The department of Computer Science conducted the inaugural of the Techie Quest club online on 21st,October 2020 through Google Meet and Google Classroom.Students from various departments participated in the inauguration. The session started with the welcome address. Mrs.J.Varalakshmi, Event Coordinator, Dept. of CS delivered the felicitation address. She shared many concepts regarding the importance of information security. She, also, encouraged the students to participate in club activities and develop their skills in Cyber Security. Mr.K.U.Sastipriyan and Mr.K.Shyam Ruthan, student coordinators from III Year CS presented a topic on “Cyber Security-Challenges in Today’s World”. This session was an eye-opening session for the students from different domains.
Eco Club- Inaugural Function
The Eco club conducted the inaugural function online on 21st, October 2020 in Google Meet through Google Class room. Students from various departments participated in this inauguration. The student’s club coordinator Selvi. R.Meenakshi presented a topic on the need to protect environment. 42 students participated in this inaugural function.
Webinar on International Chef Day
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated “International Chef Day” via webinar on 20.10.20. First, second and third year MC&HM students (156 students) actively participated. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department gave the welcome speech; Executive Chef. Bala Kaliyamoorthy, Royal Caribbean International Cruise lines – Miami, Florida, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Food and Food Safety, Food Contamination, Buffet Steward Duties and Responsibilities and the Documents required for joining the Shipping Company. He also spoke about the Safety Drill practices followed in ships. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the fifth Mentor Meeting for the Odd Semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 16.10.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors. The III year mentees shared their peer teaching experience with their juniors. Mentees were told as to what causes stress and how to overcome it. Students shared their experience regarding how they handled stressful situations in various scenarios. The video in the following link was projected to the students as a remedy for stress
Mr.SuriyaKumar.A.H.B – 20227 of I B.Sc CS(SSS) explained C Programming to 49 students of I B.Sc CS(SSS) through Google Meet. He taught his peers, the branching statement in C language , “if else” statement. He demonstrated using various examples, in a practical manner. The students clarified their doubts and the session was very interactive.
Mentor Meeting Report
The Department of Networking conducted an Online Mentor Meeting on 16-10-2020 (Friday) at Linux Lab. Mr M.Athigopal, Head of the Department met his mentees between 11.50 AM and 12.40 PM. During the mentor meeting, students shared their difficulties and grievances with the mentor.
Webinar on World Food Day
The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized and celebrated “World Food Day” via webinar on 16.10.20. First, second and third year MC&HM students (156 students) actively participated. Mr.C.Sureshkumar, Head of the Department gave the welcome speech; Executive Chef. Anand Vijayakumar, Royal Caribbean International- U.S.A, addressed the students and spoke about the importance of Food and Food Safety, Food Contamination, Modern Buffet Presentation techniques and ways to satisfy the customers with food. Mr. Gangadharan, Asst.Professor delivered the Vote of Thanks. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students, besides, making it a memorable experience.
Readers Hub-Essay writing competition
The Readers Hub of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science organized Essay writing competition on 15th, October 2020 through online. Twelve students participated in this competition . Students from various departments registered their names and participated in the event successfully.
Conveners of this event, Mr.Senthil kumar and Ms.Sridevi, Assistant professor, Department of English represented the event and evaluated the essays of the Students. Score sheet was also given to the evaluators, the conveners and members.They awarded the marks based on the Content and presentation style.
After the successful completion of the event, the convener and the member of the competition awarded the marks based on their performance.
Finally the competition ended and the participants were appreciated for their wonderful involvement. 12 students participated in the competition and the names of the winners were declared. Students were motivated to take part in larger number in future.
On behalf of the Department of CS, the fourth Mentor Meeting for the odd semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted online on 09.10.2020 in the Academic Lab-1 and Academic Lab-II at 11.50 AM. All mentors in the department met their mentees separately through Google Meet and Google Classrooms. Since the mentor mentee composition is updated in every academic year, all the mentors asked the mentees to introduce themselves in the meeting. Mentees shared their achievements, their grievances and various personal problems faced by them with their mentors.
Pledge on COVID-19
National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College appropriately conducted the event entitled ‘Pledge on COVID-19’ on 8th October 2020 to prompt and ascertain a promise against the pandemic. The event was held through google meet (The link for the event is between 11.15 a.m and 11.45 a.m. 38 NSS Volunteers, RRC volunteers and Program Officer took the pledge to aggressively fight against COVID 19.