A Mentor Meeting for the even semester 2020 – 2021 was conducted on 19.02.2021 at F31 class room. All mentors in the department met their mentees at 12.35 PM. Students shared their grievances and various personal problems to their mentors. All mentors enquired about the grievances of their mentees.


The Departments of CS organized a guest lecture on Cyber Security on 19th, February 2021 for the students of I B.Sc CS (SSS) at the Seminar Hall. Mrs.N.Anuradha, HoD, Dept. of CS, introduced the Chief Guest Mr.Vivek, CEO, Ozone Cyber Security, Tiruchirappalli.

The Chief Guest delivered a keynote address on Cyber Security. He detailed the job opportunities available in cyber security in the IT industry and public sectors. He also encouraged the students to acquire CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) Certification, which according to him, will brighten the career prospects of the students. All together 52 students benefited through this guest lecture.

Chhatrapati Sivaji Birthday Celebration

Chhatrapati Sivaji Maharaj, the founder of the Maratha Kingdom’s birthday was celebrated on 19.02.2021 in the college premises by the Department of CS (SSS), SLCS. The celebration started with Mr.Roshan Britto of I B.Sc CS (SSS) welcoming the gathering followed by th Principal and the Dean-Academics delivering speeches to commemorate the life of Sivaji Maharaj.

The Department organized various competitions such as Elocution, Drawing for the students of I & II B.Sc CS (SSS). While the I year students attended the celebrations in person, the II year students participated in these competitions virtually. A quiz competition, based on the life of Chhatrapati Sivaji was conducted for the students of II B.Sc CS (SSS). Mr.Balamurugan of I B.Sc CS (SSS) delivered the vote of thanks. Around 94 students participated in the event.


On behalf of the Placement Cell, SLCS, a Placement Training Programme was organized on 12.02.2021, 13.02.2021, and 15.02.2021.The training was given in 4 sessions. The resource person Mr. P. Rengaraj shared his experience and explained various types of ships, ports and its services. Communication session was handled by Mr. Siva Kumar. He explained how to face interviews, general communication, error spotting, group discussion, and self-introduction. Geography session was handled by Mr. Meenakshi Sundaram, who explained about directions and shipping routes. As this session was conducted prior to the students attending the CMA CGM interview, it was very useful for them. Totally 20 students from the CS department attended the interview.

Total No of Students Participated = 57

Webinar on Amazon Web Services

The Department of Computer Science, SLCS and Accent Techno Soft (ATS), Coimbatore jointly organized a Webinar on “Amazon Web Services” for the II B.Sc CS (SSS) students on 15.02.2021. Mr.K.Santhosh Kumar, Social Media Analyst, Accent Techno Soft (ATS), Coimbatore was the trainer. Students participated in the Webinar, which was conducted through Google Meet. The session started with an introduction to Cloud Computing, followed by its importance.

The key terminologies of Cloud Computing were explained by the trainer, after which, the students raised their queries and clarified their doubts. This webinar was useful for the students, who got to know the various services of Cloud Computing. Totally 40 Students (15 Students from Networking and 25 Students from Computer Science) participated in the Webinar, which was conducted through Google Meet.

Webinar on “Amazon Web Services”

The Department of Computer Science, SLCS and Accent Techno Soft (ATS), Coimbatore jointly organized a Webinar on “Amazon Web Services” for the II B.Sc Networking students on 15.02.2021. Mr.M.Athigopal, HoD, Dept. of Networking, introduced the Chief Guest .Mr.K.Santhosh Kumar, Social Media Analyst, Accent Techno Soft (ATS), Coimbatore was the trainer. The Session was organized by Mr. J.Rajkumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science.Total 40 Students (15 Students from Networking and 25 Students from Computer Science) participated in the Webinar, which was conducted through Google Meet. The session started with an introduction to Cloud Computing, followed by its importance.

The key terminologies of Cloud Computing were explained by the trainer, after which, the students raised their queries and clarified their doubts. This webinar was useful for the students, who got to know the various services of Cloud Computing. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs.N.Anuradha,HoD, Department of Computer Science. The webinar ended with the students giving a positive feedback.


On behalf of the Department of CS an Orientation programme for the students of I B.Sc CS (SSS) ‘A’ & ‘B’ sections was conducted on 15.02.2021 at 09.00 AM in the Seminar Hall. The department HoD, Mrs.N.Anuradha introduced the subjects that they are going to study in the II semester and also informed the students of the faculty in-charges for each subject.

Students from the III year interacted with the I year students and oriented them about the facilities and opportunities in the department. The TechnoFest Association Members elaborated on the Association and the roles & responsibilities of its members.

Department Tour

As a part of the National seminar on “Innovative Concepts in Media”, Students from various colleges have taken the tour of Visual communication department. They have visited editing studio, sound recording studio, video studio and program control room. Mr R.Anbusathiyan faculty from visual communication department has handled the session. He has demonstrated different kind of lighting methods used in film lighting and he also explained about the course and the syllabus of M.Sc visual communication of SLCS. Students had hands-on training with light and camera. They also practiced the silhouette and cameo lightings.

Guidance for Higher Studies

National Service Scheme of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science conducted a guidance programme on Higher Studies for +1 and +2 students of Nadar Higher Secondary School, Madurai, on 13th February 2021. Various courses and its features had been highlighted among the students. The NSS Programme Officer addressed the questions raised by the students. 98 students were benefited.


The Department of Animation and Art & Media Club celebrated “World Radio Day” on 13.02.2021 (Saturday). As part of the celebration, a webinar was organized between 02:30 P.M and 03:30 P.M through Google Meet. The welcome address was delivered by Mr.V.Chenthil Kumar, Head In-charge, Department of Animation.The Session was handled by Mr. Somaskandamoorthy, Former Director of Kodai FM. He has vast experience in the field of Radio and helped the students to get a complete understanding of the Radio, its history, work process and significance. He advised the students to develop their writing skills and acquired the habit of reading books. He, also, urged the students to participate in the community radio station situated in the college premises, which in turn will help them to explore and exhibit their talent. Totally 77 students from various departments benefitted through this webinar. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr. Abdul Aziz Hakkim, Faculty- Department of Animation. The webinar ended with the students giving a positive feedback.