Seminar on “Coping with Exam Stress”

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized a seminar on “Coping with Exam Stress” on 04.12.2019. Mr.B.V.Eswaran, Former Chief Manager, Indian Bank was invited as the resource person. The resource person highlighted the various strategies and simple techniques which can be adopted for getting relief and coping with exam stress. The students felt the session to be very useful.

Campus Recruitment Program

The Campus Recruitment Program aimed at enhancing the employability skills of the students so as to prove their mettle during interviews. Soft skills are becoming more and more coveted, with many organizations giving them the credit they deserve, soft skills provide students with a confident, satisfied workforce that will sustain the organization. In association with Chennai based Phire Academy, conducted Campus Recruitment program for the final year MBA and students from 6th November to 3rd Dec’19.

Exposure Visit to Ruby Foods

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Exposure Visit to Ruby Foods on 03.12.2019. The processes involved right from the procurement of raw materials to the processing of finished products were witnessed and explained in detail. The activities involved in the supply chain, related to wholesaling and retailing, were also explained.


A two day training workshop on “Web Development using Node JS and Angular JS” was held on 08.11.2019 and 02.12.2019 for the II B.Sc CS (SSS) and III B.Sc CS(SSS) students. The resource person of this session, Mr.Sabarinathan Muthu, Executive Manager, Gateway Software Solutions, Coimbatore provided strong knowledge in web programming domain.

         He also trained the students through a practical session by giving them an individual projects in Web Development. This practical session helped the students to know the importance of web designing and how to design a web page using Node JS & Angular JS.

Totally 44 students got benefited through this program.

Career Enrichment Meeting

On behalf of the Department of Commerce B.Com(B&I) a meeting was held on 30.11.2019 with Mrs.M.Mural Satam, Assistant Secretary , Insurance Institute of India (III) , Mrs.Manisha Shinde of Insurance Institute of India (III) and Mr.G.Srinivasan, Secretary, Madurai Insurance Institute in order to sign an MoU with Indian Institute of Insurance to provide Licentiate as a value added program for the B.Com(B&I) students. The program started with the welcome address by   Dr.S.Pugalanthi, Head of the Department, RLIMS. Dr.B.Ramamoorthy, Principal, SLCS, delivered a speech about the college and the specialization of the courses, it offers. Mrs.V.Padmavathy, Head, Department of Commerce, informed that a requisition was sent by the B.Com Department to Insurance Institute of India (III)   for approval of an MoU.  Mr.G.Srinivasan, Secretary, Madurai Insurance Institute, detailed the efforts taken by the Department and Mrs.M.Mural Satam, Assistant Secretary assured that the MoU will be signed at the earliest. The program ended with the vote of thanks given by Mr.P.Selvam, Assistant Professor, and MBA.


The Department of Fire & Industrial Safety has organized a Career Counseling cum workshop on 30.11.2019 for KR School Students , Mr.I.Vivek Ramkumar HOD, Department of Fire & Industrial Safety clearly explained the future growth of safety and the demand for safety professionals in various fields. He also gave useful tips for the Students regarding the job opportunities for safety in various sectors. Fire Demo was conducted in RLINS ground by the HOD of Fire & Industrial Safety to create awareness among the participants on handling of Safety Equipments. At the end of the program an Interactive session was conducted and the feedback from the Students who participated in the program was good and the program ended with Vote of Thanks.  The School Students Visit is successfully completed with a great positive impact in the minds of the students and the faculty members of the school. We have received an overwhelming Response from the school Students. Totally 15 students participated in this program.

Association Meet-KalaiSaral

On 26 November 2019, KalaiSaral, the Association Meet was held by the Department of Computer Science. This provided a good platform for the students to develop their skills. The students of I and II year of B.Sc CS took part in this event. The program started at 11am with the Prayer Song followed by the welcome speech, delivered by Mr. Prem Kumar of II B.Sc CS.

Mrs. N. Anuradha, Head of Computer Science department, appreciated the students who dedicatedly organized this event, and also motivated them to participate in such kinds of event. Ms. P. Stella Grace, Asst. Prof of Computer Science department, encouraged the students to bring out their hidden talents.

Students who participated in TechTalk event and Peer Teaching Session were appreciated by the Computer Science department along with the students, who performed a skit in the Community Radio Shyamalavani. Certificates were distributed to these students.

Non-technical events such as Knowledge Boost, Look Me Merger Me, Brain Twister, Find Me, Doodle Finding, Hear It and On the Spot were organized by the students of II B.Sc CS. The students of I and II B.Sc CS enthusiastically participated in these events. The winner of this event will be announced at the next KalaiSaral event of this semester.

The Meet came to an end with the vote of thanks, delivered by Ms. R. K. Nagadivya of II CS. The students were able to expose their talents through this program.

Value Added Course (CompTIA Network+)

The Department of Networking conducted  a Value Added Course “CompTIA Network + Certification Training Programme” for the I BSC Networking students from 18.11.2019 to 25.11.2019. Senior Trainer Mr.Abdu Majeed from Vectra Technosoft Pvt Ltd , Chennai, trained the students. 26 Students got benefited.

MoU with Export Promotion Centre

ZEAL, BBA Association, Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai signed an MoU with Export Promotion Centre, Madurai on 25.11.2019. It is an apex body of the Tamil Nadu Chamber Foundation. The MoU will help the students in the areas of internships and placements. Resource persons from Export Promotion Centre may also be called for delivering guest lectures and seminars. This is an important milestone in the history of the Department of BBA. The MoU was signed between the Principal of the college and the Chairman of Export Promotion Centre in the presence of the students.

Diploma in Banking and Finance

Diploma in Banking and Finance (DBF) Examination conducted by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF BANKING AND FINANCE (IIBF) is a desirable qualification along with other prescribed entry level qualifications for recruitment in the officer cadre. As part of their curriculum, the  Students of III B.Com B&I are prepared to appear for this examination every year. This year our students appeared for the examination in Trichy Engineering College, Konali, Trichy. The examination was held for three days 13.11.2019, 17.11.2019 and 24.11.2019. On all exam days the students commuted from Madurai to Trichy in our College Bus. Students and Parents felt happy and thanked the Management for their support. We are very happy to inform that Mr.Alfred Wesley Pinku of III B.Com has cleared all the papers successfully. It is also heartening to note that Many of our students were able to clear one or two papers.