The Department of Mathematics of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organized the teachers’ day celebration in a grand manner on 05.09.2021 in the college.On this special day, cooking competition was conducted with the support of the HoD, faculty and Students of  the Department of MCHM in the training kitchen of the college. Special menus were prepared by the staff members with zest and they really enjoyed the whole day.  The best contestants were selected based on the display of the food items, taste, variety and innovation.

As a part of the teachers’ day celebration, athletics events were conducted which includes javelin throw , Discuss throw and Shot put for both Male and Female faculty Members. The Faculty members were selected based on the best performance.

As a token of love and appreciation, Teachers’ day gift was given to both Teaching and Non teaching staff members by the College Management.

Student Participation – Virtual Cooking Session

Mr.K.Jagadesh, final year student of Marine Catering and Hotel Management, participated in a world record virtual cooking session. It was organized by Vasavi Clubs International District and Karur  Vysya Bank Limited, in  association with Vysya Sangamam,Tamilnadu. The Virtual Cooking Session was conducted on 5.9.20201. He got the Participant Certificate and the achievement was registered in Elite World Record, Asian Records Academy, Indian Records Academy and Tamilan Book of Records.

Workshop on “Web Development by using PHP”

The TechnoFest Association and the department of Computer Science organized a two day workshop on “Web Development by using PHP”   from 02.9.2021 to 03.09.2021.The students from II & III B.Sc CS (SSS) participated in the workshop through Google Meet. Compering was done by Ms.S.Abinaya of III B.Sc CS (SSS).Welcome address was given by Ms.R.Swetha of III B.Sc CS (SSS). The chief guest, Mr.Shaliya, CEO, Zerami, Chennai was introduced in the special address delivered by Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department, CS (SSS). She also explained the importance of learning PHP for developing Mini Project. Ms.K.P.Maheshwari, AP, CS (SSS) delivered the felicitation address and explained the purpose of conducting the workshop.

The following topics were handled by the resource person during the workshop

  • Introduction to PHP
  • Data types & Variables in PHP
  • PHP Strings , Numbers, Math, Constants, Operators, Looping Statements, Functions, Arrays
  • Database Connectivity.

The resource Person interacted with the students and also clarified their doubts. At the end of day 2 session, the II year students were instructed to develop a project by using the topics they learnt during the workshop. The III year students learnt several advanced concepts in PHP for developing their Mini Project. Feedback about the workshop was collected from the students and participation certificate was issued to the students. Totally 94 students participated in the workshop. The workshop was highly useful to students’ community to develop their Mini Project.

Webinar on “Feeding Smart Right from Start”

To commemorate “National nutrition week celebration, the Department of Food Science and Processing Management & Health and Nutrition Club jointly organized a Webinar  on the theme “Feeding Smart Right from Start” for the students on 01.09.2021 through google meet (https://meet.google.com/lookup/bffkmrhly2) at 9.30am in F26 classroom . To create awareness on the importance of nutrition among students Ms.A.ShivPoornima, Freelance Nutritionist, highlighted on organic food and its exploitation, iceberg phenomena, neophobia and food acceptance, food vs. habits and adult food preferences. Totally 27 students of II&III Year FSPM and 4 faculty members of our department participated and got benefited in this program. The session was interactive and the resource person answered all the queries raised by the participants related to the program. The feedback of the program was collected from the students and the analysis showed that the   program was highly informative to all the students

Workshop on Texture Photography

The II & III year students of Animation Department participated in a workshop on “Texture Photography” Organized by IMSK Industry on 28.08.2021 (Saturday) through the Zoom platform.

The trainer of the workshop was Mr.R.Prasana Venkatesh, Photographer (Award-Winning Photo Mentor Brand Ambassador @ godox India official and also Brand Influencer @ sonyalphain) coordinated the session. The workshop provided the students with the fundamentals of Photography techniques, and opportunities in the field. The students took part very actively in the workshop. They felt workshops like this will give them the right foundation and insight into future ventures and all the students gave positive fe­­­edback. Totally 75 students participated in the workshop.

Professional Training Programme on “General Safety at Work Place”

Creating a safe working environment is essential to provide safety training to our kitchen staff. Whether we improve productivity or meet compliance standards the professional safety training and equipment usage are important for all the staff members. The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Professional Training for eleven college canteen & mess staff members on 28.8.2021 under the title “General Safety at Work Place”. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Mr.E.Jacob Jebaraj, Asst.Professor, Department of MC&HM delivered the keynote address. He spoke about kitchen safety during the food preparation including hazard identification, sustainable working practices, fall protection, equipment and ergonomics, heat stress and fire safety. This training programme helped the staff members to enhance their skills in safety at workplace besides it was motivating and encouraging for all the participants who attended this professional training programme.


The Department of Commerce (Honours) ACCA of Subbalakshmi Lakshmipathy College of Science, Madurai organizes a value-added course on “Preparation of Financial Statements” on all Saturdays from 28.08.2021 to 11.12.2021. The course is resourced by Dr. K.Archunan, Vice Principal, SLCS. lecture was delivered on applying accounting standards and the theoretical framework in the preparation of financial statements of entities, including analysis and interprets financial statements. All III Year ACCA students participated in this course.

Webinar on “Research Methodology”

The D. P. Roy Choudhury Association of Department of Animation & Research Cell of SLCS jointly organized a webinar on “Research Methodology” in association with IQAC on 27.08.2021 (Friday) between 02.30PM and 03.30PM through the Google Meet. The programme started with a prayer song and the welcome address was delivered by Ms.I.Swethaof III year Animation. Mr.P.Kishore Kumar, Head i/c cum Assistant Professorwelcomed the gatherings and delivered the felicitation address. Dr.K.Rajesh Kumar,Head of the Department, BBA-SLCS was the resource person. The webinar covered the techniques from identifying research problems till writing a research Paper. The students were given an in-depth knowledge about the pipeline of the research, objectives of research, formats etc. He explained the concepts with the real life example which make the students understand very easily. The students interacted with the resource person and got cleared their doubts. Totally 60 students were benefitted through this programme. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr.Saravanan, Assistant Professor, Department of Animation.

Webinar on “Cold Cuts “

The Department of Marine Catering and Hotel Management conducted a Webinar, under the title “Cold Cuts and its presentations” on 27.8.2021 for the students (50) of third years. Mr.C.Suresh Kumar, Head of the Department, welcomed the gathering. Chef Ramu Butler ,   Chef cum Restaurateur “B at Bay” Kochi was the resource person for this programme. Chef Ramu Butler emphasized the importance of Larder department in five star hotel kitchens, Cruise liner and its function and way of storage of all perishable foods both raw and cooked. He also explained very famous dishes prepared in cold kitchen like Aspic, Mouses, cold soup, salad etc. In recent years, the demands for ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook products have been surging, owing to factors such as changing lifestyles. This webinar motivated and encouraged the students to understand the cold cuts besides it made a memorable experience for all the participants.

Webinar on “Cyber Forensics”

The Department of Computer Science (SSS) organized a “Webinar on Cyber Forensics” for III year students on 26-08-2021 through Google Meet. The programme started with the welcome address delivered by Ms.Deepthi of III B.Sc CS(SSS). Mr.S.Vivek, CEO, Ozone Cyber Security,Trichy was introduced in the special address delivered by Mrs.N.Anuradha, Head of the Department,CS(SSS). Mrs.V.Gayathri, AP,CS(SSS) gave a felicitation address and explained the purpose of organizing Cyber Forensics webinar.

Mr.S.Vivek, the resource person, explained the role of cyber security in Cyber Forensics domain and shared his knowledge about Cyber Forensics in real time. He further emphasised on the coordination of cyber investiagtor and the law enforcement team, various proprietory tools in cyber forensics domain.Finally the session ended with vote of thanks rendered by Mr.Pranava Kumar of III B.Sc CS(SSS).

Totally 41 students got benefited through this program.