in National Seminar “Innovative Concepts in Media” conducted by Department of Visual Communication on 20.01.2019.
Our First and Second year students of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have participated in Intercollegiate competition, conducted by Department of French, Fatima college, Madurai on 19.1.2019. Three students from Second year and five students from first year have actively participated in various competitions like Quiz, Dance, and Souvenir de France. Our students Mr. Kabilan, Mr. S.Surya, Mr. S.Saravanapandi and Mr. V.Saravanakumar have won Second prize in Dance competition and Mr. S.Gandhi Bhagavathi, Mr. M.Kesavaraj, Mr. K.V.Yokeshvaran and Mr.R.Danush have won Second prize in Souvenir de France competition. This helps the students to motivate and encourage them and to make an memorable experience.
workshop on Screenplay writing and Direction
The session was inaugurated by our Vice Principal Dr K Archunan, welcome speech was given by our HOD Dr .M. Raghukalidhasan and Mr M Sivakumar Head- Dept of direction, L V Prasad film academy- Chennai handled the interactive session with our students. He has screened few short films and documentaries to our students to explain the nuances and different aspect of screenplay writing. In the second day, he made students to write script for one scene, he also explained about the screen time of an one page script. This workshop threw some light on screen play writing techniques to our students.
Student Achievement
Shanmuganathan.C of I M.Sc VISCOM student secured 20th place out of 500 participants at the 2nd champions state level children’s tournament held at champion chess academy- Salem.
Student Achievement
Bharath Balaji.S 1st year B.Sc VISCOM student secured 1st prize and got gold medal in the all India karate championship – black belt – individual category in W.G.K open GOJO cup – 2018 held at Kodaikanal.
Career Counseling Program
The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety has organized a one day Career counseling program for UG F&IS students and Public. Mr. M. Subramanian , Advisor – Technical of RLINS was called as Resource person for the programme. He clearly explained about the Future of safety field and its job opportunities in India and abroad. . He also gave useful suggestion and ideas to the engineering graduates for a bright future. At the end of the programme an interactive session was arranged for the UG F&IS students and engineering graduates who participated in the program. The students of F&IS and engineering graduates felt very happy for arranging a useful Career guidance program which helps them to build their Career for a bright future.
Safety Awareness Workshop
The Department of Fire and Industrial Safety has organized a one day Safety awareness workshop for the students of Fire & Industrial Safety. Mr.Arun mozhi varman Director of Prevention Pro India Limited was called as Resource person for the programme. He clearly explained about the Hazards in various Industries and their prevention techniques. He also gave useful tips for the Final year students for their career and Higher education. At the end of the programme an interactive session was arranged for the students to clear their doubts regarding future of safety course and the job opportunities. The students of F&IS felt very happy for arranging a useful seminar cum workshop which made them to build the confidence.
Seminar on “Fundamentals of Shipping & Port Management”
ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai had organized a seminar on “Fundamentals of Shipping & Port Management” on 18.01.2019. The resource person was Mr.Rengaraj, Administrative Officer, Sagar Sandesh, a weekly tabloid newspaper in the field of logistics & shipping. The resource person highlighted the various terminologies and fundamentals related to shipping & port management. The students felt the session to be very informative and useful to their career. Totally 41 students got benefited through this program.
Value Added Course
The Department of BBA had signed a MOU with CII – Institute of Logistics for the conduction of a Value Added Course. The students who have successfully completed the course were issued a certificate in “EXIM – Logistics & Shipping Management” on 17.01.2019. This certificate will be of great help for their career in the field of logistics & shipping.
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management have enthusiastically organized specially for the students and have given an opportunity to prepare a various assorted sweets on their own with the support of the Head of the Department and faculty members. This enhances the students to develop their self confidence in various fields. The students have prepared with faculty support nearly around five sweets and two savories and they prepared 300 boxes consist of 500 gms in each box.. Various department faculty members and students were initiated to buy the sweets. The students have experienced the bulk cooking and earned Hands on experience and they gained knowledge in bulk production, indenting, costing and promoting marketing and sales. They sold the product on 11.1.2019 and 12.1.2019.