The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Department of Animation & Research Cell of SLCS jointly organized a webinar on “Research Methodology” in association with IQAC on 27.08.2021 (Friday) between 02.30PM and 03.30PM through the Google Meet. The programme started with a prayer song and the welcome address was delivered by Ms.I.Swethaof III year Animation. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Assistant Professorwelcomed the gatherings and delivered the felicitation address. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar,Head of the Department, BBA-SLCS was the resource person. The webinar covered the techniques from identifying research problems till writing a research Paper. The students were given an in-depth knowledge about the pipeline of the research, objectives of research, formats etc. He explained the concepts with the real life example which make the students understand very easily. The students interacted with the resource person and got cleared their doubts. Totally 60 students were benefitted through this programme. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Saravanan, Assistant Professor, Department of Animation.