On 03.08.2021, an alumnus of Computer Science Department, Mr.Suriya Narayanan (Batch: 2016–19), Senior Software Developer, Abservetech, Madurai interacted with III year CS (SSS) students (Batch: 2019-2022), through Google Meet. He emphasized the students to be updated in upcoming technologies in software development domain. He encouraged the students to develop the self learning skills and problem solving skills. He encouraged the students to utilize the resources offered by college in an effective manner. Also he informed the students to contact him if they have any clarifications regarding UI development.

SLCS – Samaaj seva – Extension Activity -“Share the Meal”

The Department of MC&HM inculcates social values and responsibility among the students community by involving them to participate in various extension activities on the title “Share the Meal” at various places in and around Madurai city.

Nine final year students from Marine Catering and Hotel Management has taken part in the programme they prepared and distributed two different variety of rice (around 40 packets of food) to the needy people. They also distributed free face mask and hand sanitizer at a nominal cost of Rs 20 to the nearby Thirupparankundram Panchayat, Madurai on 03.8.21.

The volunteers have been taking necessary hygiene precautions by wearing gloves and face masks and using hand sanitizers during food distribution.
We feel that as human beings, it’s our responsibility to help the most vulnerable amongst us in their time of need.

Webinar on “FCP Boot camp: Go From Beginner to Advanced”

The Medius Coronet Association of Visual Communication department conducted a webinar, FCP Boot camp: Go From Beginner to Advanced for its students on 02.08.2021. Totally 40 students (II B.Sc-12, III B.Sc-25, II M.Sc-3) participated in this event.  The inaugural session was started by 10:00 am. Ms. Susmitha from II B.Sc Visual Communication delivered the welcome address. Mr. Dhas Thanikachalam, Chief Guest of the day gave a lecture on Editing techniques. Mr. Babu Shajan Kevin, Head incharge, department of Visual Communication delivered the key note address. Ms. K A Sujatha of final year B.Sc Visual Communication proposed the vote of thanks and the event concluded with the National Anthem.

Editing techniques was the topic of the session, Mr. Dhas Thanikachalam gave an illuminating lecture on Editing techniques using FCP. The session was very beneficial to the students. They enthusiastically participated in this event and asked technical oriented questions, which were answered by the guest. The program was a grand success.

Friendship Day Celebrations | MBA E-Alumni Interaction

As a mark of celebrating International Friendship Day, every year 1st Sunday is celebrated as International Friendship Day. In this regard RLIMS MBA students celebrated the International Friendship Day with their alumni on 01st August 2021, Sunday through Google Meet, online platform.


  • Students of MBA Batch 2020-22 (II MBA, AY: 2021-22)
  • Students of MBA Batch 2021-23 (I MBA, AY: 2021-22)
  • MBA Alumni (Since 2000 till date)


The Department of Food Science and Processing Management inaugurated the Department Association in the name of “FAGAS” on 31-07-2021 in F26 room through this link around 12.00 noon. The association was initiated by the Head of the Department Ms.A.Sona. She addressed the gathering and announced the nominated FAGAS Association members. Ms. U.Jegatheeswari final year student has been elected as President, Ms.S.B. Krishna Nivetha, Second year student is Vice president and Ms.M.Atchaya, second year student is secretary of this association. Mrs.P.Deeplakshmi Assistant Professor explained the role of each member and other committee members with regard to future plans for conducting the Department activities through this association.  Totally 27 students were participated in this program.

Workshop on Online Quiz Tool – Socrative

Digital learning is replacing traditional educational methods in the present scenario as it is the need of the hour during this Covid 19 pandemic. It is necessary for the teachers to learn innovative online learning techniques and various digital to handle online classes effectively. Learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. They are able to identify what they need to learn via online resources and this increases their efficiency and productivity. In addition to engaging students, digital learning tools and technology sharpen critical thinking skills, which are the basis for the development of analytic reasoning. Students those who explore open-ended questions with imagination and logic learn how to make decisions, as opposed to just temporarily memorizing the textbook.

            ICT committee of SLCS in association with IQAC organized a Workshop on Online Quiz Tool – Socrative to all the faculty members on 31.07.2021 at Animation lab between 9:30 a.m and 11:00 a.m. The meeting was commenced with prayer song. Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep /Assistant Professor – MBA delivered welcome address. Dr. R. Sujatha, Principal delivered the presidential address. She advised the staff members to make use of the digital tool (Socrative) effectively after attending the training session. Special address was delivered by Dr.S.Priya / Dean – Academics and in her address she motivated the staff members to explore many more digital tools in the forthcoming days. Felicitation address was given by Dr. K. Archunan, Vice Principal. Mr. M. AthiGopal  /HoD- Networking  proposed Vote of Thanks. Technical session on Socrative digital tool was handled by Mrs. N. Anuradha / HoD – Computer Science. The session was interactive and she clarified the doubts raised by the faculty members. E Feedback was collected from all the faculty members after the training. Master of ceremony was done by Dr. D. Abraham Pradeep /Assistant Professor  – MBA. Members of ICT committee assisted the participants for the smooth conduct of the Workshop and the technical assistance was done by the technician of Animation department.

Webinar on “Scope of Bakery”

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted Webinar under the title “Scope of Bakery” on 30.7.2021 for the Eighty-five students of second and third years. Mr.K.Perumalkannan, Asst. Professor, welcomed the gathering. Chef .R.Kaaleeshwaran, Desotta School of Baking, Technical Director, Karaikudi was the resource person for this programme.

The Chief Guest, Chef .R.Kaaleeshwaran spoke about the way to start a new bakery unit, rule for Market a bakery product, nutrient value in bakery products, Usage of flour in bakery, verities of wheat flour product in bakery. This webinar gave an opportunity for the students to get the knowledge and skill in preparing different bakery products and it imparted the modern techniques of baking technology.

Peer Teaching

Peer mediated instructional strategies involve students working together on academic tasks in a way that promotes responsibility for their own and their partners’ learning. Ms.Naga Vinothini of III B.Com (B&I) handled the class on “Fundamentals of Business economics” for III B.Com (B&I). 59 students participated in this session.

Alumnus Interaction-Hospitality Higher Education and career opportunity in Canada

        The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management organized an Alumni Interaction for the second year (25students) on 29.7.2021. Mr.Yogeshwaran.M, an alumnus of the department, presently working as Room Attendant, ITC Grand Chola, Chennai , was the resource person. He created awareness among the students about the “Hospitality Higher Education and career opportunity in Canada’’. He spoke to the juniors about Master Degree Programs available in the field of Hospitality sector, eligibility to join the course and enormous job opportunites available in Canada. The talk was interesting and the students gathered information on the career opportunities and higher studies in abroad. Students also asked several questions at the end of the session.

Webinar on “Convert Guest into Loyal Customers “

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Webinar, under the title “Convert Guest into Loyal Customer” on 29.7.2021 for the Eighty-five students of second and third years. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Mr.M.Prasanna Ramanadhan, Front office Manager, Regency by GRT Hotel, Madurai was the resource person for this occasion.

The Chief Guest Mr.M.Prasanna Ramanadhan informed the students about the way to greet the guests, Handling the Guest Complaints, Role of Travel and Tour Assistance, night auditing, over booking, Telephone Etiquettes and also explained about handling the Guest reservations. He also gave tips on New Customers to Regular Customers. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students besides making it a memorable experience.