The Department of Visual Communication conducted a webinar on Ethics of News Reading for the students of 2nd and 3rd B.Sc Viscom and 2nd M.Sc Viscom from 26.05.2020 to 31.05.2020.A total number of 59 students participated in the webinar. The expert, Ms. Priyadarshini, an alumna of the department, went all out of her way in covering all important aspects of News Reading, with the sole purpose of enabling students in joining News channels and taking up anchoring jobs. She elaborated on various topics such as screen face, acting skills, etc. The students got due exposure on the topics mentioned earlier.

Ms. Priyadarshini also spoke of her time as a student in the department of Visual Communication, SLCS and said that she had complete focus on her career even when she was studying. Presently she is working in renowned television channels as an actor.

The webinar was a 5-day package given to the students.  The webinar was welcomed by the students of the department, especially during the Corona pandemic period. The students requested to conduct a number of similar events.


The Department of Computer Science and  Devspark IT Solutions, Bangalore jointly organized a Webinar on “Blockchain Technology” for the  II and III year students of Computer Science and the  faculty members from 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. Mr.Nagakumar , CEO, Devspark IT Solutions was the trainer. All students and four faculty members participated in the webinar that was conducted through Youtube LIVE Stream. The first session started on 28.05.2020, between 9.30 am and 10.30 am, with the introduction of Blockchain, and its features. The second session was conducted on 29.05.2020 between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Types of Blockchain, Blockchain Mining Algorithms and Key Terminologies were explained by the trainer. Finally in the third session conducted on 30.05.2020 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, Blockchain Architecture, Applications and Security features were explained. In all the three sessions the students and faculty members raised their queries through LIVE Chat and clarified their doubts. This Webinar was useful for the students to understand the technical aspects of Blockchain Technologies and of great help for the faculty members in  their research work. Totally 64 students got benefited through this program.


The Department of Computer Science and  Devspark IT Solutions, Bangalore jointly organized a Webinar on “Blockchain Technology” for the  II and III year students of Computer Science and the  faculty members from 28.05.2020 to 30.05.2020. Mr.Nagakumar , CEO, Devspark IT Solutions was the trainer. All students and four faculty members participated in the webinar that was conducted through Youtube LIVE Stream. The first session started on 28.05.2020, between 9.30 am and 10.30 am, with the introduction of Blockchain, and its features. The second session was conducted on 29.05.2020 between 9.30 am and 10.30 am. Types of Blockchain, Blockchain Mining Algorithms and Key Terminologies were explained by the trainer. Finally in the third session conducted on 30.05.2020 from 9.30 am to 10.30 am, Blockchain Architecture, Applications and Security features were explained. In all the three sessions the students and faculty members raised their queries through LIVE Chat and clarified their doubts. This Webinar was useful for the students to understand the technical aspects of Blockchain Technologies and of great help for the faculty members in  their research work.

Webinar on “Covid -19 Guidelines for Food Handler

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Webinar on “Covid-19 – Guidelines for Food Handler” on 29.5.2020, for the students of second and third years (123 students). Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. DR. PASUPATHY VENKAT, Diamond Trainer of FOSTAC Chennai was the resource person for this webinar.

The Chief Guest expounded the Generic preventive measures to be followed by Hoteliers, such as, mandatory wearing of masks for the employees, washing of hands with soap for at least 20 seconds, strictly prohibiting spitting, installing the Aarogya Setu App, restricting the number of people using elevators, and making available hand sanitizers for the use of guests in the reception. The staff and students supported the webinar in making it a grand success.

Webinar on Application of Machine Learning in Banking

Department of Commerce B.Com B&I organized a “Webinar on Application of Machine Learning in Banking”    for the II and III year students of  B.Com B&I on 22-05-2020. The programme started with the welcome address rendered by Mrs. V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department.  Dr.G.Krishnamoorthy B.Tech, M.E., MBA, Ph.D., Founder, Sri Technologies, Dindigul – the resource person, delivered his lecture through google meet. In his lecture he elucidated the significane of Machine Learning and its application in the Banking sector.  Around 90 students participated and got benefited through this online session.

Webinar on COVID19 – Impact on Banking Sector in India

Department of Commerce B.Com B&I organized a “Webinar on COVID19 – Impact on Banking Sector in India” on 18-05-2020. The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Mrs. V.Padmavathy, Head of the Department.  Dr.L.Eswaran Asst.Prof, Thiagarajar Arts College, Madurai delivered his lecture through Google Meet. He emphasised on the importance of  Digital Banking during lockdown period and the significance of computer applications in the Banking sector.  He, also, mentioned the current scenario and the difficulties faced in the banking sector. Around 100 students of B.Com B&I participated and benefited through this online session.


Mr.K.Jagadesh, a second year student of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, participated in “NCPCL Cooking Contest-2020” conducted online by Negamam Coconut Producer Company Limited, Pollachi between 5.5.2020 and 15.5.2020. Mr.K.Jagadesh, who actively participated in the competition won the Third prize and received a Cash Prize of Rs.500.   This motivated and encouraged not only Mr.K.Jagadesh but also the other students of the department.

Online Seminar on “Post Lock Down Opportunities in the Logistics Sector”

ZEAL, BBA Association of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized an Online Seminar, “Post Lock Down Opportunities in the Logistics Sector” on 09.05.2020. Mr.G.Rajamurthy, Director, Global School of Foreign Trade & Vice President, Export Promotion Council, Madurai was the resource person, who explained in detail the future opportunities available for India in the field of Global Trade. He also highlighted the various sectors that would experience a growth post lock down. Students also had an interactive session with the resource person, which helped them to realize the boom that India is about to experience post lock down.

Eco Club-Awareness Programme on Face Mask

The Eco club organised a session to issue the face mask to prevent COVID 19 on 23rd, April 2020 in Google Meet through Google Class room. Students from various departments participated in this awareness programme. The students’ issued face mask at various places which is near to their residence and submitted it by write up. 15 students were participated in this Session.

Eco Club-Collage Competition

The Eco Club organised an Intra College competition on “Collage” on 13-03-2020. All the first and second students from various departments participated in this event. The club coordinator Mr.R.Dhamotharan, Assistant professor of commerce, welcomed the participants and announced the rules and regulations of this competition. Totally 26 students participated in this event. Finally, three students had been shortlisted for awarding prizes.

The prize winners are as follows

I Prize




II Prize




III Prize